Living together at 17 / chapter 18

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Jakes POV: it's been 2 weeks since that whole Megan thing happened. We got over it. Megan is out of our lives, and people still has Ethan photo but we don't care anymore. Anyways Erika slept at her own house and I was at mine. This morning before I left to school, my mom had some news.

(Jakes mom:Jm.)
Jm: good morning Jakey
J: hey mom
Jm: I have something to tell you, I already told Logan.
J: okay what ?
Jm: we're moving out of town. Not to far from here tho. But you still have to move schools.
Jm: Yeah
J: nuh uh, I'm not leaving anywhere
Jm: then do you wanna live alone ?
J: I could afford it
Jm: then be here alone at this house, pay the bills, buy your own food, depend on yourself cause momma ain't gonna be here anymore.
J: okay bet
Jm: better not come crawling back because of it.
J: bet mom I could afford it. I don't think you know how much money I get payed, for acting, and having all these followers.
Jm: okay well then, your 17. I'm outta here tomorrow.
J: okay well imma get going to school.
Jm: bye sweetie

Jake left.

Jakes POV: my mom honestly doesn't realize how much money I actually make. I could do it, live alone. Have parties all the time. Have Erika over. This is perfect.

Erikas POV: me and my mom got into like this huge fight. She told me she wants me out of the house already, like who tells their kids that. But I don't care. I already knew my mom never cared for me.

At school

E: hey babe
J: hi babygirl
E: I love when you call me that
J: I know princess
E: I just want to get out of my house already.
J: why ?
E: my mom is literally so annoying. I mean what I model for could get me on my own feet.
J: Do you wanna live with me?
E: are you serious ?
J: yeah
E: what about your brother and your mom?
J: they move out tomorrow. So I'm gonna live alone. I could literally afford everything.
E: omg yes I would love to live with you. We could move into the master bedroom.
J: yeah that's my moms room it's huge. Since she's leaving we could take it over
E: I'm so excited, we could hang out all the time, without being interrupted.
J: oh yeah baby

Erika giggles and they walk to class.

J: Babe would you support me if I start vlogging?
E: vlogging what do you mean? Recording yourself? Don't you do that on vine?
J: well Vine is like really short skits. But vlogging, yeah recording myself. And posting it on YouTube. Lots of people want me to become a YouTube.
E: I would support you through anything.
J: good cause soon I'll start
E: is it gonna be like an everyday thing ?
J: no I have too much to do for that. Probably like once a week.
E: awe can I be part of it?
J: duhh

They kiss and finish that class. The go to second period.

E: Blondie we haven't talked with the squad for a while it's just been us
J: I know , wanna hang with them at lunch ?
E: yeah
J: I have so many business ideas.
E: like ?
J: have I ever told you about "team 10" ?
E: isn't that what you call the squad?
J: yeah but it's a company I wanna start, like young influencers, like I take everyone, get them follower, and just get all this attention for them, and at the end they could decide to stay with the family or leave and do their own thing. There's way more too it though.
E: yeah but you have to hire people, and they have to work for you.
J: I know I'll start it one day. Just watch. I'll be at the top. I'll be world known.
E: dream baby it's an amazing thing, you'll get there I believe in you.
J: we'll be a power duo
E: I like that. But baby your already so famous
J: even more Erika. There's a lot more I need and will accomplish. And that's being number one in all charts.
E: I just wonder how we're gonna be after graduation. Are we still gonna be together? Are we gonna make it to the top? Will we ever have a song? Will we ever get married? Will we ever have kids?
J: hopefully

Bell rings for next class. They go to their next class and chills in there. They never pay attention to anything. They go to lunch with the squad.

J: hey squaddd
T: look who finally wants to come back to us *laughs*
Everyone laughs.
E: hey guys sorry for disappearing for a while.
J: yeah
Ma: we understand, you guys just wanted to be alone together.
K: yeah it's totally fine.
C: anything new ?
Jerika: we're moving in together.
Ch: are you serious?
J: Yup we're gonna live alone
T: ohhh couple goalllsss
Erika laughs
K: where you guys gonna live ?
J: my house, my mom and brother are moving out. I decided I'll stay on my own then Erika wanted to leave her house so I asked if she wanted to live with me.
C: woah that's a big house for just you two
J: I know but it's fine. Parties, hang outs. Us two just hanging out. *winks at erika*
T: wait so is "hanging out" like a code word for you know getting it on in bed ?
Jerika laughs and doesn't answer

J: So in how you guys been ?
T: good
C: really good
T: shut uppp
E: no don't shut up what do you mean ?
C: we're turning into you guys... freakkyyyyyy *laughs*
Tessa rolls her eyes. Everyone laughs.

At eat lunch together, and go back into class. Once school is over jake and Erika go to jakes house.

J: hey mom
Jm: Hey, and hey Erika
E: heyy
J: mom so Erika is gonna move in with me. I could see your already packing your things.
Jm: that's good at least your not alone. And I'll be out of here by tonight. Logan is already gone. He's at our new house.
J: okay mom well we just wanted to stop by I'm gonna go help Erika with her things.
Jm: okay well by Jakey by the time you get back I'll be done. So I love you stay safe, and lock the door before you guys sleep.
J: okay bye mom love you too.
Jm: bye guys
E: bye Pam ily

Jerika walks out

J: you still need to tell your mom huh
E: yeah but she's been telling me to move out for the past few days so she probably wouldn't care.
J: okayyy

Jake takes his truck. And drives off he puts his hand on Erika thigh and she puts hers on his. They get the to Erikas house.

E: babe stay in the car and I'll let you know what happens
J: okay love you
E: love you too

Erika walks into her house sees her mom in the kitchen eating.

E: hey mom
Em: Hey
E: listen I'm moving out
Em: finally
E: with Jake
Em: okay don't let him treat you bad now get outta here
E: okay I'm gonna have jake help me take my stuff to his house
Em: okay I leave in 15 minutes so. Have at it, just lock the door when your done.

Erikas walks out and goes to jakes truck.

E: come on babe she let me go
J: okay good

Jake gets out and follows Erika to her room.

E: okay I'll starts packing my things from the bathroom, you start with the closet.
J: okay

Jake starts folding all her clothes in boxes. When he come to her bras he puts one on top of his shirt and puts the rest in the box. He walks over to the bathroom with a girl voice he says

J: I'm Erika Costell
E: omg jake

Erika laughs

E: I'm assuming your done ?
J: yeah haha you ?
E: nope I have a lot of stuff.
J: yeah well you had a lot of clothes too.
E: *laughs* okay just make sure everything is in a box.
J: wait is that me ?
E: where ?
J: on the mirror, Erika I haven't been to your house for like 3 days and that's what you put up *laughs*
E: *laughs* I wanted company
J: yeah okay

Jake and Erika finish packing everything and Jake carries it to the truck.

J: ready to go?
E: oh boy. Yep I am. Let's go.
J: your so cute
E: just drive pretty boy
J: laughs* you wanna hang out after everything?
E: we'll see

Jake and Erika get to the house and put everything in the master bedroom. They set up as much things as they can. Jake moves all of his clothes, sheets, shoes, everything to the master bed room. Erika puts everything in too. They end up finishing around 1 am. Jake throws himself on the bed while Erika takes a shower. Good thing it was Friday night.

A/N: smut next chapter be prepared cuz I ain't giving no warning no more. 🤣

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