Tessas house / chapter 13

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Tessa's Pov: So I invited everyone to my house for the weekend. Tbh my parents went out of town for a few days and I don't like being alone. So everyone is coming. I know for sure Jake and Erika are stay all weekend until school but I don't know about the others they should be here in 30 minutes it's already gonna be 8 pm

Jakes POV: me and Erika decided to go for a walk at the park. When we got to the park we talked and talked and just walked around to kill time. Then we started heading to Tessa's house. We were the first there. Before we went in ,I took Erika to her house and we got clothes for Erika. I already had mine in the trunk. We were staying the weekend there.

Jake knocks on the door. Tessa answers.

T: heyyy guys come in
E: hi pickklleeee
J: yoooo

Jake and Erika walked in holding hands.
Soon after everyone started showing up. Once everyone got there tessa had an idea.

T: pool?
J: let's gooo
Ch: down

Everyone agreed and changed into bathing suits. After everyone jumped in. Jake and Erika jumped in holding hands. Chad did a backflip and jumped in. Everyone was having a good time swimming.

T: be right back Imma go get a speaker for some musicccc
Ma: I'm coming withhhh

They got out of the pool, grabbed they're towels and walked inside.

T: oooo ya ready for some music
Ma: Yep can I play it from my phone
T: yeah

They went back outside and listened to music. Some how chessa started making out on the corner of the pool.

K: get a rooommm
C: shut up

Everyone laughs. Then Jake goes up to Erika and they talk.

J: hey baby
E: hi daddy
J: don't say that in front of everyone it's weird *laughs*
E: okay fine *laughs* daddy
Ch: ooo honey ain't hit.
C: hey daddy come back in the pool

Jerika laughs

J: I love you

Erikas POV: as soon as those words slipped out of jakes mouth I froze for a second. He finally said it. After being together for almost 3 months he said it , the L word.

E: I love you too

They kiss, jake grabs her face and Erika is hugging him. Jake pulls back. And he jumps back into the pool. Erika follows after him.

J: let's play chicken

Everyone agreed and Erika got on jakes back, tessa got on chances back, Megan got on Anthony's back, kade got on Mackenzie's back (Ik what a strong woman 😂) and chad was a loner, he was the referee. Tessa first fell, the Erika, then Kade. Then everyone fell and laughed. Everyone soon got out of the pool. And dried their selves out side. When everyone was dried. They went back in and sat in the living room.

T: PIZZAAA ?????
J: Yessss
C: yeahhhh babyyy I'm starving
E: ooohh yessss

Everyone took a slice and ate. After a while Anthony grabbed his bag and pulled out some liquor.

An: who trynna take a shot ??
J: shittt pass that over.

Jake was the first one to take a shot. He then passed it to Erika and everyone took one accept Mackenzie.

T: yo yo let's play a gameeee
Ch: truth or dareeee
Ma: yeahhh
M: yesss

Everyone said yes

C: I'll go first, mmm... Jake, truth or dare.
J: momma ain't raise no bitch, dare
C: make Erika moannnn

Jake looks over at Erika

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