Forever / chapter 24

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Erikas POV: I've been breaking down a lot since I almost kidnapped by this really weird man. Me and Jake went to a hang out with some kids from the school, jake left me for a few seconds to grab some drinks and some old weird guy took my hand hard and ran with me outside. He was trying to take me to the back of the house, I was really scared, I was calling and calling for Jake this man was trying to hurt me. Then Jake came grabbed me and pushed the man to the floor, jake told me to stay and Jake tackled him, he was screaming at him to never take his girl again. I was just shocked. Jake held me in a real tight hug and took me home. We stayed there. Til now, he never left me again. It's been about 2 days since that happened. Jake just left to go get us Taco Bell. I'm alone in my room, crying. Missing him. These two days was just me in his arms. Nothing else, we turned off our phones completely also. Jake just came home with our food, he walked into our bedroom and saw me crying.

J: babe what's wrong

Goes into hug her

E: you were just taking so long I started worrying

They hug

J: it's okay baby I'm fine I'm here. I have the food too.

Jake pulls back and gives her the food. They eat on the bed andjake throws everything away. He lays back down with her.

J: baby you okay ?
E: yeah I feel really safe with you , I hate when you leave.
J: it's winter break. I'll always be by your side.
E: thanks
J: for what ?
E: protecting me, loving me, caring for me. Never leaving my side. I appreciate you so much you have no idea. I really love you. Like really do. You make me feel really safe. You also make me feel happier than I am with any one else.
J: of course baby, you get in my nerves more than anyone else but you make me happier than anyone else and I love you way more. It's insane how a crush could turn into my love.
E: *laughs* let's stay together forever
J: forever
E: baby ?
J: yes ?
E: I love you
J: I love you too, I know your feeling numb, I'll fuck you until you cum  (rip x)
E: your amazing

Erikas POV: I love jake , I meant every word I said. He's my protector. When we have sex it's like a stress relieving thing for me. I worry less, I focus on him and nothing else. He's like amazing. And I know you probably think I only love him for that, but that's not true. I love him more than anyone and anything. His goofy wild personality, his beautiful smile, his brown eyes, his soft lips, his contagious laugh, his hard rock abs, he's just amazing, and I love him for it. I'm in love with this kid, like head over hills for him. And I'm glad it's him.

Jakes POV: as I held Erika in my arms, I knew she was the one from day one. I knew she was gonna be my girl. I'm so in love with her. She's perfect. And she loves me. I could see in Erika that sex is something that doesn't stress her out, she doesn't focus on the bad during sex, she's less worried about anything. And I mean i don't blame her, it's like a distraction from the negativity. But I know she loves me and doesn't just use me as a toy. We have a really strong connection. I've never felt this way for a girl. I would literally do anything for her don't matter what it is.

E: I'm gonna get naked
J: why
E: we're alone, and I don't mind what might happen

Erika strips naked. She lays back down with Jake.

J: you know what , same

Jake takes off all his clothes and gets in bed with Erika. They go under the covers and cuddle.

Erikas POV: my head was dug into jakes bare chest. His head was ontop of mine. I could hear him lightly breathing. I was breathing on his chest. My hot breath hitting it. He didn't flinch. I love feeling his muscular arms around me. I feel safe. With him I do.

As Erika lays on jake, she moves her hand down to his dick. He gets the sign that she wants it. He goes along with it and let's Erika do her thing.

J: you sure babe
E: yes just fuck me
J: woah okay

Jake goes on and does as he's told. After about an hour, they're done. Backing at laying in each other's arms again. Panting. After a while they end up doing it again. And keep doing it for a while until they fall asleep. The next morning Jake woke up alone in the bed. Erika was in the bathroom.

Jakes POV: I loved how she was coming more and more less worried to be alone. She came out the bathroom, I was just staring at her.

E: what ?
J: your just beautiful
E: omg jake

Erika gets back in bed with Jake. They both are naked still. Jake cuddled with her and put his hand over her bare butt she just looked at him.

E: Babe
J: yes ?
E: let's do it again
J: What again ?

Erika grabs Jakes dick and he laughs. They do it again. After they were done, Erika wanted to go somewhere.

E: maybe we should go on a little date together
J: to where?
E: I don't know like the movies
J: I'm down, when though
E: today
J: okay well, get ready cause we have a date.

Erika smiles and gets up. Jake follows her to the bathroom, Erika blasts music, they both are naked while Erika does her makeup. She starts grinding on jakes dick and he did it back. Then Anthony walks in.

Anthony's POV: jake and Erika haven't answered their phones for the longest time. Chance just told me to go to their house. So I did. I figured out where Jake hides the house key. It was a under a rock by the door. Pathetic hiding spot. But I go in and I hear music loudly playing. I follow the music and I walk into jakes room. I see Erika and Jake in their bathroom naked, grinding to the music.

An: hey... shit my bad

Jake pulls Erika behind the door and put some shorts on.

J: tonerrrrr how'd you get in here and what are you doing here?
An: you guys never answered your phone just wanted to see what y'all up to. Sorry I should go.
J: yeah bye

Jake follows Anthony down stairs and Jake locks the door. Jake goes back upstairs and Erika had put on a crop too with booty shorts while Jake just wore shorts and no shirt.

E: I can't believe he just walked in on that.
J: I know *laughs*
E: let's just finish getting ready.

Jake and Erika get ready and go. They watch their movie and eat after. They drive around town til sun goes down.

A/N: I kept falling asleep while writing my bad 😂 I'll update tomorrow good night guys

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