Want more / chapter 51

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Erikas POV: it's been about a month of healing. I've got everything off my legs, and I'm starting to walk straight again. Jake has been by my side the entire time. He helped me do everything. It was a little weird cause he helped me shower. But throughout everything, we were mostly home but we were also at lots of meetings. Jake is actually gonna start "team10". We've met all the people we want in the team. Aj Mitchell, neels visser, Alex Lange, Alissa violet, and the Dobre twins. I do not want Alissa on the team, but he does. I've been looking through house to move into. With all of team 10. I've found like 3 houses. Me and Jake have been eyeing one. It has 5-6 bedrooms. One laundry room. A bathroom in each room. I think that's what we're gonna get. We're also thinking of bringing in our Ohio friends. But that's once they come out to LA. I don't see why Jake keeps falling over for Alissa. She's such a horrible person. She accused him of "cheating" and "abuse" she also cheated on him twice. She's a snake. We hate eachother and Jake knows that. Something about her is just making Jake go for her. But they've been together as friends. Me and Jake haven't been doing anything. Our "benefits" haven't been going on. We've been acting like friends. But ever since I've been fully healed he's been acting weird. We sleep in our own rooms, usually the only time we see eachother was through meetings for his team he wants to start.
Well I'm in my room right now. I could hear him in the kitchen. Today is his off day so maybe I'll talk with him.
He was walking back to his room with a water bottle in his hand. He was shirtless and had sweatpants on. Until I stopped him from going into his room

E: hey
J: hey rik.
E: wanna hang out ? Not in that way, like maybe go out or do something ?

Jake just looked at me. It was like a 2 second silence but it felt longer than 2 seconds.
He then reached out and grabbed my hand.

J: maybe it could be in that way.

Woah when he said that he looked hot. Okay never mind about that benefit thing, maybe it's still on.
He when he said that he had a smirk on his face. We stared into eachothers eyes for a second and I slightly bit my lip. I saw his eyes leave my eyes and go down to my lips. oh my god. Why does he have to be so hot? All I wanted was to go eat or something. Now I want him. fuckkkk he's such a turn on.
He's leans in and kisses me. I could see that smirk on his face as he kisses me. He dropped that water bottle and his hands and arms go around me. he lightly lifts me up as we make out. I feel my mouth fall from his lips and go to his jawline. He slowly backs us up to his room. I hear a small moan come from him. I think I laughed a little. He closed his door and we fell on his bed. I pulled back from the kiss and saw that I left hickeys all over his neck. He pulled off my shirt and I felt him growing under me. Never thought that today would be getting this heated. He unclipped my bra and pulled off my shorts and underwear. I threw the blanket over me and down to his waist. When I went under I pulled down his sweatpants, it was dark under the blankets but I knew what I was doing. I palmed him through his boxers and pulled it down. I heard his breaths getting heavier and heavier and I started putting my mouth on him. I start bobbing my head back and fourth I felt his hands trough the blanket keep pushing my head down. Until I heard the door swing open. Jake pushed me down as a sign to hide under the covers.

J: Logannnnn thought you were out?
L: everyone's wanting you to go. Alissa's there.
J: oh okay. Cool. I'll be home.

Jake says that through breaths. Logan probably is all suspicious.

L: why you breathing so hard? And where Erika, some were asking for her too. She wasn't in her room.
J: I don't know, um I'll go in a little bit just you know, get out.
L: your getting head huh? MY BOYS GETTING HEADDDD. wait is that Erika under there ?

I start laughing. Gosh they're so crazy.

L: I hear Erikas laugh IT IS HER
J: get outtttt

Logan finally leaves and closed the door.
I get up and see what's going on with sweat all over my face. I wipe my mouth and laugh.

J: really?
E: what you were the one who was breathing all hard *laughs*
J: you still had your mouth on me.
E: you pushed my head more down
J: had nothing else to do *laughs*

No ones POV: jake pulls up his sweat pants and under and stands up.

E: hey where you going?
J: didnt you here ? They want me.
E: and I want you were not finished come back.
J: welp I gotta go.

Erika gets up and jumps on his back playfully. She whispers in his ear.

E: you can't leave me like this.

She reaches her hands down his pants.

E: you know you don't want to go.
J: ugh.

Jake flips her over and they fall into jakes bed. Erika gets on top of him and they finish. After that Jake gets up and leaves while Erika stays.

Erikas POV: well that was fun. I wish me and Jake could be something again. I miss having him on me 24/7, when everyone knew who we were, when alissa wasn't everywhere we are. I just want jerika to be jerika again. We're so young, I hate being "friends with benefits" I want to be official. I want to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

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