Seeing jake again / chapter 39

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Erikas POV: when I woke up looking crusty as hell, I put some make up on to cover everything, I also threw some shades over my eyes, I but on some joggers with a sweater. I ate a slice of pizza then brushed my teeth. I walked out of my apartment, going down the stairs leaving me outside. I had no idea where I was going or why, I just felt the need to walk around. I stopped by the nearest mall, it was huge. All the huge name brands were there which was pretty cool, I didn't have any money on me so I just looked around. I then walked back to my apartment. I just wanted to call Jake but I knew Alissa would probably answer again, or he's gonna ignore me so I sat there for a while just watching tv.

Jakes POV: after me and Alissa having our fun, we fell asleep naked together, usually we don't sleep naked together cause she always says my dick pokes her ass in the morning 😂. She was sound asleep in my arms, I started playing with her hair, after about a minute she woke up. And stared at me.

A: are you playing with me hair
J: yeah it's soft
A: *laughs* you dick is poking me
J: just like always *laughs*
A: did you have fun last night ?
J: I'm always having fun with you.
A: *laughs and kisses him*

Things started to get heated, Alissa gets on top of him and starts rubbing her naked self on him. Right when they were about to get started, Erika starts calling.

A: why tf is she always interrupting us?
J: I don't know just ignore it
A: it's fucking annoying I'm gonna tell her off

Alissa grabs the phone and answers

On the phone with Erika
Alissa: listen stop fucking calling especially when we're *moans* doing our own thing.
Erika: when is Jake ever gonna be available to talk?
Alissa: never

Alissa hangs up.

Erikas POV: it's like every time I call jakes phone Alissa answers and they're having sex. It's weird why do I keep interrupting them. Ughh I just wanna talk to Jake. I love him I've always had but he's moved on and omg I hate this bullshit.

After a while of Jake and Alissa doing that, Alissa wants to go out.

A: let's go to the grove
J: ooo yeah
A: Ugh I'm sore
J: *smirks at her*
A: *playfully slaps him and laughs*
J: okay come on.

Alissa gets up and gets ready and so does Jake. They get into jakes car and Drives over there to the grove which wasn't that far from where they live.

Erikas POV: I need another walk. I can't be crying over jake not loving me anymore forever. I got up fixed myself up a bit and walked to this place called the grove. I never heard of it but I heard it's cool. So I decided to take a walk over there. I saw a lot of random celebrities everywhere. I didn't live that far from the grove. Once I got there it was amazing. So many shops and different things, so much people too. I was gonna go into Starbucks and use their WiFi, cause my phone was lagging, I went in and sat at a table. I was on my phone for a while until I here the door for Starbucks open, I look up and see Jake. My eyes lit up. Then I saw Alissa come up behind him, he didn't see me. Alissa went to the cashier while Jake sat down on a table and went on his phone, I walked up to him.


Jake looks up.

J: e-Erika um hey
E: I've been trying to call you
J: but Alissa kept answering sorry you had to hear um me and her.
E: it's fine I just really wanted to talk to you Jake like really really bad.
A: um what are you doing ?
E: I just wanted to say hi again.
A: he's mine

Alissa sits on his lap and grabs his face and kisses him right in front of Erika.

E: okay well I'm just gonna go sit over there
J: wait Erika um are you or do you know anyone that's looking for a job?
E: um I am why
J: I'll text you later, answer your phone though. I won't let his crazy one answer though *laughs*
A: hey I'm not crazy *laughs*
J: yeah you are
A: I know
They start playing with their faces and Erika rolls her eyes.

E: okay thank you Jake. Um see you next time.

Erika walks out Starbucks.

A: are you actually gonna hire her ?
J: yeah she's been wanting to become friends again, so why not
A: okay but nothing more than friends
J: I know I don't see her like that anymore
A: okay well let's go walk around.

Jakes POV: I lied to Alissa, I hate lying. It's like a fear. I told her that I didn't care for Erika anymore, but the truth is I never gave up on Erika, we've had so many memories together, I almost got her pregnant, then we both found out she cannot have kids. I mean there always a place for Erika in my heart and I think that's why I wanna hire her to be my Assistant. When I get back into mines and Logan's and Alissa's apartment, I'll text her. We could meet up again, just us two, to make sure she's the one to hire. When Erika first came up to me again, it was like back in Highschool, when we first bumped into each other. They way we said hey. It was weird. But deep down inside I really miss Erika. Yeah Alissa is good, but Erika was the one who helped me out when Alissa first cheated. I really hope that's not how me and Alissa come to an end again.

Erikas POV: when I first saw Jake, my heart skipped like 3 beats at a time, my eyes lit up, my insides got warm. I just couldn't believe it was him. He just popped out outta no where. So basically what happened, is that he might be my boss for whatever he has. He's gonna text me later. I can't wait. Alissa was getting on my last nerve so I left. I walked back to my apartment and waited by my phone for a while ....

A/N: stay tuned for what's next, will Erika be down to be his assistant just wait gonna post tomorrow

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