Meet up with jake / chapter 40

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Erikas POV: I was waiting for my phone to ring, then it does, it's not even Jake. It's my mom. Ignore the call and wait. It's been so long. I wonder if he's gonna call me. I suddenly get a call from Jake I quickly answer.

Phone call with Jake *
Erika: Hello?
Jake: hey rik
Erika: hi Jake
Jake: hey so do you have any experience being an assistant?
Erika: um no why ?
Jake: great your hired
Erika: wait so I'm your assistant all of a sudden
Jake: if it's good with you?
Erika: yeah yeah absolutely
Jake: okay good
Erika: so that's the job you were talking about ?
Jake: yeah, so is it cool if we can meet up again?
Erika: yeah definitely, where at ?
Jake: my apartment ?
Erika: yeah. Text me the address and time.
Jake: okay bye rik I missed you.
Erika: bye. And same.

Erika hung up.

Erikas POV: butterflies are all up in me right now. He said he missed me. Aahhh. I love him so much ugh. Assistant though? I don't wanna be an assistant. But I mean I'll do anything to be with Jake again. He didn't interview me or anything. I just got it right away, he must know that I'm still the same like a few months ago haha. He texted me.

Still riks POV: Alissa? Why would she want to talk to me

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Still riks POV: Alissa? Why would she want to talk to me. Doesn't she hate me? Cause i hate her too. Wonder what she'll call me for. I waited about 2 hours then I got a random call. The number wasn't saved, so it must've been Alissa so I answered.

??: Hey is this Erika ?
Erika: um yes is this Alissa ?
Alissa: yeah. Hey Erika
Erika: what do you need?
Alissa: I want to apologize for everything, I've always acted like a bitch. Controlling Jake to ignore you, calling you these names, always haunting you in Highschool. I want to be your friend.
Erika: how do I know if you playing around with me or not?
Alissa: Erika trust me, since your jakes new assistant, we're gonna be by each other like 24/7 . I just want us to be friends. Can we ?
Erika: oh okay, of course we can. Thanks for apologizing. I'm going over tomorrow jake told me to.
Alissa: okay thanks for accepting. See ya then.
Erika: okay bye.

Alissa hung up*

Erikas POV: what the actual fuck? Did Alissa Violet just become my friend? She apologized and everything. I always wanted to beat her ass, now we're friends? It feels so weird but I mean she's right, since I'm jakes assistant now, I'm gonna see her a lot. We can't forever hate each other. Isn't it gonna be weird for Jake. I'm his "ex" omg I hate that, but I'm his ex and his girlfriend used to be his ex. I don't know. It's just weird.

Alissa's POV: honestly I meant everything I said. I'm sorry for being so rude to rik. She's really pretty and she probably hates me but I really want to be her friend. Jake doesn't know yet. I'm gonna tell him.

A: hey babe
J: hey what happened ?
A: I just got off the phone with Erika.
J: whatd you tell her.
A: that I was sorry for being such a bitch to her. We're friends now.
J: okay good, my two favorite people are friends.
A: she's your favorite person?
J: and you.
A: but you guys are like not together.
J: we've always been bestfriends though.
A: oh right well anyways what you doing ?
J: I'm like doing a bunch of paperwork I have such a huge headache
A: can I make you feel better ?
J: not now, I have to get this done. I have to.
A: not even a break?
J: nope
A: well then I'm gonna be watching tv, could be giving you head but you know I'm just gonna be watching tv.
J: *rolls his eyes playfully* have fun
A: will do.

Erikas POV: I got up after screeching in my excitement for a few minutes and walked over to where Jake lived. He did not live that far from where I was living. The apartments were really really nice. It wasn't ghetto, it wasn't all trashy, it wasn't poor either. It was very high class. Look extremely expensive. But went up to where he was at. I didn't go in or anything, I just stood there looking at it. I left after a while. I just wanted to see where he was at. I went back home and got ready to sleep. After I took a shower I went to bed.

Jakes POV: I did a lot of paper work for Erika to be my assistant, I already knew her and all about her life. So I put everything in. After I took a shower and slept with Alissa. The next morning I woke up a little late. I woke up at 12pm. I realized the time and sung up. Alissa was still asleep. Erika was supposed to come at 1pm. I took a quick shower and got ready. I didn't want to look bad for Erika so I dressed good but normal you know. She called me telling me she was outside so me and Alissa went down to the lobby and took her upstairs.

J: hey Erika
E: hey Jake hey Alissa
A: hey Erika

They all hugged

Erikas POV: jake smelled so good. I missed hugging him.

J: come on let's go up.

Erika follows Jake and Alissa. Once they get up there jake opens the door and they all sit in the couch.

J: so your probably wondering why your here, I just wanna hang out.

Erikas POV: I gave him a weird look like if I was saying what the fuck. Cause that's the word we used to say. You know.

J: I mean like hang out hang out. Not, um
E: yeah um yeah sure I'm down to hang with you guys.
A: I'm just glad we're friends now.
E: yeah same.
J: so Erika
E: yeah ?
J: do you wanna go to the movies with me and Alissa
E: sure, when?
J: at 5
E: okay yeah.
A: we're all awkward
J: pfff I know.
E: maybe because of our past *laughs*
J: probably *laughs* so Erika where do you live?
E: um not to far from here, I walked, but it's just a small apartment I'm looking for somewhere else I hate that area.
J: you down to move in here ?
E: really?
J: yeah we got like one more room.
E: I'm down. I love these apartments. But when ?
J: any time
E: good maybe tomorrow or the next day.
J: awesome.
A: yayyy your moving in rikkk
E: *laughs* I'm just glad I could get out of that ratchet apartment.
J: if you need help moving your things out, well go help.
A: yeah just tell us
E: okay thanks guys.
J: of course. You guys want to go get lunch? On me.
E: everything is always and always will be on you jake *laughs* but sure
J: I'm just a nice person tricky rik
A: yeah let's go
J: okay then y'all ready ?
E: yeah
A: yeah

They get up and go to Taco Bell (as always)

A/N: it's getting boring lol sorry I'll update again rn cuz I'm a bored bitch

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