Instagram / chapter 16

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Erikas POV: I woke up in jakes arms this morning, feeling safer than ever, I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to wake him either. He was so cute sleeping. I go on my phone and start scrolling through Instagram, it was just boring things, I was texting Tessa, Mackenzie, and Megan. Just spilling girl tea. Then I go to the explore page the first thing that popped up made me want to scream. I was right. Someone took a picture of me and Jake having sex. They posted it on Instagram. The caption said "Guess who's dick-riding @Alissaviolets Ex. That's right @erikacostell." It was a picture of me sitting on jakes dick. Good thing you can't see anything private, jakes hands were covering my boobs, and it was a little dark to see his dick in me. But you could totally tell I was riding him. The Instagram page name was @EastSideHigh_Drama. I couldn't believe it. In the comments , Alissa commented. She said, "snake bitch @erikacostell" I started crying and I got out of jakes arm.

Jakes POV: I woke up to Erika getting out of my arms, I then noticed she was crying. I grabbed her arm before she walked into her bathroom, tears were falling down her face, she was shaking, and I could tell she was scared.

J: Babe what wrong
J: Babe talk to me
E: I was right jake
J: what do you mean ?

Erika pulled out her phone and unlocked it. She went to Instagram and showed Jake the post. He took her phone out of her hands.

J: w-what the fuck. Who did this.
E: I don't know

Erika was crying on jakes chest as he hugged her.

J: were not going to school today. Look how many likes it has. Over 300.
E: Babe I told you. Some one is stalking us.
J: don't worry babe I'm here it's okay
E: everyone knows we're dating, but exposing sex is horrible. I hate this.
J: Babe I understand. Come here. It's okay.

Jake hugs her and kisses her head. Jake looks around the room.

Jakes POV: how could they take a picture? We're upstairs. Someone had to get a ladder and crawl their way up to take a picture of us. Erikas blinds in the window isn't open, but one of the blinds aren't down all the way. Me and Erika lay down in her bed, I go on Instagram and find the page. I quickly comment "delete this" and report the account. Basically everyone has saw it. It's like pornography. Who would do this. This is horrible. We're so young, and they're exposing us for having sex. Erika is hurt by it I could see it in her. She doesn't want me to leave her arms. I look around the room once more and get up. Erika tries pulling me with her but I escaped and closed the blind. That one blind that just probably ruined my career. I'm famous. Fans saw that. Same with Erika. Her modeling career that she does. She has fans too, everyone just saw that. We wanted our relationship to be quiet from all the fame. We didn't care about the school, but our social lives. I put my phone down for 5 seconds to hold Erika and my phone explodes. People texting me, getting tagged in Instagram with that picture. Everything. And it sucked. Erika too. Our phones were exploding. Erika just looked at me knowing why her phone is going off.

E: Jake it's spreading all over social media.
J: I know baby I know. *sighs*

Texts* Team 10 Group Chat
C: Jake have you seen
Ch: yo guys
T: omg Erika Jake
Ma: have you guys seen what happened.
An: y'all need to answer
M: yeah it's going everywhere
K: this is horrible I feel bad for Erika and Jake
C: y'all just got exposed sorry guys
J: okay we know we're not going to school today, we're trying to figure this out. Erika isn't dealing with it well. Stop texting.
An: sorry man
Ma: be safe
K: yeah hope y'all are okay
Off texts with group chat*
Texts with Logan*
L: little brother
L: Jakey
L: have you seen?
L: your exploding man
L: you and your girl
J: I know. Stop texting. Erikas not dealing with it well.
L: sorry
Off texts with logan*
Texts with Alissa *
A: hey snake bitch when did you become a porn star
E: stop Alissa.
A: stop fucking my boyfriend
E: Can you fucking stop texting me and leave me alone. Me and Jake are trying to figure this out. You guys are horrible. Stalking me like bitch what. Get the fuck out of mine and my boyfriends life.
A: okay bye bye snakey
Off texts*
Text team ten groupchat*
E: stop texting please.
Off texts*

E: ugh babe everyone's seen.
J: I know. Listen we will get through it. Report all accounts that are posting it on Instagram. Who's cares if they're fans.
E: there's too much.
J: try baby

Erika and Jake stay at Erika house trying to figure it out. Erika stops crying. Rest of the day they just cuddle together they didn't go outside once today, and they didn't eat. They were worried.

