Telling jake / chapter 31

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Erikas POV: I pulled up to the house and saw Anthony's, chances, and kades car. I'm assuming chad was there too cause he's always with kade. I shoved the tests in my back pocket along with my phone. I opened the door and ran upstairs before anyone noticed, all the boys were there, Mackenzie, Alex and Sarah was there too. I went back downstairs and stood behind the couch where Jake and Chance were sitting.

E: J-Jake
J: oh babe your back
E: we need to talk.
J: um okay what happened?
E: upstairs Jake
J: okay then.
C: she seems mad broooo
An: shut up they're gonna smash
E: shut up

Jake walked upstairs with Erika. Erika closed the door and locked it.

J: ooohh I see *smirks*

Erika makes a real serious face to him

J: are you okay?
E: sit down

Jake sat down on the bed and Erika sat right next to him. She reached over and grabbed the pregnancy tests from the table by the bed.

Jakes POV: I watched Erika reach over to the little desk. She pulled out a stick like things. I already knew what that was.

J: E-Erika?
E: So today, I took a little test, and um im pregnant.
J: a-are you for real? Is this a prank?
E: Jake of course not. It's real babe.
J: how many tests did you take?
E: 3 and they all came out positive.
J: erika.
E: do you hate me
J: of course not *pulls her into a hug* I love you. But do you think this is something we could have right now ?
E: absolutely not we have a whole career right in front of us
J: and I agree
E: Soooo?
J: are you gonna get an abortion?
E: I think th-that's the thing for us
J: we need to schedule it.

Erika cries in jakes arm

E: I-I'm just s-scare d
J: me too baby me too. But it's okay, we'll get through it. Together.
E: promise?
J: of course now come on. Let's go downstairs with everyone
E: I'm gonna stay up here.
J: okay well then let me kick everyone out and I'll lay with you.
E: okay.

Jakes POV: wow. I'm not as shocked as I pictured I would be. I love this girl and I really want to start a family with her, but not now. Maybe like 5 years from now. When we're actual adults. She was scared I could see it in her. And as much as I'm against abortions she has to have one. We can't have a kid. She can't show up to school with a belly, people are gonna make fun of her for being a teen mom. I think that's our last resort. One day. We will start a family. We will have a future. One day. It's just not today. I went downstairs and told everyone that Erika wanted to sleep so they left. Once everyone was gone. I got ice cream and two spoons I took the whole bucket of ice cream up stairs and sat with her on the bed. She seemed less worried now that she told me. I grabbed her face and kissed her so gently. I let go and she grabbed me and kissed me. We ate ice cream with the lights off and finished off the season of gossip girl. We were cuddled up to each other sometimes she would catch me staring. Wow I just can't wait until we start a family. How our kids are gonna turn out. How everything is gonna be. It must be good. But I'm okay with waiting. I'm thinking we could move out to LA or even calabasas in California. She looked up at me and kissed me. It wasn't no ordinary kiss, or was very passionate, more like an 'I love you deeply' kiss. It was strong. The senses. When she pulled back our eyes locked. Her emerald green eyes beamed out of the dark. Her soft hands were on my chest. Her cold ice cream breath was hitting my face. The only thing between us was the ice cream bucket. Erika moved it out of the way and placed it on the desk without breaking the eye contact. She kissed me. Once again. She held my neck as she laid on top of me. I grabbed onto her face and slowly closed my eyes as I kissed her. We were making out. I felt her tongue slip inside my mouth as I took a breath. Our make out was getting heated I felt her hands go up my shirt. She then pulls off her shirt.

J: Babe
E: hm?
J: are you sure?
J: doing it, you just got pregnant
E: it's safe. I know I read it online.
J: okay but if I feel something inside you grab my di-
E: Babe it's not fully made yet, now let's carry on.

Erikas POV: with that I kissed him again, this time he stuck his tongue in my mouth. I fully took off my shirt and he did the same. As he started going down to my neck, my hands went down his abs. Soonly made it down to his boner. I took it out of his pants and started giving him a hand job as we made out. He pulled back and started slightly moaning as I started taking off all of my clothes. We both became fully naked and I felt him starting to enter me. I let out a few moans as he fully enters me. I start riding him. He held my waist as he moaned in pleasure. I wasn't going too fast, nor slow. It was perfect. I was filled of pleasure. We flipped over and he was on top of me. He started thrusting in me. Making loud moans escape from my mouth. I hear him moan out my names as he goes back and fourth, in and out of me. I was staring at him. I could tell by his face he was enjoying. Then I would shut my eyes through pleasure. I pulled out and started eating me. It felt really good to feel his tongue swirling and pushing into me. He rubbed my clit making me cum in his mouth. It felt really good. He got up and went back into me for a while. After a while I was giving him a blowjob. I feel his warm sweet but salty liquid fill my mouth. I swallowed it whole. We lay there in bed panting.

J: I really love you
E: I love you too.

Erikas POV: after a while of cuddling he fell asleep on top of my. His bare chest on my bare back. His head on my head. His breath blowing through my ear. It was heaven. Under the cover our legs were pushed against each other. About an hour of just laying there I decided to get out of his grip. As I did he turned around in his sleep and snores away. I grabbed some of the covers to cover my chest. I grabbed my phone and tried calling out doctor to check on my pregnancy or to see if the tests were true. Of course it was like 2 am. So the doctor didn't pick up. I left a voice mail though. Trying to schedule it for tomorrow noon. I put my phone down and got back into jakes grip and slowly drifted to sleep.

The next morning*

Erikas POV: I woke up by the sound of my phone going off. It was my doctor. Jake was still asleep and the doctor said it was fine. Today at 12pm is our appointment to see if I'm actually pregnant. It was already 10, so I woke jake up. I put some clothes on and starting jumping on jake to wake him up.

j: hm?
E: wake up baby
J: okay okay I'm up
E: So last night when you fell asleep I called the doctor and got us an appointment today at 12.
J: let me sleep I'll get up later
E: Babe it's already 10
J: okay then I'm up I guess * laughs*
E: put some clothes on I'm going to make breakfast
J: wait no morning sickness ?
E: nope I feel fine. Anyways I'm gonna make breakfast.
J: okay I'll be down there in a minute.

Jake grabs some clothes and walks down stairs to Erika making breakfast

A/N: I'll update either later on or tomorrow

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