Will you ? / chapter 21

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Jakes POV: today is Thursday morning, the schools first dance for seniors is tomorrow evening. I still haven't asked Erika, and it seems like she's waiting for me to ask her. Today I'm goin all out on her, just to ask her for a dance, it's not even prom. But I really love this girl. Our next school dance is prom , but that's at the end of the year, it's October still. I told her when I woke up told her I'm gonna be late for school, I told her I'll be there by lunch. I'm going shopping. Also I'm making a poster. My plans for it is, I'm gonna buy her, her favorite donuts, and on the poster is gonna say "I donut know how to ask this, will you go to dance with me?" With a bunch of hearts around it. She loves these chocolate donuts that have colorful sprinkles on top. Also, I'm buying her a Cartier bracelet. So I'm getting the poster, donuts, Cartier bracelet which I picked up yesterday from the mall, and some roses. I love spoiling my girl, she deserves everything and more. I dropped her off at school, I made up an excuse that I have an appointment. Since we live together I have to make up things now if I wanna surprise her.

Erikas POV: pretty sure me and Jake aren't going to the dance tomorrow, he still haven't asked me yet. Hes not gonna even be at school for half of the day. I don't know I love my bean but he needs to get his ass to school I miss him, haven't seen him since this morning.

At school during lunch

Jakes POV: So I had Anthony and Chance help me out, they distracted her while I came up behind her. When I got there she was eating lunch with Tessa and Anthony and Chance were with me. When she was done eating she stood up and saw me behind her with flowers, a box of donuts, and a poster in my hand, while the Cartier bracelet was in my back pocket. She had the most excited face.

J: Will you ?
E: babyyyy yesss I've been waiting. I love these donuts thank you so much.
J: wait I got something way better.

Jake has Chance and Anthony hold the donuts and stuff. Everyone was recording them and aweing. Jake then pulls out a small box bigger than a ring box, he gave it to Erika.

E: no Jake no you didn't
J: open it

Erika opened it and ran into his arms

E: Babe this is expensive I can't believe you bought that for me
J: I love you babygirl
E: I love you too

Tears of joy was coming out of Erikas eyes.

Erikas POV: I was waiting for Jake to get to school, I was finished eating I stood up and turned around, I see Jake right behind me holding flowers and a box of donuts, above the donuts was a poster that said, "I donut know how to ask this, will you go to dance with me?" The burst of excitement filled me up. People were everywhere recording. I said yes of course, I've been waiting, then he gave chanthony the stuff to hold and he pulled out a cartier box outta his pocket. Swear at that moment I cried. I opened it and it was a gold Cartier bracelet. I cried my ass off in his arms. This man, my man, knows how to spoil a girl. I couldn't believe he would use his money on me like that.

E: is this why you weren't at school this morning ?
J: Yup
E: I love you so much you literally have no idea.
J: I love you too baby girl I love you too

Everyone Awes of how cute they were being, people began to walk off as Jake sat at the table with the squad and Erika.

T: that was cute
E: I know wtfff
Ma: can I see the bracelet?

Erika shows them and Jake smiles

E: why do you have to spoil me like that ?
J: because you deserve everything.
E: aweee

They finish lunch and go to class. Erika saves her donuts. Jake drive her back to their house.

E: So we should go shopping like now
J: why ?
E: dance is tomorrow
J: oh yeah well then come on.
E: wait let me puts my stuff away.

Erika goes upstairs and puts her stuff away and goes back downstairs with Jake. They get into the car and drive to the mall. Erika picks out a dress, while Jake gets a suit, they decided to match, they went dark red. Jake had his normal black suit with a dark red tie, Erika got a dark red dress. Erika made an appointment for tomorrow before the dance, to get her makeup and hair done. Jake got a Gucci belt to match more with Erika. When they got back home they ate the donuts and watched Netflix.

A/N: sorry I didn't update yesterday, the whole xxxtentacion thing really hit me. I still can't believe he passed at such a young age. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Fuck that bitch who murdered him hope you rot in the deepest part of hell. But X will forever live through his music. He was such an inspiration to me, it got me real frustrated yesterday when I heard about him. The worst part was when I saw on twitter, "Xxxtentacion pronounced dead" it broke me. Rest in paradise jah 🖤

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