Party / chapter 20

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Jakes POV: me and Erika got to the store and got a lot of food, drinks, and cups. Once we were at check out I asked for some Hennessy, Jack Daniels, and much more. I showed them my fake ID and they fell for it. Me and Erika went by to our house and set everything up. Then one of Anthony's friends got us the weed. We didn't even need the ID. We went back home and got everything ready, we put everything that we didn't want anyone to break away in our room. We have this thing on our door, where you have to put a code to get in. So when we were done getting ready, we set up the music. We had everything done already. Just about another more hour until everyone starts showing up.

J: how much people do you think are gonna show up?
E: I don't know. Maybe like 40?
J: well let's hope it's not like 100 people.
E: yeah, I love you daddy
J: you've been calling me that all day *laughs* not that I mad at it
E: I like calling you that.
J: even in front of people?
E: I don't mind.
J: *laughs* I love you too babygirl.
E: I just really hope you don't fall into another girls arms.
J: I more than definitely won't.
E: okay
J: but if anything happens, we need a code word like say if someone tries to grab you, just say that word and I'll come to you.
E: okay what's it gonna be?
J: how about roses ? Just so it's confusing for the other people
E: I like it.
J: good so if something happens what you gonna say ?
E: roses
J: good and I'll do the same.
E: okay daddy

They hug. The door bell rings and people show up. There's literally so much people. They didn't expect this much people to come. The lights were off, and there was like blue and purple lights going around everywhere. There was people outside smoking. There was people inside dancing. There were people drinking and getting drunk. There were people making out in the couches. So many things were going on. Jake and Erika were dancing together. Grinding on eachother, normally dancing. So much stuff was going on. They had to scream to talk to eachother. Music was loud.

J: Babe *screams to erika*
E: Yeah ? *screams back*
J: want a beer ?
E: um no I'm fine with mine I'm not done yet
J: okay imma go get more for me.
E: okay remember roses.

Jake walks off. And grabs another beer, soon he bumps into Abby. While Erika is still dancing.

Ab: oh hey Jake
J: hey
Ab: you and Erika doing good ?
J: yeah we're fine why ?
Ab: just asking.
J: oh okay well imma go to her
Ab: wait.
J: yeah ?
Ab: you know I'm pretty sure Erika hates me
J: oh I don't know.
Ab: she's gonna hate me more.
J: why ?

Erikas POV: I was dancing, waiting for Jake to get back. Then I look over and see him and Abby kissing.

J: wtf ? I'm with Erika. ROSESSS.

Erikas runs over to them.

E: why are you guys kissing.
J: she kissed me Babe I wouldn't do that to you.

Abby tries to walk off

E: why tf you kissing me man
Ab: why tf do you care ?
E: cause that's my daddy
Ab: So ?
E: mine back tf off of him, he don't like you

At this point Jake was holding Erika back

Ab: I'm gonna fuck you up
E: not before I do
J: babe stop. Abby I don't see you like that. Don't mess with us.
E: that's right bitch
Ab: shut tf up.

Abby runs out of the house and Jake let's go of Erika

J: listen baby I would never try to hurt you, she kissed me she was telling me hat you hate her, I didn't care I tried walking back to you -

Erika kissed him.

E: I believe you babe don't worry. I love you daddy
J: I love you too babygirl.

Everything was still going on. They were like talking in eachothers ears but kinda yelling.

E: come on daddy let's go take some shots.
J: coming baby

Jake turns around to grab the shot glasses and someone is talking to Erika.

Random boy: ooou I could hit that ass
J: in your dreams. She's mine get tf outta here.

The boy walks off. And Jake and Erika smile at eachother.

J: here baby.
E: thank you daddy

The take shots then dance more. It got really late. People started leaving. Some people were passed out on the floor. Jake woke up everyone who was passed out and made sure they left. Jake locked all the doors. And went to sleep with Erika. When they woke up the next day, they cleaned up the whole house. Leaving it spotless.

A/B:updating again tomorrow, stay tuned

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