The kiss /chapter 9

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Erikas POV: it really hurts to see jake sad. He was sobbing and just venting all on me. I wanted to make him feel safe. Cause I knew I was. I stay there listening to whatever he had to say. It made him feel bette the said.
J: I'm sorry Erika
E: sorry for what ?
J: letting out everything on you, you probably didn't want to hear it.
E: I could sit here all day and night listening to you talk. Blondie I always wanna hear what you have to say.
J: thank you so much for giving me the best advice, for listening, for not doing me wrong, for just being you.
E: of course Blondie.
They sit there in each others arms sitting in the edge of jakes bed. The room was dark, almost pitch black, but they could still see each other through the little bit of sunshine coming from the curtains of jakes window.
Erikas POV: it felt almost perfect something was missing and I loved feeling this close to him. I can't help falling in love with him.
Jakes POV: after just letting everything out it felt better. I felt safe. I felt loved. By Erika. It was a weird connection in the room. My tears dried up and I became lazier and lazier on her. I was that comfortable. She's such as beautiful person. I think I like her. Something about this one girl is just making me want inside, like butterflies flying all over my body.
E: you okay bud ?
J: with you yes
Jake and Erika sit up
J: i don't want you to leave
E: I'm not leaving, no where.
J: good
With that they were starring into eachothers eyes
Jakes POV: is this my chance? Am I gonna kiss her? I love starring into those big green eyes. We're like the only people on earth right now. I don't have anyone in mind besides her. I don't even remember why she's here. But I'm glad she is.
Erikas POV: we starred into each other's eyes.  I love the thought of him on me. His green-hazel brown eyes, his floppy blonde hair, his soft kissable lips. I can't take it. I start to lean in. He's just staying there probably not gonna do anything until he moves his face in too. My heart starts pounding he could probably hear it. Inside in freaking out but on the outside I'm calm and keep leaning in. This is it. I'm about to kiss the guy I love and care for the most. And with that. Our lips connected, electricity was roaming around us, we were on a whole other planet alone just us two. It felt like it was 2 hours but was only 2 seconds. Jake pulled back leaving his forehead on mine. God my butterflies in me were out if control.
Jakes POV: we kissed she leaned in, I was trying to understand what she was doing I caught on real quick. I leaned in also our lips touched and latched on each other. I didn't realize how much I really like this girl until now. My face was red, no more tears. I was, safe. When I pulled back I let out foreheads stay in place. It felt right. It felt more then right.
E: Jake
J: hm
Erika moves her head
E: I really like you, like the first time I came, Blondie I really like you I never gave you up.
J: I-I.. feel the same.
E: really ?
J: yes. Alissa was no good when she first kissed that one dude I knew I wasn't feeling her any more. Then I met you. I had my eyes on you. But Alissa distracted me with love.
E: awe Blondie
Jake hugs her and they cuddle for the rest of the day.
J: we should get up .
E: I think I should go.
J: I don't wanna be here anymore.
E: do you wanna go to my house?
J: yeah
E: do you wanna spend the night ?
J: I would like that
E: come on no one needs to know
Jake gets up grabs a empty backpack and shoves close in there. He gets up with Erika and they go downstairs. Logan comes to them asking questions on where they're going and trying to apologize, they ignore everything and leave in Erika car.
J: I'm just glad I don't have to look at Logan for a day or two.
With that Erika drive off to her house
To be continued

A/N: what happens at Erika house.? Stay tuned gonna upload tomorrow.

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