LA / chapter 34

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Jakes POV: me and Erika decided to stay as friends. Nothing more. As much as I wanted her I can't. I could see she didn't care anymore, which really hurt. Anyways today is my last day here in Cleveland. Mine and Logan's flight take off in about 6 hours. I just finished packing my last things. Logan called and told me to meet him at the airport at 5pm. It's 1 pm. The flight doesn't leave until 7pm. We should make it to LA by the morning. Right now everyone is over at my house which is now Erikas house, saying good bye.

C: I can't believe your leaving.
An: I know bud we'll miss you
J: I'll miss all of you guys.
T: you know that Alissa is in LA?
J: I don't care anymore to be honest.
K: it's gonna be different with out you
Ma: Yeah
Ch: for real your like the most popular guy at school, all these girls after you. Yeah your gonna be missed
J: *laughs* we should all go get a drink before I leave
T: were all underage.

Jake pulls out a bottle of Hennessy from his bag.

J: I mean here
An: woo

Everyone takes a few shots accept Erika.

Erikas POV: today's the last day jakes gonna be here in Ohio. It's sucks. I really love him. We decided to be "bestfriends" I hate that. I want him. To be more than that, my boyfriend, my future husband. I just want to keep calling him mine. I'm taking him to the airport later on. Just me and him. I hate seeing him leave. I'm gonna go over there when I graduate. I need to finish school. I need to. When he's gone, I have to get him off my mind, so I've been talking to this one boy, nothing compared to Jake but it's just to take Jake off my mind. His name is Tyler. He has long brown hair. But he's not as good looking as my blondie. I feel like jake is gonna find some really hot girl out there in LA it's Full of them. Ugh.

They all drank and played around until it was time for Jake to head to the airport.

J: guys I have to get going
C: bye Jake we'll go out there at some point
An: yeah we will
T: bye Jake
K: bye brother
Ch: bye man we'll all miss you.
Ma: bye Jake seen you soon
E: come on Jake
Everyone: Bye jake
J: bye guys

Erika and Jake walk out the house and get into the car. It was a silent ride. Erika got off with Jake to watch him go up to Logan.

Erikas POV: once we got to the airport I walked with Jake inside. When Jake saw Logan, he started walking off.

E: Wait Jake
J: yeah?

As Jake turned around Erika kissed him.

Jakes POV: that was no ordinary kiss. It was full of love. Like of how much she was gonna miss me. It was very passionate. Very very good and nice. Then she pulled back.

E: bye jake.
J: b-bye rik I love you
E: I-i love you too.

Erikas POV: telling him I loved him again, after a nice long kiss. Was the best. When he officially walked off. A tear slipped from my eyes. I walked back to my car and drove back home. Everyone was still in my house. We all stayed up late, they all spent the night. Tessa was gonna move in with me so I'm not lonely. We all drank and blasted music. I couldn't get Jake off my mind. I then got a call from Tyler. He asked me out. I said yes of course. We had a date tomorrow. For lunch. I need to move on from Jake. This is right. I think.

Jakes POV: when I walked off from Erika. I felt like someone was holding me back. It was just my self conscious. I missed her. She's been talking to someone else I've noticed. But she kissed me. I loved that kiss. That kiss was a thing that never gonna get out of my head. We sat in the plane and I fell asleep. I had my headphones on and I stared out the window. I slowly drifted to sleep thinking about Erika. Next thing I know, we're in La. it's 2 am in California. I woke up to the flight attendant saying we have landed. Logan and I got up and stretched nothing was on my mind, I was just really excited to live here. We got out of the plane and waited for our Uber to get there. We got into out Uber and went into our empty apartment. All we had was blankets to sleep on. We fell asleep and woke up the next day at 11am. I woke up to Logan's stupid alarm going off. I turned it off and stretched out. Our water and electricity was already working everything was working we just needed furniture and a bed. I have 1 missed call from erika. I called her back.

Phone call with Erika
Jake: hey you called?
Erika: yeah just making sure you got there safe
Jake: yep. I just woke up.
Erika: oh okay, hey listen is it okay if I go on a date with someone else?
Jake: Y-Yeah why would you ask me, it's your decision.
Erika: oh just making sure
Jake: why you found some one new?
Erika: um yeah, is that okay?
Jake: of course anyways I'll call you later we gotta go shopping
Erika: okay bye Jake
Jake: bye rik
Jake hung up.

Jakes POV: we don't go shopping until later on during the day, I just got mad. A bit jealous I guess. She already found someone. She's telling me like if I care. Ugh. Since she found someone I need to find someone too. And post about my new girl all over Instagram. After a while, me and Logan did eventually go shopping. We got our mattresses. We put all of our clothes in our closet, alone with our other stuff. We had most things situated, we got a tv. And we got a couch. That's the most we got. I decided to go for a walk around the grove. Alone. It was pretty cool. LA was huge. There was so much people and I love it here. There was a lot of fans attacking me. I loved it here as I was gonna walk into star bucks someone stopped me.

??: JAKE?

Jake turned around and saw ....

A/N: I'm gonna update rn who y'all think it is ? 😉 don't worry later on I think he Story rik will come back 😚 that's all imma give yall rn

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