offical once more / chapter 52 LAST CHAPTER

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Jakes POV: I could see how bad Erika wants to get back together, I do to. I really like this girl and I just want her forever. I could see the guilt in her eyes. I have an amazing plan for her. We went to the mall the other day with some friends and we stopped at Cartier. She saw a ring that she really loved. She said she was gonna save up to buy it for herself. Well I just bought it. For her. I know how bad she wanted it, I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend with it. I really hope she likes it.

I got home around 3 pm. Our apartment was half empty. We're gonna move into a new bigger house. Well we already started moving lots of things. She was in her room listening to music and cleaning up her room. I'm gonna ask her on a date then I'll ask to be official.

J: knock knock.
E: heyyy Jakey
J: do you want go eat dinner or something?
E: is it a date?
J: if you want it to be :)
E: then it's a date *giggles* what time blondie?
J: is 6 good?
E: perfect. See ya.
J: see ya.

I was so nervous I don't know why. When I walked out I took a deep breath and left. I hid the ring in my car, and I went to a nice restaurant to make a reservation in person so that I could come back later. Turns out I got this really really nice restaurant, very fancy and expensive. But I'll do anything for her. After that I went back home and stayed in my room. I cleaned a little. I was so excited and nervous to ask her. Hopefully nothing happens between us anymore. I want to live with her for the rest of my life, one day I want to call her my wife.

Soon it was 5:30pm. I was ready, I put on cologne, I had a nice outfit on, and I had the ring in my jackets pocket. I walked out of my room and took a deep breath. I walked slowly to Erikas door. I then knocked on the door. After a minute she opened. She looked gorgeous. Drop dead gorgeous. I was drooling over her, I couldn't believe it. She had the most beautiful black dress on. It was short and absolutely hot.

Erikas POV: jake has asked me out, it was random but I mean of course I agreed to it, it's all I've wanted to do for a while. When he knocked at my door I started sweating, I was very nervous. I didn't know why but I just was so scared. I opened the door to the most handsome guy I've ever seen. He smiled and grabbed my hand. We walked out and went down to his car. He drove for about 15 minutes until we reached this very fancy restaurant. Gosh. I didn't even know something like this was this nice.
We walked in and there was a short line to the guy in the front.

Worker: for who?
J: Jake Paul, table for 2.
Worker: yes got you, follow me.

We followed the guy and got to our table.

Worker: waitress should be here very shortly.

And he left. After a minute with looking at the menu the waitress came and took our orders. She took our menu and left. Me and Jake just sat there talking. Damn, when did his smile get this cute? He seemed nervous too. After a while our food came and we ate. After we were filled up, we sat there for a while. I could see the nervousness in jakes eyes.

Jakes POV: this is when I'm gonna do it. God I'm so scared. What if she says no? What if she doesn't want me? No. I need to stop thinking negative and just do it.
I grabbed her hands and we kinda started at eachother eyes.

J: Erika, I just wanted to let you know that your the absolutely the most beautiful woman I've ever met. And I've never stopped loving you. I just wanted to ask,

I then pulled out the Cartier box and opened it.

J: will you be my girlfriend again?

Erikas POV: I froze he bought the ring I wanted. How did he know? I was gonna buy it. Holy shit. Wait he just asked me out again. FINALLY.

E: Jake. Oh my fucking god. Yes of course.

I got up and hugged him. I'm so in love with this guy. He's the actual best. I pulled from the hug and kissed him. Ugh it felt so good. I put the ring on and nearly cried.
We got home and we put on something more comfortable. I did not take off the ring for shit. We then cuddled in his bed.

E: I love you jake, thank you for everything. Aaah I'm so happy.
J: *laughs* me too, I love you a lot I would do anything for you.

We fell asleep in eachother arms, I'm so happy to be back with him officially.

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