Who? /chapter 35

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??: JAKE?

Jake turned around and saw Alissa standing there.

J: hey Alissa

They hugged.

A: omg can we talk?
J: yeah of course, want some Starbucks? On me?
A: yeah thank you.

They walk in and Jake orders their drinks then they sit at a table.

A: listen jake, I'm sorry for everything I did. I was just jealous I guess. I thought it was the best if I moved away. I'm really sorry.
J: it's okay Alissa I forgive you
A: wait really?
J: yes of course.
A: thank you so much, anyways how's rik?
J: she's good.
A: are you guys good?
J: um she broke up with me last week. Because I was moving out here.
A: oh I'm sorry, but wait you live out here now?
J: yeah we got here yesterday.
A: we?
J: me and Logan.
A: ohhh that's good, you guys doing business out here? With vine and YouTube?
J: yup what you doing out here?
A: I'm a model now
J: really?
A: yup
J: are you with anyone at the moment?
A: nope I'm still single *laughs*
J: I forgot how goofy you were I miss it.
A: *laughs*
J: so do you wanna hang out sometime?
A: yeah that would be great.
J: can I have your number again?
A: *laughs* give me your phone

Jake handed over his phone and dialed in her number jake did the same with her phone. They got their Starbucks and sat there and talked.

A: I'm really glad we're talking again
J: yeah me too.
A: So tomorrow are you doing anything?
J: nope tomorrow and Friday I'm free. But full on the weekend.
A: dope, can we like hang out?
J: yeah, are you doing anything tonight?
A: no why?
J: can I go over?
A: yes I live in an apartment alone let's go.
J: okay *laughs*

they get up and walk to Alissa's apartment.

A: okay so excuse my clothes, these shoots got me going crazy.
J: *laughs* it's okay

They walk in jake sits down with Alissa on the couch.

J: I've m-missed you liss
A: I've missed you too

As they were saying that they were already leaning in. After Alissa said that, their lips made contact. They kissed.

Jakes POV: not lying, I really did miss Alissa. I loved Erika, but Alissa was my first love. Of course I would take anything to be back with Erika, but Erika is with someone else now. It was time for me to move on too. I moved to my ex. I did love this girl at one point. Her lips on mine. It was right. I think.

Alissa's POV: I really missed jake. I'm glad we bumped into each other. He's always been mine. But Erika took him from me. He's back at me, can't wait to see what she'll say once we become everyone's favorite couple. I missed his soft lips on mine. It was perfect.

Jake pulled back.

J: d-do you wanna watch tv ?
A: um sure, but let's go to my room this tv always is weird.
J: okay.

Alissa gets up and Jake gets up after her, they hold hands and walk into Alissa's room Alissa closes the door and jumps on her bed. It was already like 7pm. Jake just stands by the door.

A: jake come on the bed it's okay
J: are you sure?
A: yeah. I know you probably think I'm with someone but I'm not I haven't been ever since you.
J: okay then.

Jake jumps on the bed with Alissa, alissa turns on the TV and puts on Netflix.

A: what do you wanna watch?
J: don't matter
A: riverdale?
J: oooh yeah

They watch riverdale for a while.

A: I remember something you used to always hate.
J: what?

Alissa touches his belly button.

J: *gasps* Alissa *laughs*
A: *laughs*
J: and I remember something you used to hate
A: no jake no

Jake tickles her stomach. And she laughs.

A: jakeeee *laughs*

They were laying down, Alissa went on top of him and started touching his belly button and he tried to tickle her. She grabbed his hands and laughed she put them against her pillow. They she ended up leaning in again. They kissed. She was on top of jake. They were kissing. Things started to get heated. Jake started moving his hands down her back and he touched her butt. He pulled back.

J: I'm sorry I didn't mean to touch you
A: jake it's okay

She grabbed his hand and put his hand back to her butt. Things became more and more heated until you know 😉

Jakes POV: I woke up not in my bed. Not in mine and Logan's apartment, I looked down and saw I was with Alissa. I didn't have my shirt on. Our bare chests where against each other's. Oh no. Did we? I look under the covers. Shit. We did. I try getting up but she grabs me.

A: where u going ?
J: I'm gonna put some clothes on

Alissa let's go and Jake grabs his clothes off the floor and puts it on. Alissa stares.

J: what? *laughs*
A: I'm just happy we're with each other again.
J: me too
A: do you wanna hang out all day? Like just us?
J: I was gonna ask that *laughs*
A: good so it's a date?
J: oh yeah, but first I need to go to my apartment and change and shower
A: okay so do you want me to take you?
J: I could walk, be ready at 11am
A: okay I'll walk you out let me put some clothes on.
J: okay *laughs*

Alissa throws some clothes on and walks jake out. Jake walks back to his apartment and Logan opens up.

L: Jake wtf you had me scared
J: sorry my phone died
L: where were you? Wait you got some hickeys ohhhh I see you were with someone
J: hickeys? Oh right
L: damn boyyy, who's the girl?
J: um Alissa
L: Alissa ? As in your ex ?
J: yeah she's here. And I'm gonna shower. And go meet up with her again. This time your not getting any of her. *laughs*

Jake walks into his room and showers. He then leave sand goes back to Alissa house in his new car. A Tesla.

A/N: I'll update later lol sorry for putting all jalissa, but to me it's all I got lmao. Stay tuned tho

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