Moving in / chapter 42

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Erikas POV: I fluttered my eyes open and saw that I was in jakes arms. I felt safe. I look over a little then see Alissa on his other arm. Shit. I forgot. We did that together. I snuck out of his arms without waking both of them. I threw on my clothes and was about to leave then I hear a raspy voice.

J: where you going ?
E: back to my apartment
J: wait are you still gonna move in?
E: yeah tomorrow for sure.
J: okay do you need a ride back?
E: um no I'm fine thanks Jake
J: I'll walk you out.
E: it's fine
J: are you sure?
E: yes go back to sleep I'll call you later
J: okay bye

Erika walked out of his room and left the apartment.

A: morning babe
J: morning
A: what time is it?
J: 9 am
J: what ?
A: I have a flight today.
J: wait what? Flight? You never told me you were leaving.
A: it was a last minute thing, I have this thing going on in Miami and I have to be there it's for modeling, it's called swim week. They bought my plane ticket and everything I have to be gone by 12pm.
J: wtf? Why didn't you tell me?
A: it was last night, we got distracted I'm sorry Jake.
J: *sighs* it's whatever when you coming back?
A: um in 2 weeks.
J: Alissa?
A: I'm sorry I have to go.
J: fine. Better start packing I guess.
A: I'm sorry

Alissa hugs him and he gets up and walks to the bathroom.

Jakes POV: at least Erika is gonna be here with me. I hate the fact she's leaving for 2 weeks like nothing. She didn't even tell me last night.

Alissa's POV: I packed my stuff and Jake dropped me off to the airport. I got in my flight and left. I felt bad, but I wasn't actually going for swim week, I was going for this guy. His name is Kyle. I feel bad but I can't believe jake is stupid enough to fall for me again. And Erika is literally the dumbest shit I know. Anyways I'm gone.

Jakes POV: after I dropped Alissa off at the airport I went to go get something to drink. I went back to my apartment and called Erika.

Call with rik *
Erika: hey Jake
Jake: hey Erika, um let's forgot about everything last night ?
Erika: yeah *laughs*
Jake: um anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to come over ?
Erika: yeah I'll be there in a bit. Can I move in today instead of tomorrow?
Jake: yeah that's fine
Erika: okay well since I'm going over might as well move my things in now?
Jake: yeah I'll help you, in my truck. Address?
Erika: um yeah, 268 rest street apartment 420.
Jake: okay I'll be there right now.
Erika: okay I'll be in the lobby.
Jake: okay bye
Erika: bye

Erika hung up*

Erikas POV: I'm so happy moving in with Jake Alissa and Logan. I already had all my stuff in boxes, which wasn't that much, mostly clothes. So I was ready. I was gonna walk down to the lobby to wait for Jake when I heard two knocks at my door. I opened it and saw Jake.

E: hey Jake I was about to go down to the lobby.
J: you weren't down there so I just came up.
E: oh okay, where's Alissa?
J: she's uh, on her way to Miami right now.
E: wait what? Really? She was in the bed this morning.
J: when you left she told me and started packing and she left not to long ago.
E: oh so just us two?
J: yup idk when Logan is gonna be back either.
E: oh okay.
J: well let's start taking things down to my truck?
E: yeah come on

They started taking box by box down to jakes truck. After about probably an hour they were finished with everything and left that place. Jake drove her back to his apartment complex and they took out all the boxes and everything up to jakes.

E: is that everything ?
J: yup.
E: okay I'll be in my room unpacking, thank you again for letting me live with you guys.
J: of course, if you need anything I'll be watching tv here in the living room
E: okay

Erika walks into her room and starts unpacking.

Erikas POV: me and Jake are alone. It's awkward sometimes. I'm unpacking my things right now. I'm thinking of watching tv with him after. I love this kid so much, I just wanna kiss him since Alissa's not here, but I can't cause he's such a loyal person. After about an hour of unpacking and fixing my room up, I went into the living room and Jake wasn't there. I see his door to his room closed but the lights on so he must be in there. I walked up to it. Before I knocked I put my ear to the door, he was talking on the phone.

Jakes POV: I was looking through my Instagram, Alissa had landed, she was with someone. Another boy. I clicked on the guys Instagram, it was a video of Alissa jumping into his arms and then kissing? I completely broke. I ran to my room and called Alissa. She answered right away.

Call with Alissa *
Alissa: hey babe
Jake: don't "hey babe" me.
Alissa: what ?
Jake: wtf was that video? Of you with another guy, jumping into his arms, kissing him. What was that?
Alissa: what are you talking about?
Jake: Alissa I saw the fucking video what the fuck?
Alissa: okay I'm sorry.
Jake: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? "Sorry"? I can't believe I fucking fell for you again I was dumb enough to trust you, with everything I fucking loved you. Your dead to me Alissa. Don't fucking crawl back to me with that bullshit. I can't believe you. We're done officially, no more jalissa, your fucking moving out of mine and Logan's apartment. I'm such an idiot. BYE.
Alissa: ja-

Jake hung up*

Jakes POV: I can't believe I was dumb enough to fall for her bull shit again. I thought it was gonna be forever with that hoe. I'm done.

Erikas POV: i couldn't really tell what he was saying, he was screaming. But mumbling. He seemed really upset. I stood there for a while trying to listen more, then the door opened. He opened the door as I was standing there. He looked pissed like he was holding back tears.

J: e-erika
E: I was gonna knock I thought you were watching tv.
J: it's okay, I'm leaving, I'll be back later.
E: where you go-
J: to a
E: are you okay?
J: no... yeah I'm fine I'll be back later.

Jake ran right through her and left. He got in his car and left.

A/N: where do you think he's going? Is he really going to friends house??? Btw I'm more than definitely gonna bring back jerika. Just wait a tiny bit more 🤪

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