First day in LA / chapter 38

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Erikas POV: after I got out of the plane. I knew life was gonna suck all alone here in a huge city. I Ubered back to my new small apartment and started putting up everything. It was already like 3pm. I didn't have any money and i was starving. All I had was a box of granola bars. I need a job. At least just for now. I ate a granola bar and grabbed my computer. And looked all over for jobs. There was literally nothing. I came across some people hiring for assistants but I can't do that. Not with some random people. I closed my laptop and sat up. I looked around at my empty apartment. I put some shoes on and decided to go for a walk. I didn't go that far. I had like two fans come up to me. But they were asking for Jake. I just walked off and stayed unbothered. I started going far. I stopped and looked down and there was a 20 dollar bill. I quickly picked it up and looked around to see if anyone dropped it. No body seemed like it so I shoved it in my pocket. I realized how far I was from my apartment. I started to walk back. When I was walking back I seen a pizza place. Dominos. Ugh I used to love going there with Jake. I walked in and ordered two pizzas with the money I found. Both for me, just one that will last me for the rest of the day and I'll eat the other pizza tomorrow for breakfast lunch and dinner. I had a check coming in the mail 2 days from now, until then I'm broke. Yes I still get checks for my modeling, and Instagram and things like that. I took my pizzas back home and dug right into it. I ate like 3 pieces and got full. I stored the pizzas in my fridge. I jugged a whole water to calm down my stomach. I then realized Jake lives somewhere here in LA. I need to call him, but he's just gonna ignore me like usual but it's worth a try.

Jakes POV: me and Alissa are having a good time right now if you know what I'm saying. Clapping noises from all over the room, her moaning my name in my ears, hickeys in places only we can see, then all of a sudden in the dark room were in my phone turns on and starts ringing like crazy. After a while of ignoring it I looked over.

J: Babe it's Erika
A: give me the phone I'll answer

On the phone with rik *
Erika: omg jake !
Alissa: listen pretty girl, jakes busy right *moans* now. Now stop interrupting us. *jake moans*
Erika: I'm so-

Jake aka Alissa hung up.

Erikas POV: I was really happy jake answered the phone my heart started pounding out of my chest, then Alissa starts talking. Saying he's busy then I hear her moan loud right through the phone right into my ear. I wanted to puke when I heard her. Then I heard Jake moan. When I heard that a tear fell down my eye onto my cheek. Then Alissa hung up. I put my phone down and quickly wiped the tear away. I missed jake, I miss us, I miss him moaning my name. It's like I need him but he doesn't need me anymore. We were supposed to be forever. What happened to that. I threw my phone across the room not giving a single shit. I tried sleeping but all I was really doing was balling my eyes out. All that was in my mind was Jake and Alissa moaning to each other. I fell asleep after a long time of just crying. I woke up the next morning looking like a mess, my eyes we're red and puffy, my clothes were everywhere, I was just not about it.

A/N: I'll update again right now. Sorry it was a little short.

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