Feelings / chapter 3

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Jake gets there.
He knocks on Erikas door.
Erika rush downstairs and opens the door
E: heyy blondie
J: heyy Rik
E: no ones here but let's go to my room follow me
J: okay
Jake and Erika go upstairs and goes into Erikas room
E: okay so what you need help with
J: *laughs* actually I don't have any homework, well I do I just don't do it. I just wanted to come and talk with a girl
E: oh okay well then what's up
J: your like a bestfriend to me like Tessa and the other girls are sisters, your like my bestfriend.
E: awe
J: okay so Alissa , she doesn't like you not to be rude
E: eh it's okay
J: okay well we got into an argument , because she thinks I like you more than her but it's not true I see you as a friend
Erikas POV: Yup I kinda saw that coming even tho it hurt a little I knew he would say something like that
E: yeah
J: I just don't know what to do
E: well have you tried telling her I'm just a friend ?
J: no she walked out of my house
E: you guys were "hanging out" which means sex ?
J: well yeah but I didn't let her , she wants that too much and I'm not down for it all the time
E: oh , I heard you guys are gonna turn 2 years already ?
J: Yup next month.
E: yeah
J: I'll text her later when I get home I just need a small break from her she's always arguing with me
E: well sorry about that
J: no it's fine i don't blame you
E: uh Jake
J: yeah
E: the dance is coming up , are you guys gonna go as a group ?
J: oh yeah, and yes we are wanna come ?
E: yeah , you and liss gonna be okay ?
J: yeah we will
E: okay well when is the actual day of the dance ?
J: uh April 1st
E: okay well I'm gonna go get some water want anything to drink ?
J: nah I'm fine thanks
Erika goes downstairs and gets water
Jakes POV: erika just left downstairs to get water I got a text message from Megan, she says Erika likes me ugh. I don't feel the same at all. She's like such a great friend but I don't see her like that. I really hope she doesn't try to do anything to me I love Alissa and don't wanna hurt her.
Erikas POV: ugh why does he have to be so cute , it's like I want him in my arms but he don't feel the same 🙄 this is horrible ugh
Erik goes back upstairs
J: um Hey Rik
E: yeah
J: I got a .. text from Megan
Erikas POV: omg did Megan tell him, please tell me Megan didn't tell him please omg my heart is racing
E: yeah ?
J: she told me .. that uh you like me ?
E: listen blondie , I'm sorry when I first bumped into you I just thought you looked cute , then it slipped out when I was at Tessa house I didn't know Megan would be a big mouth I honestly see you as a friend too just don't be mad
J: *laughs* listen I don't care, not like to brag or anything but a lot of girls tell me this, but I'm with Alissa and you know I love Alissa, but usually when I become single which I haven't for almost 2 years, but girls always try to shoot their shot. But for now Erika let's keep it friend wise okay I love you my bestfriend
E: *giggles* sorry
Erikas POV: I know my face is like redder than a tomato ugh
J: don't worry , um I'm gonna get going see ya at school tomorrow
E: I'll walk you out
Jake and Erika walks downstairs. They hug.
E: sorry again and bye blondie
J: *giggles* bye Rik
He leaves.
Erikas PoV: how embarrassing omg. What does he mean "for now let's keep it friends" ugh Erika you made a mistake telling them ugh

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