Shot? / chapter 29

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Erikas POV: yesterday I didn't do much for Jake, so I woke up early took a shower and made him breakfast. I put it on a tray with some orange juice because he doesn't like coffee. I took it up stairs and woke him up.

E: baby
E: blondie
E: daddy
J: hm?

Jake looks up

E: I made you late birthday breakfast
J: *laughs* thanks rik

Jake eats in bed while rik gets her makeup done.

E: whenever you want, we're going shopping.
J: what for?
E: for you, yesterday I didn't take you birthday shopping now I am.
J: *laughs* oh okay

After Jake was done eating, he jumped in the shower and brushed his teeth. After he put on a regular outfit. Erika was already ready and they decided to leave.

E: so everything is on me
J: nah I got most of it
E: nope on me blondie
J: okay whatever

They listen to music as they make it to the mall. Jake gets out first and opens Erikas door

E: your such a gentleman
J: *laughs*
E: so where first ?

They start walking towards the entrance

J: don't matter
E: okay well then we're going inside Louis Vuitton
J: what? Nah too expensive
E: I don't care babe come on

Erika takes Jake inside the Louis Vuitton store. They walk in everything is clean and smells new.

E: ooo let's get you some shoes
J: Babe
E: yeah ?
J: you sure ?
E: of course
J: *laughs*

Erika grabs Jakes hand and leads him to wear the shoes are, he picks out a pair and Erika pays. They walk out.

E: let's go into Calvin Klein?
J: we could get matching under garment
E: yesss come on

They walk into the Calvin Klein store and Erika buys a bra and under wear while Jake gets matching underwear, Erika pays for it. They went into hollister and got some shirts and jeans for Jake. They went into a lot of stores and had a lot of bags in there hands. They went back to the car and put it all in there. Erika sat in the car as Jake walked to in n out and got some burgers for them to go.

J: I'll pay for it stay here
E: okay thanks babe love you
J: love you too I'll be in there it'll be quick.

Erika stays in the car.

Erikas POV: after buying all of that stuff for Jake, he offered to buy us food. Like a few feet away from the car was in n out. He went in to get us burgers. I was waiting in the car with the window down. Some guy walked up to me with a gun to my head. I dropped my phone and sat there in shock. He was wearing a black hoodie but I could see his face.

Gunman: Im gonna fucking blast your head off
E: please d-don't

Erika sat there closing her eyes hoping it wasn't real.

Jakes POV: I was done ordering our meal, I was walking back to the car to wait for them to call out number for our food. I see a man with a hoodie on. His hand looked like it was in our car, I walked a little bit closer and it was a gun. I froze for half a second and realized that's the guy from my dream. Wtf. I see Erika in the car with her hands up a little bit she's closing her eyes and crying. As he was about to shoot her head I kicked him in the balls and grabbed the gun out of his hand. He fell to the ground and I held the gun to his head. Erika looked up.

J: get up and I'll fucking blast your head off
E: Jake !
J: call Erika call 911
Gunman: pl-please
J: you messing with the wrong fucking people

Erika calls 911 and Jake keeps the gun to  his head until the cops came. Once the cops came they had guns pointing to Jake and the man. Jake dropped the gun and told them everything. Erika fell in jakes arms as she cried. Jake took Erika home jake took all the bags inside. They arrested the other guy. Jake went back upstairs with Erika she was crying.

J: baby it's okay I'm here
E: Jake get off of me

Erika pushes him off of her. He looks at her with confusion. He then realizes she's scared of him.

J: y-your scared of me ?

Erika looks at him with tears dropping down her face.

J: Erika you know I was just saying that stuff so I could scare him. I didn't want him to hurt you. I came behind him and saved you. He was about to pull the trigger. Did you want me to let him just run off so he could come back? I had to keep him still til the police came. Babe. Your scared cause of what I said, jus know I would never talk to you like that, or anyone. I'm just trying to protect you.

Erikas POV: he's right. He was just protecting me. If he hadn't have said those things to that guy he probably would've ran off and came back to actually kill me or Jake. I feel horrible. I just pushed him off without realizing he was saving me.

E: I'm sorry babe. I didn't realize what you did for me. I'm sorry come here.

Jake just stares at her as she holds her arms open for Jake. He just stands there and stares at her.

Jakes POV: and she just expects me to forgive her like that.

Jake walks out of the room.

E: wtf

Erikas POV: did I say something wrong why is he upset?

Jake walks downstairs and turns on the tv.

Jakes POV: I walked downstairs and sat in the couch, I turned on the tv she chased me downstairs I tried ignoring her. I just didn't want to be with her a minute or two.

E: Jake ? You can't just keep ignoring me.

Erika gets i front of the tv

E: Jake.
J: *takes a deep breath* what ?
E: why are you mad ?
E: Hello I'm still here..

Jake gets up and tries to walk off but Erika grabs him

E: Jake talk to me
J: Erika you just pushed me off of you, then I told you what I did for you and all I get is "oh okay sorry" Erika I saved your life he was literally about to kill you then you hate me then you love me and your just showing mixed emotions I just want to be alone for tonight good night Erika.
E: Jake.

Jake walks off to the guest room and closes the door. Erika knocks.

E: Jake, what do you need ? I literally bought you most of the mall, I'm sorry that you had to stick up for me. I'm sorry he came up to me I'm sorry about all of this. I don't know who that was or why he would done up to me. Baby I'm sorry I wanted you off of me I just was still shocked I didn't think this is how you would react. Baby open the door.

Jake sat there listening to everything she had to say. He opens the door and sees Erika standing by the door. They make eye contact and Jake grabs her face and kisses her, Erika goes along and they start making out. Jake picks her up and drops her on the guess bedroom bed. He pulls off her shirt and she does the same. You already know what went down ;)

Next morning

Erikas POV: that's how we always make up to each other. I'm just glad he accepted. We're in the guest bedroom. He was gonna sleep in here but we both did. I got up and woke him up.

E: Jake
E: your up ?
J: you just woke me up *laughs*
E: let's go back to the room
J: were not in the ro-
E: were in the guest bedroom
J: okay then let's go

Jake gets up and picks her up

e: Babe we're naked
J: So ?

Jake picks her up and takes her to their room as she laughs. They get into round 2

A/N: bro this was kinda dumb but oh well 😂

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