Friends? / chapter 1

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Erikas POV: I was getting ready for school, once I was done I ran downstairs, grabbed a granola bar from the table my mom left this morning, she works all day and night, she's a ER nurse. I grabbed my keys, my backpack and everything. I ran outside got inside my Jeep Wrangler and drove to school, first day and already running late. I get into the school and keep running until I bump into someone
Jakes pov: I was walking through the halls of the school on my phone, I was ditching class didn't feel like being in there. I hear the doors open and I see a girl running i thought she was gonna go around me but she didn't, she bumped into me and she fell.
(Jake=J. Erika=E.)
J: hey watch where your going
Jake sticks his hands out to help her up and she grabs his hand and gets up
E: sorry I was...
Erikas POV: omg he's gorgeous , his hair blows perfect with a small breeze he's literally perfect. Wait Erika calm down you don't even know the dude
J: was ?
E: huh? Oh sorry I was running late.
J: your the new girl huh ?
E: yeah
J: I heard your a model ?
E: Yep, what's your name ?
J: Jake Paul. Yours ?
E: Erika... Erika Costell
J: dope , can I see your schedule?
Erika hands him her schedule
J: we got 1st, 2nd , 4th, lunch, and 7th period together
E: oh okay then where Mrs.Bergons class ?
J: yeahh I wouldnt go if I were you, im ditching right now
E: why ?
J: she don't even teach she just talks about her love life witch is really boring, so either I sleep or ditch it, you wanna hang with me and my friends ?
E: oh and sure
J: well for now wanna just walk around
E: yeah I guess
J: So I usually ditch for 1st period none of my squad is in there so I just go on my own, but now I got you , we could just mess around in there she don't care.
E: *laughs* Imma call you blondie
J: oooo I like that , but just watch out for my girl
E: girl? As in girlfriend?
J: Yep
ErikaS pov: shit this is why you shouldn't call someone cute he has a girlfriend. How great.
E: why
J: she gets jealous, you got a boyfriend?
E: nope , your the popular guy here at the school huh, well besides the seniors
J: Yep same with Alissa
E: Alissa ?
J: my girlfriend
E: her name is Alissa ?
J: Yup Alissa Violet
E: oh okay , you gonna be here for senior year?
J: yeah my whole squad is , you ?
E: yeah
J: second period bell is about to ring wanna start heading that way ?
E: Yep
They start heading towards 2 period. The bell rings not to long before they get there. The whole squad shows up.
J: yo guys come here
(Alissa=A. Chance=C. Chad=Ch. tessa=T. Mackenzie=Ma. Kade=K. Anthony=An. Megan=M.)
A: hi babyyyy
C: yo what's up
J: hi babe *they kiss*
Ch: what's up
K: here
T&Ma:were hereeee
M: yo ?
J: guys this is Erika she's new and she's gonna be hanging with us now
T: hi Erika we're gonna become great friends right mac
Ma: Yup
Ch: you ain't hit
Alissa gives her a dirty look
They go into 2nd period together
Te: Hello new student?
E: yes
Te: sit where ever
Erika sits next to Jake and Alissa
Teacher starts teaching
J: yo this is my girl Alissa
E: hi Alissa I'm Erika
A: Hey
I'm to lazy to talk about the class so they're at lunch now
J: come eat with us Rik
E: okay I'm coming
They all sit at the table and just talk
T: So Erika wanna come over to my house after school with Mackenzie ?
E: yeah for sure is Alissa going ?
T: no she's usually "hanging out" with Jake after school
E: okay well I'll be there.
Everyone talks and gets to know Erika better, tessa and Mackenzie basically become bestfriends with her.
After school at the Bleachers
T: so give me your number I'll send you my address
E: (***)***-****
T: okay I sent it to you so just head over there
J: I heard the number too I'll text you later Erika
E: okay blondie *smiles*
A: Babe come on let's go to your house
J: alright see you guys tomorrow
E: bye
After that Erika went to her car and starts driving to the address
Erikas POV: ugh why does Jake have to be so cute. No shit he has a girlfriend what am I thinking. Today I got to know him a lot but I will sooner or later know him more better. I need to get him off my mind hopefully being with Tessa and Mackenzie gets him off my mind. Wait what did tessa mean by "hanging out" is she talking about sex ?

A/N: stay tuned I'm gonna upload in probably another hour. Let's see what the girl have to say.

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