Lunch / chapter 11

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Jakes POV: I woke up this morning in Erikas arms. She looked beautiful sleeping. I was just admiring her until I see her look up at me.
E: good morning blondie
J: morning babygirl
Erika hugs him and then gets up and stretches.
J: you look so cute
E: awe thanks so do you
Jake gets up also
Jake wasn't wearing a shirt just some shorts
E: last night was fun *whispers in his ear*
Jake just smiles.
E: I'm gonna shower wanna join?
J: no funny business
E: *rolls her eyes playfully* yeah whatever
J: probably
E: okay well imma be in the shower join if you'd like.
Erika walked into her bathroom and stripped naked and jumped into the shower,
Erikas POV: I went into the shower, minutes later I felt strong arms wrap around me I looked up and saw Jake, I smiled as he smiles. I turned around facing him and kiss him. As the hot water hits out heads, we just make out. I stuck my tongue in his mouth and he pulled back
J: let's just shower
E: *laughs* okay
They shower and get out. Erika wraps a towel on her head and another one on her body. Jake just wraps it around his waist. They brush they're teeth and get ready for the day.
E: Babe you want any make up for those hickeys ?
J: nah it's fine
E: okayyy
Team 10 groupchat
Blondie😍 kicks out Alissa🖕🏻
Chad: why'd you do that
Chance: hush chad
Blondie: lunch again today at 1pm? Sorry I messed things up yesterday. I'm still paying today though.
Chance: I'm down
Chad: yeah im free today
Mackenzie&tessa: we'll be there
Anthony: where at ? And I'll go
Megan: I'll be there
Blondie: you guys think about it then we'll go.
Chance: In N out ?
Tessa: yeahhh
Mackenzie: don't mind
Anthony: kinda thinking for some Chinese food but yeah that'll do
Chad: don't matter I'll eat anything
Megan: I don't mind we're we go
Erika: yeah
Blondie: ight meet me there at 1pm I'm paying.
Chance: thanks bro
Chad: yeah thank you man
Megan: seems cool be there in a lil
Mackenzie&tessa: were around that area we'll be there in an hour
K: I'll be there
Blondie: okay
Chad: sorry to ask but why did you guys kick out Alissa ?
Megan: yeah why ?
Chance: guys I don't think Jake wants to talk about it
Blondie: I don't care man just tell them
Chad: what happened ?
Chance: yesterday Jake broke up with Alissa in front of everyone when we were eating. She cheated on him and he stayed with her, he couldn't take it anymore so he did it right there.
Megan: wow sorry to hear that Jake
Chad: yeah sorry man
Blondie: uh it's okay it's whatever.
Off texts*
E: So in n out ?
J: Yep
E: okay I'll give you a ride
J: okay you ready ?
E: Babe it's like 11 still
J: oh trueee well maybe we can drive around
E: yeah , you just let Chance say that
J: I don't care anymore to be honest.
E: it's okay babe, come on let's go
J: right behind you *slaps her ass😂*
E: *laughs*
They get inside Erikas car and Erika drives while Jake puts on music.
They drive around
E: you wanna go to the mall?
J: yah to kill time
Erika drives up to the mall and they walk in.
E: let's stop by Victoria's Secret I want some perfume
J: okay come on
Jake grabs Erikas hand and they hold on to each other as Erika takes Jake to Victoria's Secret.
Tessa's Pov: me and Mackenzie went to the mall this morning, we been there all morning. Jake told us aka the squad that's he's gonna take us out again, everyone agrees and now we're going to in n out down the street from here. Me and Mackenzie we're walking around, we invited Erika but she never answered so we decided to go. As we were walking I swear I saw Erika and Jake holding hands.
T: hey Mac
Ma: yeah T ?
T: I think I just saw Erika and Jake holding hands
Ma: where ?
T: I saw them pass by from a distant
Ma: wait do you think they're... dating ?
T: is that why Erika never answered her phone? Cause she was with Jake.
Ma: but didn't she go to his house yesterday to help him with the Alissa thing.
T: yeah but what if they started something. She liked him, and there was a small thing going around them. They have to be dating.
