Graduation / chapter 37

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Erikas POV: tonight is graduation. I just couldn't wait to graduate. Tomorrow I'm flying to LA hoping to see Jake again. We lost contact over the past month. I think he either blocked me or changed his number. He answers literally none of my calls, or texts. But he posts with Alissa like crazy. I don't know where in LA he lives. But I'm going on my own. Anyways for graduation me and Tessa went home to our parents. My mom actually seemed proud of me for once. It's still not like 3 more hours until I have to be there. I just wish I was still with Jake. I haven't been with anyone. I really loved him. I broke up with me it was all my fault. It's like I made Alissa and Jake fall back with each other. Alissa made a Vine account. I saw it. She's a model. And she's a viner now. That could've been me. 🤦🏻‍♀️ as I was saying, I'm super nervous, but excited to graduate. I'm not giving no speech or anything, it's just I'm gonna miss Highschool. So much memories were made. Especially with Jake. Sucks he's not here to graduate with me. I need to get my mind off of him for now. Tessa told me what she was gonna wear, she had this really cute dress. All I got is some stupid short dress. It's been hard keeping my money up without Jake. Not that I was using his money or anything. He just boosted me I guess. But it's whatever. I just miss Jake and can't wait to see him again one day.

Em: hey Erika do you wanna go eat after you know, graduate ?
E: really ?
Em: yes
E: okay yeah thanks mom
Em: of course. I just want to let you know, that I love you, I always had, and if I made it seem like I hated your guts, well I don't. Your my world and I'm proud of you honey.
E: awe thanks mom I love you too
Em: *laughs* now if I were you I would start getting ready it's not that long until you have to get there
E: *laughs* oh right.

Erika went to her old room and got ready. Her cousin Loren, is a makeup stylist so she did her makeup and hair. Erika also got her nails done. All she needed on was her cap and gown. Once she put it on her mom started driving her to the school where they were gonna graduate. Erika left her mom and went with her friends. Everyone was there and they started walking in. The whole audience was clapping for every student that sat down. Then after almost 30 minutes of people giving speeches they started calling names.

Jakes POV: today was the day of graduation back in Ohio. My boys are graduating, and Erika is too. I'm glad she made it that far and decided not to drop out of school. I didn't know when they were graduating or when it was down but I wanted to call Chance and try to talk to everyone. I lost contact of most of them. But Erika. I blocked her. I know it sounds rude, but she's always calling and texting like crazy. Alissa made me. It was like a no choice situation. Sometimes I unblock her and read the texts when Alissa isn't around. Erika is always talking about how she misses us. She said she's moving to LA. Of course I never responded to any of them cause Alissa would notice. I just can't believe she's coming to LA I can't wait to see her. But where is she gonna live? LA is such a huge place. I just know we'll bump into each other one day. I just can't wait for that day. Wait do I miss Erika? I can't I'm with Alissa. But Erika helped me with Alissa in the past. Ugh I hate feelings.

Erikas POV: once I heard "Erika Costell" I completely froze in thought for half a millisecond. Just thought quickly of how life's gonna be without going to school everyday. I walked up stage and shook the men's hand. Everyone was clapping and screaming. It just felt weird to be out of Highschool that fast. Soon after everyone's name was called. It was time to throw our caps up. When u let go of it. It was like whole new rik. A whole new chapter to my life. Time leave Highschool. After Chance walked off a little bit while on the phone. He passed it to everyone accept me. I didn't care. When he hung it up I asked.

E: who was that?
C: jake why
E: wait jake called and talked to all of you guys?
C: umm yeah
E: oh okay well I think I should go back to my family.
C: okay bye
E: b-bye.

Erikas POV: I walked away from everyone and thought. Why would jake not want to talk to me . He talked to everyone accept me. It was weird he didn't even want to congratulate me. I'll but anyways I left with my family and we ate. Once I got home I grabbed everything, stay up all night and left. I had got a very small apartment in LA and I left in the morning. Like nothing I told no one. I just poofed away.

A/N: I'll update later I didn't get sleep last night lol

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