Pregnant ? / chapter 30

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Erikas POV: I woke up with the worst feeling ever. My stomach was turning. Jake held me in my arms. I got up to walk to the bathroom and Jake got up too.

J: Babe where you going ?
E: bathro-

Erika ran and threw up in the toilet. Jake chased her and held her hair as she vomited in the toilet. Erika got up and wiped her mouth.

J: Babe are you okay ?
E: I don't know. I don't feel good.
J: go back to bed. No school for you.
E: stay with me
J: I was gonna either way

They walked back to the bed and Erika fell back asleep right away.

Jakes POV: that was weird. She got up and threw up out of no where, I felt her forehead and she felt fine. She instantly fell back to sleep. I got up and made some breakfast for when she wakes up. I hate seeing her sick. After I was done cooking I went back into the room with the breakfast to find Erika vomiting again in the bathroom. I put everything down and went to her. I held her hair and helped her wipe her mouth.

E: I'm sorry babe
J: no don't apologize it's okay just lay down I made you some breakfast
E: okay thanks my stomach feels empty now and I want to eat everything
J: *laughs* okay well eat.

Erika ate some breakfast in bed. After she went to the bathroom to pee.

Erikas POV: I told Jake to go buy me some ice cream cause I wanted some. When I got out of the bathroom, that's when he left. I then realized I didn't get my period this month. Holy shit holy shit holy shit. Am I pregnant? Me and Jake been doing a lot of unprotected sex lately. I think I'm pregnant wtf. Should I tell Jake to get some tests? No when Tessa gets out of school I'll have her help me out. Holy shit I might be pregnant. I can't be. I'm so young. I'm not even 18 yet. Me and Jake can't have a baby. His career is barely starting. I want to soonly start mine. I can't. We can't. At least not now. Later in life but more than definitely not now. I need to calm down. I might not even be pregnant. I have to wait until Tessa gets out of school. Anyways I heard the door close, jakes here. I walked downstairs and see him with a bag in his hands he gave me the bag. I opened it and there was my favorite ice cream, chocolate vanilla swirl with cookie crunch. ( rip vine🤣💀) in the bag was also a teddy bear it smelt like chocolate.

E: babyyyy
J: you like it
E: yesss

Erika jumps and hugs him he hugs back.

J: So your feeling better ?
E: y-yeah guess it was just something like a morning sickness
J: what do you mean
E: I have no idea *laughs*
J: okay well let's watch Netflix

They say there and Erika ate her ice cream and snuggled on jake. They watched gossip girl all day.

E: I'm gonna go to tessas house
J: are you sure your feeling better ?
E: yeah I just need to talk with her.
J: okay that's fine I'll be home, the boys might come.
E: okay I'm gonna get ready

Erika goes upstairs and gets ready she texts Tessa. 👇🏻👇🏻

Erikas POV: I finished getting ready and went back downstairs, jake was still watching TV

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Erikas POV: I finished getting ready and went back downstairs, jake was still watching TV. I kissed him and left. I went to the store and bought 3 pregnancy tests. Then I went to tessas. I walked into her house and she took me upstairs.

T: so why didn't you go to school and what's in the bag ?
E: um... pregnancy tests.
E: shhh
T: are you pregnant?
E: I don't know. This morning I woke up vomiting my stomach out. Then I randomly start craving all this food. Jake bought me some ice cream. Then I realized I missed my period.
T: erika.
E: I didn't want to tell Jake because we're so young we cannot have a kid.
T: yeah I agree we're still in school you guys can't have a kid.
E: I'm scared
T: hey listen it's okay. Jake would still love you. Just take the tests.
E: thanks. okay I'll do it.

Yess and Erika walk into tessas bathroom. Tessa sits on the counter as Erika takes them. Erika comes out and placed the sticks on the table and waits.

Erikas POV: I'm really scared like I'm shaking. Me and Tessa were waiting for the tests to read. We sat there waiting for 5 minutes. Tessa held onto my hand as she saw the worry on my face. I looked down and saw the first test.

E: p-positive.
T: read the others.
E: they all say positive.
T: Erika congrats.
E: no this can't be right.
T: do you guys use protection?
E: n-no
T: then it has to be right.
E: oh my god.
T: are you okay ?
E: I think in going to vomit.

With that Erika ran to the toilet and let it out.

E: I'm sorry
T: no it's okay, rik your pregnant.
E: how am I gonna tell Jake ?
T: you have to tell him when you get home.
E: I'm scared, what if he breaks up with me? What if he wants to keep it and I don't.
T: Don't worry, Jake will love you no matter what. You guys are gonna have to agree to either keep the or have an abortion.
E: a-abortion?

Erikas POV: I can't have an abortion. And I can't have a baby. Maybe it will be our only option.

T: W-well that's up to you.
E: I'm scared tessa. I have jakes baby in me.

A tear escapes from her eyes she wipes it right away.

T: Erika don't cry it's okay
E: I'm sorry I'm just scared I don't know what to do.
T: listen, jake will love you no matter what. If you tell him he wouldn't be mad, or anything like that. I love you E and you need to tell him.
E: should I text him ?
T: absolutely not. You need to talk in person.
E: O-okay I guess I will, I'm gonna get going then. Thank you Tessa for everything. I love you.
T: of course I love you too E.

Erika left tessas house. It was still light out. Erika decided to stop by the hills and sit there for a moment to think.

Erikas POV: I stopped in the hills and sat there facing the sun. I sat there until the sun went down. I just sat there and thought. I cried a little bit. Jake even texted me asking when I'm getting home. I told him I was on my way. Ugh I love Jake so much. I just don't want him to get upset with me. I drove over there and noticed the boys were still there.

A/N: cliffhanger.... how do you think she's gonna tell him. In front of everyone ? Wait I'll post in a little bit 🤪

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