Offical again? / chapter 44

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Jakes POV: I couldn't sleep I stayed up all night thinking about our kiss/makeout session. She called me blondie so I called her babygirl. She then posted a picture of her eye and the words " ' baby girl🤤 ' " I knew she was talking about me calling her that again. I deleted all pictures with Alissa from my Instagram. I looked up at my phone and saw it was already morning. I slept for like maybe an hour. But I don't care. All that was in my mind was Erika. I walked into my bathroom and cleaned up. Brushed my teeth, took a shower, and put new casual clothes on. I walked out of my room and Erika was eating egg whites on the table on her phone. I slowly and quietly walked up behind her and scared her.

J: ...HEY...
e: *jumped a little* jakeee *laughs*
J: morning.
E: *puts her phone down* good morning
J: how'd you sleep?
E: didn't really sleep
J: same
E: Why?
J: thinking
E: same.
J: you got plans today ?
E: nope.
J: wanna go somewhere ?
E: where ?
J: it's a surprise.
E: hmmm... yeah of course
J: good
E: time ?
J: 4 ?
E: perfect.
J: okay well I'm gonna throw Alissa's stuff out right now
E: need help ?
J: sure

Erika finish's her food and puts her plate in the sink. They walk to jakes room and starts throwing it out the room and leaving it in the living room. Jake grabbed a photo of him and Alissa, and he ripped it in half and dropped it on the floor. They threw everything out leaving his room half empty.

J: thanks for helping.
E: of course
J: I'm gonna text her real quick

Texts with Alissa

Jake: if you not back in 2 weeks to get your things and leave, I'm taking it to the dump. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Alissa: okay. I'm gonna ruin your life.

Off texts

Skip to when it's 4

J: ready ?
E: yeah.
J: okay come on, by the way it's like a 30 minute drive.
E: I don't mind
J: *laughs* okay

Jake pecks her lips. They then walk out and go to jakes car. Jake starts driving. They play music to ignore the silence between them.

E: so where are we going.
J: just waittttt
E: oh my goddd *laughs*
J: can we talk about something while we head over there?
E: yeah what about ?
J: that kiss yesterday?
E: wh-what about it?
J: did you like it ?
E: y-yeah.
J: okay good.
E: did you?
J: of course. I needed you back in my life.
E: I never left.

Jake turns to her and smiles.

E: eyes on the road *laughs*
J: right

He looks back to the empty road.

E: wait in your assistant.
J: I just asked you to be that cause I wanted to be with you more.
E: really?
J: yeah, I need an assistant but I just wanted to be with you.
E: great cause I have no idea what I'm doing being an assistant and I only accepted cause I wanted to be close with you too.
J: *laughs* were almost there
E: were in the middle of a forest.
J: exactly

Jake drives for about 5 more minutes and they get there.

E: what's this?

They get out of the car.

J: follow.

Erika grabs his hands and they walk to the spot. The spot where only Jake knows about.

E: Jake. This is beautiful.
J: I've only been here once, but no body knows about this place. This is where I came yesterday. I love this place.
E: aweeee Jake
J: come on.

Jake sits her down On the rock he sat at. He sat right next to her and they talked for a while.

J: I was wondering something.
E: yeah ?
J: maybe do you... wanna be something again?
E: yes Jake. I do.
J: so like boyfriend and girlfriend?
E: yes.

They smiled at eachother. Jake grabbed her and kissed her. They rolled on top of eachother and made out of the floor.

E: I really really missed you jake. I can't explain how much I love you. I was gonna die without you.
J: same baby, I couldn't stop thinking about you. We almost had a future. And I love you uncontrollably.
E: I'm sorry I ended our thing between us. I'm sorry I didn't come either you here to LA. I'm really sorry.
J: it's okay, I understand you needed to finish school.

Erika kissed him again. They pulled back and sat there watching the waterfall.

J: how about we keep things to just us?
E: sounds good.

After a while of them sitting there and talking the decided to leave. They went back to the apartment.

E: I have an idea
J: for what?
E: us
J: okay?
E: lets go to your room.

They walked into jakes room and Erika closed the door behind them. Jake stood there staring at her, she took off her shoes.

J: so wha-

Erika grabbed his face and kissed him, he grabbed onto her neck and they made out she jumped on him and he fell on the bed, she was ontop of him. She tugged on his shirt letting him know she wants it off. Jake pulled back  and threw his shirt off. She took hers off too. They got back to kissing, Jake slipped off her pants leaving her in her underwear and bra. Jake pulled back stared into her eyes and grabbed her boobs, his hands made their way up to her neck, he lightly choked her.

Erikas POV: when he did that, it was like I was falling in love with him all over again. My eyes lit up, my insides felt warm. I loved when he would do that to me. I'm so glad he's doing it again. When he lightly squeezed my throat, I flinched and whispered in his ear "daddy" as I grabbed his dick from his pants. I could see that he missed that. I felt him growing under me. We got back into kissing. I ended up naked. He wasn't fully naked, but I pulled his dick out and made it enter me. I moaned as he slid inside me. He sucked on my neck as I rode him. I knew he was leaving hickeys but I didn't care. After an hour of just having fun, he came inside me. We laid in bed next to each other panting. I felt his warm breath hitting my ear. I slowly fell asleep in his arms. The next morning, I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Instagram for a while. I got a notification, Alissa tweeted something on twitter. I clicked it and saw was she said.
@alissaviolet: Jake and I are no longer together he's a cheater.

I was so confused? Cheater? I woke jake up and showed him the tweet

J: I never cheated on this girl. Never.
E: what is she talking about then.
J: last thing she told me through texts was "I'm gonna ruin your life"
E: is that what's she's trying to do?
J: ugh probably. She's lying. She's a fucking lier.

Jake grabbed his phone and tweeted back.
@jakepaul: Cheater? What tf do you mean? Never did anything to you.
She came back
@alissaviolet: You brought girls home right in front of me almost every night.
@jakepaul: that's a lie. Never had one girl.
@alissaviolet: I would cry myself to sleep every night cause all I would hear is you smashing girls.
@jakepaul: never brought one girl when I was with you. Let's not forget the first time we broke up, you fucked my brother. Infront of me? Want me to say anymore?

She didn't reply back. People were taking sides on this situation.

ErikAs POV: jake sat there on his phone tweeting back to Alissa. I saw the frustration on his face. I calmed him down a bit. We put our clothes on and went to the living room.

E: I love you, I know you never did those things, forget about her. Focus on something else.
J: your right. She's a lier, and a cheater. She's dead to me. I love you too.

A/N: I'll update whenever, jerika is thriving y'all

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