E: babe who's this stalker ?
J: I feel like it has to do with Alissa. If not someone who wants something from us.
E: ugh this is horrible. Drama alert? Who's that ?
J: his name is like keem star or something why?
E: because that's all he's talking about on YouTube.
J: ugh that guy is famous.
E: there goes our career.
J: it's ok baby girl. Listen I know it hurt. I know it's sad. And I know its scary. But we will get through this.
E: now that I know people are stalking us, I'm not comfortable doing anything. Not even sleeping.
J: and I understand that. Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you. Everything is gonna be fine.

Erikas POV: I only feel safe with Jake. I don't want any family to see what that person posted. Which I'm pretty sure most have, that's all me and Jake have been tagged in for like the past hour or 2. I don't ever want to leave me house. Cause I know the second me and Jake leave. We're gonna be swarmed by paparazzi. And fans. I can't deal with this anymore I wish it never happened. Who could it be. Alissa? Maybe Abigail. Maybe just random stalkers. I'm just scared. I don't know if me and Jake are gonna go back to school tomorrow, but all I know is that I don't wanna go back at all, but we have to at some point.

J: calm down babe I could see that your freaking out.
E: of course I am, Babe I can't take it off my mind. Every time I open my phone that's all I see. People texting me it, getting tagged on Instagram. I have no idea how your calm, you have way more followers, way more fanpages-

Jake kisses her. To shut her up. He was so worried it was at a point where he want to break down. And not get back up. But he stayed strong for Rik. He knows how heart broken she is about it, he wants to keep her head up. He pulls back from the kiss.

J: don't worry babe we're safe now. Turn off your phone. Don't focus on that. All the blinds are closed. And we're safe now okay.
E: okay. Babe can you stay with me like forever?
J: I would. More than definitely. But I don't have any more clothes I have to go get some from my house then I'll come back.
E: no no no I'm coming with you. I don't wanna be alone at all.
J: I'm gonna use the bathroom then we could go get some clothes from my house.
E: okay wait can I come inside the bathroom with you.
J: Babe ? I just need to pee you'll be fine out here *laughs*
E: okay, don't close the door all the way.

Jake walks into the bathroom. Doesn't close the door and uses it. When he gets out Erika and him start walking down stairs until Erika mom says something

Em: hey Erika come here.

Jake and Erika looked at each other and walked to Erika mom

Em: what's this?

Erikas mom shows Erika the post.

E: mom people are stalking us and they took that when we were alone, and I'm scared and that's all that's on Instagram. I'm getting texts and I'm scared mom.

Erika balls her eyes out as she says that

J: I-I'm sorry Angel we didn't know how someone could take a picture like that. I would never let any one take pictures of us.
Em: it's okay guys , there better be protection used *laugh*

Erika and Jake laugh

E: were going to jakes house, we'll be right back.
Em: okay guys be very careful. I have to head to work again. See you guys tomorrow.

Erikas mom hugs them both. Jerika walks out the house and goes into jakes car. They drive to jakes house. Once they stop at a stop light people with huge camera start coming to the car. Jake gets out of there as quick as possible. They get to jakes house and Logan tells them.

L: did you see -

Jake death stares him

L: okay okay sorry
J: I'm getting clothes, I'm staying at Erika house for a few days.
L: okay well tell mom cause shes gonna be worried.
J: I turned off my phone you tell her and tell her I'm safes
L: okay well go do your thing then.

Jake and Erika go upstairs and get jakes clothes. Once they're done they get out of there and go back to Erikas.

A/N: I'll update later. Who do you think the stalker is ?

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