No baby ? / chapter 32

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Jakes POV: I sat in the kitchen with Erika, we ate breakfast and got ready to go. We dressed casual. We got in the car and got there a bit early. We waited in the waiting room for a while.

J: what if you are really pregnant
E: well most likely I am
J: okay then what are we gonna do ?
E: I don't know maybe an ab-
Doctor: Jake Paul and Erika Costell.

They get up and walk towards the door that opened front he back.

Doctor: good after noon paul and Costell, follow me.

They walk into a room and Erika sits down. They check blood pressure, temperature, etc. they end up talking for a while. They move to another room. Erika lays on the cot. She lifts up her shirt, the doctor puts like a gel type of thing on her belly, they get a ultra sound.

Doctor: this can't be right .
E: what ?
Doctor: there's nothing there
E: what do you mean?
Doctor: there's no baby. I'm sorry.
E: it's okay, we can't have one right now anyways.
Doctor: okay we took some pictures of it, were gonna take it to the back, something looks off well let you guys know when i get back
J: thank you

The doctor leaves the room

E: Babe
J: yeah
E: I'm not pregnant!!
J: I know baby
E: honestly now I feel a little disappointed, I wanted to know what our baby would be like. But one day when we get older and we can actually wake up, we'll have a kid *laughs*
J: *laughs* yeah I feel the same
E: what do you think there checking on back there
J: probably to double check, not sure.

They sit there for about half an hour until the doctor comes back.

Doctor: hello guys, listen I have some terrible news.

Jake and Erika look at each other.

E: w-what?
Doctor: we took the pictures to the back, it shows you Erika Costell, can not have any kids.
E: Wait what? Like at all?

Jake sits there in shock

Doctor: yes I'm very sorry, this happens to women 1/10 usually and that's you.
E: I-I can't believe it.
Doctor: listen I understand all women at one point want to have their own child. Sometimes it isn't right for them. You can not get pregnant. Adopting is something good. One day you could try it.

Jakes POV: turns out Erika wasn't pregnant. It was weird cause all 3 pregnancy tests said positive. We can't take care or we won't have the time for a kid now, but later in life is something new. We were both looking forward for the future. When the doctor told us that she cannot have any kids. I saw the disappointment in Erikas eyes. She was about to ball her eyes out. They dismissed us, we walked back to the car and sat for a while in silent. Erika then turned to me and started crying really hard. I held her.

J: it's okay Erika
E: no it's not I can't have kids means we can't have a future jake. This is horrible. I know you were looking forward on having a family, I understand if you don't wanna be with me no more.
J: baby I still love you, I would always want to be with you, it's okay we could adopt, or I could have my sperm inserted to someone related to you. We will work this out babe. Let's go home.
E: I love you too and thank you for loving me even though I can't give you what you want.
J: it's okay family isn't gonna he started until we're way older.
E: *laughs* your right I'm sorry
J: don't be sorry it's okay. Now wanna go get some fro-yo?
E: y-yeah

Erikas POV: it really broke me knowing I can't have kids. Like at all. Wtf. Something me and Jake were really looking forward into the future was having a kid. And I really want a family with him. But I can't give it to him. I feel like he's gonna dump me. But he just made me feel all good about myself. This is why I love Jake. He stands with me through anything. And I love it. He's taking me to get fro-yo, he knows fro-yo and ice cream my favorite. I love this guy so much. I just can't believe I cannot have kids. At all.

They went to go get frozen yogurt. After that they went back home and cuddled for the rest of the day.

A/N: it's 2am I'm out 😂

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