rape / chapter 49

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Erikas POV: he locked the door, he's gonna...gonna rape me. I could see it in his eyes. I drop my bag and my eyes get wide. He stares me down as he slowly walks towards me. I back up until I hit the wall. He hovers over me.

E: Blake?
B: shhhh don't say anything

He whisper into my ear. He then grabs my arm hard. He throws me on the bed and starts ripping my clothes off as I try to fight back, he pulls out handcuff out of his sweater and handcuffs me to the bed. I try kicking and hitting him but he was just too strong. I feel a few tears fall my face. I tried screaming and yelling for help, but he put tape over my mouth. Where the fuck did this tape come from. I really wanted Jake.

Jakes POV: I swore I saw Erika walk out of here right now. Eh, I got that off my mind and sat down with Alissa. We ate and talked for a while.

A: was that Erika who walked out earlier? *laughs*
J: I think so
A: is she following us ?
J: I don't know

We both giggle a bit. After a while she wanted me to take her back to her apartment, she said that her friend needed her, so I took her. I drove back to my apartment. Took me about 5 minutes to get up to it. When I walked in, I heard a small screech come from Erikas room, so I knocked.

J: Erika it's Jake

Erika POV: I heard the front door open and close, yes thank you god. Jakes back. Blake is actually fucking raping me. I cried and tried screaming but he was hurting me. Pushing down on my body, it was horrible. Jake knocked on my door. But then Blake looked up and looked at me.

B: I'm gonna take it off your mouth and your gonna pretend like everything is fine.
E: mhm

He whispers to me and he rips off the tape. It hurt, but he grabbed really hand on my leg to make sure I was "pretending to be okay"

E: what Jake?

I screamed a little.

J: are you okay?
E: n-...*blake grabs my leg harder* yeah I'm good.
J: Alissa is gone, wanna watch tv?
E: n-no it's okay.
J: okay well can I at least come in?
E: n-no.
J: why? Are you okay?
E: NO!

Blake then hits my face he whispers to me

B: shut the fuck up.

Jakes POV: it was weird, Erika never locks her door, and she didn't sound okay, she sounded like she was crying or in pain. When I asked if she was okay at first she said yes then she screamed "no" and I hear a small whisper of a mans voice. Holy fuck. Is Blake r-raping her? I started trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge. I started hitting it, and hitting it until it finally opens. What I saw made me feel bad. He was fucking raping her. She was handcuffed to the bed, he was on top of her hitting her. Abusing her. I ran and pushed him. I threw punches and probably knocked him out. He was left on the floor bleeding from his mouth. I had blood on my knuckles. His blood. He was naked on the floor knocked out. My mouth was wide open. I go straight to Erika and unhook the handcuffs. She falls to my arms crying. I turn on the lights and she had bruises everywhere. Her hands had gone purple. She was naked too. I've never seen her cry this much. After 30 minutes of her just crying in my arms. She finally talked.

E: he...r-raped me...a-abused me.
J: I know Erika it's okay, lay straight, I wanna see what he did.
E: o-okay.

I helped her move a little she she could lay straight. She had bruises everywhere, hands where a different color, legs were red. He also had cut her side a little bit. She was in pain I could tell.

J: a-are you on your pe-period?
E: n-no
J: why are you bleeding..from there then?
E: I don't know?
J: you need to go to the hospital...
E: what about him?

She points to Blake.

J: I'll call the police..tell them what he did, take you to the hospital and everything will be okay.
E: okay...jake I can't get up.
J: okay.. stay there I'm calling the police.

I get up, and call 911. I tell them that my "friend" was raped and I saved her. I also said she can't get up and we wanted him out of our apartment. I told them our apartment number and where we lived. About 5 minutes later the police show up. I put a little bit of clothing in her and they take Blake away, he was still knocked out. I went with Erika in the ambulance. Once we go to the hospital they made me wait in the waiting room. My hand still had blood on them, I was sweating like crazy, I was freaking out. Hoping she was okay. I didn't care about anyone at this point. I wanted to make sure this girl was okay. I was breathing hard staring at my shoes then the doctors came up to me.

Doctor: Jake Paul?

I stand up.

J: yes ?
Doctor: you could come see her now.

I follow the doctor into Erikas room. I sit right next to her and hold her hand, she smiled at me. God was I happy to see that smile.

Doctor: she has a sprained ankle, and a fractured thumb. Other that that she's good, we're gonna keep her over night. Also police might come in to ask a few questions.
J: thank you.

The doctor walks out and leaves us alone.

J: your gonna be fine.
E: okay.

I held onto her hand and stared into her eyes, she seemed so broken but happy. I love this girl and I just want the best for her. The police then walk in. I let go of her hands and three police men stand in front of her.

Officer: Hello, I'm officer Castro. Your Erika Costell?
E: mhm
Officer: and this is ? *points to jake*
J: Jake Paul.
Officer: okay Erika we're gonna ask some questions.
J: do you need me to go?
E: stay. Don't go please.
J: okay.

I sat down and listened.

Officer: okay so first, tell me everything that happened with you boyfriend.
E: okay...so his name was Blake, he showed up at mine and jakes apartment out of no where, he wanted to come in so I let him. He followed me to my room and he sat on the bed, he tried kissing me but I pulled back and didn't let him, I tried breaking up with him, and he said "I don't care I just wanted a sex doll" then he told me "not to tel anyone" I was confused at first until he gets up locks the door and starts walking towards me. When I realized what he's about to do I dropped everything and freaked out. He grabbed me, and pinned me to the bed I tried my hardest to get out, he was too strong, he handcuffed me to the bed and raped me. Then Jake came. Blake grabbed onto my leg really hard telling me what to say to Jake. Then Jake bursts through the door and beats him up.
Officer: that's all?
E: mhm.
Officer: okay, jake that's gonna be a small fine, but it's good what you did to help her out. Thank you Erika for being strong for us, don't worry about Blake for now he's locked up for rape and sexual harassment. Have a good rest of the day.
E: okay thanks.
J: thank you.

The police officers walk out. Erika looks at me with tears eyes and starts crying a little bit.

A/N: woah that was intense.

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