Break up again / chapter 46

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*skipped to December 31st.

Jakes POV: erika woke me up this morning by jumping all over me. We've been together for a few month already. Best time of my life ever since I officially got Alissa about of my life. Me Erika and Logan live in the apartment still. Today is New Year's Eve. We have like 5 parties to go to. Anyways, I got up and got ready. Erika also got ready. We went to go eat breakfast at the grove. We barely talked. It was weird, she was acting weird. So I tried making a conversation.

J: soooo... what'd you do the other day when you went out with your friends?
E: just hung out, met some people.
J: oh okay... ready to go?
E: where?
J; I don't know home?
E: yeah okay. Can we talk when we get home?
J: yeah of course babe
E: okay..

The entire car ride was silent. It was weird. She's never acted like this before. She didn't even let me put my hand on her thigh as I drove. Once we got to the apartment, we sat in the living room.

J: so what happened?
E: I was thinking....that we should se-

Logan barges threw the front door.

L: jakeyyyyy erikkaaaa come on everyone is at the bar waiting for you guys
J: wait what? What bar?
L: remember you guys agreed to come with me to the bar with everyone today. Chance and Anthony are here.
L: yes come on take your car tho
J: okay come on Erika.
E: okay.

Erikas POV: I had something really really important to tell Jake. I'm insanely scared too but I need to. I'm....seeing someone else. And I love the other guy. I love Jake too...but is the love even there still?
We arrived to the bar and everyone was there. Tessa was there so I hung out with her when Jake was with the boys.

E: tessa... can we talk privately?
T: yeah let's go to the bathroom nobody is in there.
E: okay.

I followed Tessa into the bathroom. There was someone in there, but that lady left after a minute.

E: so the other day, I went out with some new friends I made, Madison, Shannon, and Courtney. We went to the beach, then we ate dinner and watched the sunset together. But.
T: oh no a "but" Erika.
E: there was this boy. His name was Blake. And we kissed. I felt a connection real quick. We hung out the next day, I told Jake that I was going out with Shannon and them again, but I was really with Blake. And I have to break up with Jake.
T: Erika are you insane. Jake is in love with you, you helped him when nobody else was there, he's gonna be crushed. I thought jerika was forever.
E: I know, I love jake, I just don't feel that connection as much as I used too.
T: Jake is gonna be crushed. I think you should stay with Jake and leave Blake.
E: I wish love wasn't so confusing.
T: Erika I'm telling you, don't break up with him.
E: I'm sorry but I have too.
T: Erika, this isn't you, you know that your in love with him, when you first broke up with him all you did was cry, you were guilty and you regretted it. You know you love him, and you know that would be your biggest mistake.
E: *sighs* I'm gonna go out there.
T: don't do not now.

I walk straight up to Jake. My stomach is all turning and twisting as I walk up to him. He had the biggest smile on his face.

E: can we talk?
J: yeah what's up?
E: in private?
J: sure let's go to the back.

Jake walked in front of me to the back of the bar, nobody was there but you could here the music a little still.

J: so what happened.
E: I don't know how to tell you this, but we...need to see other..people.

His smile instantly went down.

J: wait what? Erika. Are you serious?
E: Jake I'm so sorry, I met someone.
J: so your dumping me for someone else?
E: Jake.
J: oh...okay.
E: Jake we could still be friends.
J: um..I'm going home.
E: Jake.

Jake walks out to everyone and leaves. I tried chasing him, I saw Tessa look at me knowing what I did I'm pretty sure everyone saw it in his face. When Jake walked out the door I froze. I made the worst mistake. I should've listened to tessa. Tessa started walking up to me. And I stood there almost crying. I ran to the bathroom and Tessa followed me.

E: I should've listened to you he's upset probably hates me

I say crying. Tessa holds me.

T: it's okay Erika it's okay, jake should be fine. Listen I'm staying for the rest of the week I'll be here with you.

I cry in her arms. The literally worst mistake I've made. I ruined New Years for us.

Jakes POV: when she told me that we should see other people, it broke my heart, was i not good enough for her? Did I do something wrong? Then she told me she met someone. So she basically is already dating someone else. Why would she do this? To me. To us. I drove back home leaving Erika, and I sat in my room alone. I grabbed my phone, went to my blocked list and unblocked Alissa. I was debating on if I should text her or not. But I did.

Texts with alissa*
Jake: hey Alissa. It's Jake. Are you doing anything today?
Alissa: JAKE! you finally answered. Listen I'm sorry for what I did. Can we be friends again. You could trust me. And I'm not doing anything, was gonna go back to Ohio to visit but I couldn't, so I'm available hate New Years anyways.
Jake: let meet up at Starbucks? I need to talk to you.
Alissa: yeah what time?
Jake: now.
Alissa: okay I'll be there.

Off texts*

Alissa's POV: when i saw jakes name pop up. I had a mini heart attack. I was never with some other guy. Well I was but I left that dude when Jake broke up with me. I don't know I just love Jake. I regret everything I've done to him. Hopefully Erika doesn't go with him, I never liked that snake bitch.
I start heading to Starbucks, I saw Jake in there sitting with two lattes. He was alone.

A: jake?
J: hey. I bought this for you.
A: my favorite... you remembered?
J: of course.
A: is Erika here?
J: um no... that's what I wanted to talk about.

Jakes POV: I do not want to get with Alissa again, but I wanna make Erika jealous. I mean, Alissa always will have a small place in my heart, but Erika over anyone and that's that. Alissa is beautiful inside and out. I loved Erika with my entire heart, and she chose some random guy over me. But she still wants to be "friends" god that hurt my heart, but maybe since were starting off our career it is better to be friends. I don't think I wanna be in any more relationships.
Alissa sat down in front of me.

A: are you okay?
J: um no.
A: what happened.
J: Erika...dumped me to be..with someone else.
A: aweee jake I'm sorry.
J: everyone's just be hurting me lately. And she said that, she would never hurt me, she said we were gonna be forever, but it really hurt me.
A: I'm so sorry Jake, I'm here for you, whether you want me or not. Whether it's friends or not I will forever be here for you.
J: thank you. Alissa I'm sorry I explode on you.
A: jake that was in the past when I made the bad mistakes. Don't take any blame for anything jake.
J: can we be friends?
A: of course.

Erikas POV: tessa took me back to my apartment, jake wasn't there. Tessa left. I went into my room and called Blake right away.

Blake's POV: my name is Blake Micheals. The other day I met this girl Erika Costell. She had claimed she had a boyfriend, but we still kissed. It was magical, I guess. The day after that we went on a date. I really like this girl. But I have another girlfriend. And I'm not breaking up with her. Erika doesn't know. I've heard of her boyfriend before, jake paul. He's a viner, he's pretty funny, him and his brother.  We had just go off the phone. She told me that she had dumped him and wanted me to go over. So I did.

A/N: I'm sorry for making y'all hate me lmao sorry about being jalissa back in and breaking jerika up. Hate me all u want lmao idc don't worry jerika WILL come back. I just ran out of ideas and idk I'm bored so why not lmao okay bye I'll update again rn

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