Kiss that changed everything/ chapter 43

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Jakes POV: I had to leave. I didn't want to bump into Erika, I was literally about to ball my eyes out, then I opened my door and Erika was right there I held back my tears and told her I was leaving. I'm actually not going to a friends house, idk where I'm going, I just want to be gone for a little bit. I'm hurt. Can't believe I trusted Alissa again. I was driving. I kept driving until I was lost. I was in the forest. Not that far from LA. I had no idea we're I was at. The sun was still up, but it was weird. I then thought I found a way out of the forest, but I was wrong. When I went into the opening I saw, it was a waterfall. Trees were surrounding it. No one was there. The birds were chriping, no one was there, the sound of water clashing down was loud, there was a big rock. I got out of my car and sat on the rock. I was staring into the water, I felt myself melting into it. Like there was no worries in the world. I felt a tear fall across my cheek. Then I snapped back into reality, I broke up with her. I just can't believe of how bad of an idiot I was. This was my place. This was my spot to let my feelings out. Erika started calling my phone. I ignored it of course. I want Erika. Like really bad. But I'm pretty sure she's over me. Ugh I love this spot. Every time I look into the water, i melt into it. I feel myself again. But something always has interrupt it. Then I have to face reality again. I knew right at the moment, this was gonna be my place to let everything out. And only mines. Nobody can't know about it.

Erikas POV: I really wanted to know what was really wrong with jake. He just left. Its been like maybe 2 hours now. I called him and he didn't answer, the sun started going down and he still wasn't home. I didn't want to go find him, cause it's none of my business but I was feeling a bit worried for him. I took a nice warm shower and dressed comfy. I went down to Starbucks. It was already 7pm and I got a fruit smoothie. When I got back home, he still wasn't there. I don't mind being home alone, just he seemed really upset, when I asked if he was okay, he said no then he said yeah. I knew he wasn't okay. But maybe he is at a friends house, or is he lying about being with a friend too. I don't know, I sat in the living room watching Netflix, then Jake opened the front door and walked in.

E: hey Jake.
J: h-hey.
E: are you okay? your eyes look like you've been crying?
J: actually, can I talk with you? I need someone right now.
E: yes of course you could always tell me anything.

Erika turned off the tv and Jake sat right next to her. Jake covered his face with one hand.

J: I broke up with Alissa.
E: why?
J: she cheated on me, again.
E: oh Jake. I'm sorry.
J: I can't believe I was dumb enough to trust her again.
E: she was no good, she was never good for you, you deserve better.
J: i just left balling my eyes out.
E: where did you go?
J: um idk I just stayed in my car.
E: don't worry about Alissa, we'll move her out okay.
J: o-okay
E: you deserve way better.
J: the only person who's better for me doesn't even care for me like that anymore.

Erikas POV: so he does have feelings for someone else. He's actually doesn't care for me. But who tf is this other person. Ugh I can't believe Alissa did this again. I fucking knew it.

E: um, who would that be?
J: I can't say... you'll think I'm insane.
E: Jake. You know you could trust me.

Jakes POV: staring into Erikas emerald green eyes, I felt myself drifting away from Alissa.

J: it's...uh...
E: is it Alissa?
J: you..

Erikas POV: I was about to scream. It's me. He thinks I don't care for him anymore. All this time I thought he saw me as a friend only.

J: I should have said anyth-

With that Erika grabbed his face and kissed him.

Jakes POV: I just told her it was her. It was her who I wanted and that I deserved. She didn't even respond. I instantly thought she was over me until she grabbed my face. She kissed me. My worries left. My deep feelings for Alissa, gone. I pulled back. I looked into her eyes, I grabbed her face and kissed her. It wasn't a normal kiss. The most passionate kiss we've had yet. It kept going on. As we were making out, she sat ontop of me. Our best kiss so far, my hands were on her hips, she had a hold on my face, our lips were locked. I felt her tongue slip in my mouth. This been going on for about 30 minutes. The door opens and Erika jumps off of me. It was logan.

L: woahhhh
J: hey logan.
L: what about Alis-
J: me and her aren't together anymore.

Erika just stands there in silent looking at the ground.

L: oh I'm sorry. I just came to grab some more clothes.
J: okay.

Jake and Erika stood there in silent, as Logan walked to his room grabbed a bag of clothes and walked out of his room again.

L: I'll be back probably next week.
J: o-okay.

Logan left. They stood there in silent and ended up making eye contact. Jake giggled a bit. Erika started laughing too. They stopped laughing.

J: I'm sorry for dealing with me.
E: don't apologize. I enjoy.
J: *giggles*
E: did you really mean that? What you said.
J: of course.
E: I missed you...a lot... blondie.

Jakes POV: when she called me blondie, my heart dropped. I remember back in Highschool when she would call me that. She made it up when we first met. My cheeks turned a light shade of red and my eyes lit up.

J: I missed you too babygirl.

Erikas POV: I love being called babygirl and he knows that.

E: *smiled* I'm going to bed.
J: same.
E: night.
J: goodnight.

They walked into their own room. Once Erika closed the door to hers, she fell to the ground.

Erikas POV: I sat on the ground thinking about "babygirl" isn't that a couple thing? Are we? Ahahhh. I love him so much. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of my left eye in the corner, I typed ' baby girl🤤 ' and posted it on my story. I got up, and turned off my light and laid on my bed. In my new room. I checked my story to see who saw it and Jake saw it. I got butterflies in my tummy. He should know that I'm talking about him calling me that. I put my phone down and fell asleep.

A/N: you guys got what you've wanteddddd jerika is back and better than everrrr 🤩

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