3 some ? / chapter 41

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Erikas POV: we went to get some lunch, then we decided to drive around the down and ended up in Hollywood. We walked around the stars, and got paparazzied. I'm pretty sure they're gonna post me jake and Alissa all together. I really missed jake. Like really bad. I think I was going crazy. I'm in love with him. Even though he's in love with Alissa, I'm in love with him. I just can't get over him. I just wanna jump in his arms, and kiss him. He more than definitely doesn't feel the same. I'm just his new assistant that he has history with. I just hope Alissa doesn't break his heart again. He seems happy. I don't want her to break him. After hanging out with Alissa for a while, I'm getting used to her. She's really chill and funny. Actually she's hilarious.

Jakes POV: were at the Hollywood stars. After this we're gonna go to the movies. I missed Erika. I know I'm with Alissa now but Erika has always been the one to help me through anything and everything. She made me happy. It was really fun hanging out with her and Alissa. Literally my two favorite people with me. I'm so happy Erikas moving in too. Everything is happening really fast, I don't mind though. I never gave my feelings up on her, I just hid it cause I was with Alissa again. I'm in love with both girls. Ugh.

J: you guys ready to go to the movies ?
E: y-yeah.
A: of course
J: alright come on.

They got into the car and drove to the movies. Jake bought the girl their tickets and at tried to watch a little kid movie. As they sat down with their popcorn, a random phone started ringing all crazy. No body turned it off.

Erikas POV: when I was sitting down with Jake and Alissa, the movie had just began, a phone started ringing really loud and it was extremely annoying. No body turned it off, after a while I looked down and saw a phone facing down and that was where the ringing was coming from I asked like everyone around me if it was theirs. It was nobody's so me jake and Alissa got up and took it to the front. The manger wasn't there so we gave it to the guy who collects the tickets. This man walked up to me and took the phone from my hand aggressively and started cussing at me.

E: it was making loud noises in the cinema so we came to return it to whoever's it is.
J: chill we were actually giving it to the worker.
Worker: sir please calm down they were giving it to me because it was a lost phone.

Erikas POV: it as really rude what he was saying. We didn't know it was his wives phone. It was triggering me. I was gonna cuss him out too, but he's an adult. I can't. This threw my whole mood off. When he left I wanted to leave too.

E: can you take me home jake?
J: let's just go back to my apartment.
E: okay.
A: yeah let's go.

They all walked back to the car and left. They went back into jakes and Alissa's apartment.

J: do you guys wanna watch a movie in my room?
E: yeah
A: our room *laughs*
J: *laughs* okay come on

It was already like 6 pm at this time. The sun was already going down. They got into jakes and Alissa's room and Jake and Alissa sat on the bed and Erika stood up.

A: come on lay down too
E: it's fine I'm okay standing
J: no come on
E: okay

Erika sat on the edge of the bed.

J: no come cuddle with us, a friendly cuddle.
E: *laughs* it's okay.
A: no come on rik it's okay *laughs*

Erika put her bag down and laid down next to Jake and they all cuddle together as they watch a different little kids movie.

J: I'm gonna get comfortable

Jake gets up grabs some sweatpants and goes into the bathroom to change. Meanwhile, Erika and Alissa are still on the bed.

A: so rik *kinda says quiet*
E: yeah?
A: you know what I'm thinking yeah?
E: not really *laughs* what you thinking?
A: we have a three-
E: um if you guys wanna be alone I could lea-
A: rik come on. I've always wanted to do this. You've been with Jake before, we've both been with him like this before. So why not.
E: I-I guess. But what if he isn't down for it?
A: I'm pretty sure he would be.
E: o-okay.

Erikas POV: honestly I didn't want to do that. I mean yeah with Jake but with Alissa there too, it's gonna be weird.

Jake came out with no shirt on and grey Nike sweatpants. He jumped on the bed next to both of them. They laid there for a little bit watching the movie. Alissa started putting her hands down jakes pants.

J: Babe.

Alissa looked up at him.

A: please ?
J: were not alone.
A: so ?

Erika was still watching the movie. She was scared to look at them. She could here them. Erika turned to them. And started touching jakes abs and bit her lip.

E: yeah, so?

Jakes POV: they both were on me. I heard them talking when I left to change. They were talking about how they both did me before. I mean I guess it makes since they were talking about having a threesome. I'm down.

A: come on babe just us three.

Jake looks at down at both of them touching him.

J: are you guys sure ?
E: yeah come on jake

Alissa got up real quick and took her shirt off. Erika threw her hair in a ponytail. Alissa starts kissing him and takes his dick out. Erika goes down and puts her mouth on it. She starts bobbing her head back and fourth.

Erikas POV: as I put my mouth on him I felt butterflies fill my stomach. It felt right. I haven't done it in such a long time.

Alissa pulled off her shirt and Erika got up and threw her shirt off to the side too. They both got up and stripped naked in front of Jake. By this time Jake had a huge boner. Jake started entering Alissa and slowly started eating out Erika. After they all got used to it, they switched positions jake went into Erika and ate Alissa out.

Erikas POV: I missed him I side of me. When I felt him start entering me, it felt right, yes it was pleasure, but in my head it was more than pleasure. It was something strong. We were all moaning. It was weird. After a while of doing that Jake came on mine and Alissa's face and we ended up all cuddling and falling asleep in each other's arms.

Jakes POV: I did not see this night coming. It was weird. I just had my first threesome with my favorite people. I didn't think Erika would do that. Maybe it was all in the moment. Uh oh. Erikas my assistant. It's gonna be really awkward tomorrow. She's moving in. Holy shit this is like really weird. It's okay we could all forget that happened and be all friends. Hopefully. They were both curled up in my arms. We were all naked under the covers. I really really really missed Erika. Her moans. Her smile. Her laugh. Just her. I missed that. But this time we're friends. But we just did it. But we're friends now. Never felt this awkward in my life.

A/N: that was weird lol give me ideas.

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