Ma: we need to find them.
T: they were walking towards Forever 21, Victoria's Secret, and Pink. Let's go over there and see if they're there.
Mackenzie and Tessa walk to where Tessa saw Jake and Erika.
Ma: look they went into Victoria's Secret
T: omg it is them.
Ma: let's go up to them
Tessa and Mackenzie walk up to them
Erikas POV: me and Jake walked into Victoria's Secret to look at some perfume. Jake was messing around a lot with the underwear, bras and lingeries. Until we saw Tess and Mackenzie walking up to us.
T: heyyy guys
E: Uh hey
Ma: What you guys doing here together ?
J: I needed a ride and Erika offered me and we were early, so she wanted to come and get perfume.
T: whats with those ? *points to their necks*
Jake and Erika look at each other
Erikas POV: shit shit shit we didn't cover the hickeys. They noticed. Shit
E: I curled my hair today I burned myself a few times
Ma: what about you jake?
J: I uh... helped herrr *he says nervously*
T: helped her in bed?
Jake and Erika look at each other
J: curl her hair
T: okay guys were not stupid we're the love whispers *winks*
Ma: yeah you guys obviously have something going on
E: hm ? Nahh
J: nope, we're being honest
T: come on we know those are hickeys, you guys were holding hands, and you guys are all red
Jake gives Erika a look letting her know to just tell them already
E: okay fine, we're dating. But don't say anything to anyone.
T: awwwe E I remember when you first told us you liked him
Erika laughs
J: you told them the first time
E: yeah *laughs*
J: um babe go get your perfume people are already gonna be getting at in n out
E: okay
T&ma: awwwee "Babe"
J: shut up *laughs*
Jake walks over there and gives Erika his credit card
T: okay we're gonna head over there bye guys
E: don't say shit tho
Ma: we got youuu
Tessa and Mackenzie walk off
T: omg I can't believe that
Ma: What them dating ?
T: yes
Ma: some how I knew they were gonna end up together.
T: we can't say anything tho even tho they most likely are gonna find out about them but still
Ma: okay
Erika and Jake walk back to Erikas car
J: I'll drive
E: okay baby
They get in and drive over there almost everyone is there already
E: what about the hickeys they're gonna find out.
J: cover yours and I'll say I hooked up with someone
E: Blondie I don't like the thought of that though
J: okay then we hooked up one time thing
E: Babe how about we just come out to them, just them.
J: okay then let's do it
Jake parks in the parking lot and Erika jumps to jakes spot and starts making out with him then there's a knock at the window
Anthony's Pov: I saw Erikas car pull up at the place we're eating at, I see Jake driving, he parks then I see Erika jump over to him and start making out, I laugh and knock on their window and they jump. Erika rolls her eyes and Jake opens the door
J: yooo
An: when did this happen ?
E: um yesterday
J: yeah
An: well nice matching necklace guys
Jake and Erika get out of the car and look at each other in confusion.
J: what necklace ?
An: hickeys guys I'm talking about that
Erika grabs her neck while her face turns a light pink all three of them walk inside and see the rest of the squad.
J: wassup guys
An: yo guys guess who's da-
Jake cuts him off
J: shhhh
Jake says as he looks at tony with a don't tell anyone look.
An: da-taking is out to lunch this guy *points at jake*
Jake laughs Erika sits down with the girls.
J: come order
Everyone gets in line and orders their burgers and sit outside.
Everyone eats and talks
J: yo guys I just wanna say sorry about yesterday and how it ended, I'm fine now.
C: it's all good bro
Ch: thanks for the food
M: yeah thanks
An: Yup
K: thanks bro and your good
C: what's up with the hickeys ?
J: not hickeys
C: yeah they are bro you and Erika both have them. Did my boy smash?
Erika looks at jake with just tell him look
J: fine, yeah
C: So you and Erika are a thing ?
J: yeah but don't say anything
C: I got you my boy.

A/N: yoo I'll update in a little bit stay tuned

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