Break up and LA? / chapter 33

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Jakes POV: So it's March the end of March actually been a little bit over a month since we found out Erika isn't pregnant. I'm at school in class, I get a call from Logan. I walk out of the class not caring what the teacher said, Erika stayed with Tessa.

Phone call with Logan
Jake: Hello?
Logan: yo Jakey
Jake: what I was in class
Logan: oh my bad but you wanna come down to LA ?
Jake: LA? What do you mean?
Logan: listen brother, I'm moving to LA, vine friends live there. And I'm moving you down to come?
Jake: are you serious?
Logan: yeah I found an apartment we could live together for a while until we get into our own feet.
Jake: yeah I'm so down.
Logan: we're leaving next week, I just bought our plane tickets for March 25th Friday. Don't go to school next week you need to pack.
Jake: okay what about Erika? I can't leave her.
Logan: bring her, but you buying her plane ticket this time.
Jake: okay I'll call you after school
Logan: alright bye Jakey
Jake: bye
Jake hangs up

Jake walks back into the class room and sits next to Erika. After that class they go to lunch.

E: who was on the phone earlier
J: Logan we gotta talk later okay ?
E: okay well let's go eat I'm starving
J: *giggles* okay

They eat lunch and finish off school. Once Erika and Jake get home jake tells her.

E: so what'd you need to talk about blondie
J: so sit down

Erika follows Jake to the couch and they sit Erika pulls off her bag and puts it on the floor.

J: Logan called, he's moving out to LA next week. I'm going with him well we are.
E: wait what? I'm not moving to LA.
J: why Babe Logan has an apartment, he already bought my plane ticket, I already bought yours, plus I'm starting off my YouTube career over there.
E: Jake I'm not moving to LA. That's way to far from here. We're too young.
J: Erika we already live on our own. What's the difference?
E: the difference? The difference is that we're gonna be miles away from home, LA is in California. We're in Ohio.
J: your modeling career that's where you could get all the agency's. Think about it.
E: when ?
J: N-next week.
E: WHAT? are you insane we have school to finish.
J: we don't need a Highschool diploma for things we do.
E: absolutely not Jake. If you wanna go live over there then go. I'm not going anywhere. At least not until we graduate.
J: I have to go
E: you don't have to.
J: yes I do it's a whole career in front of me. I already have a plane ticket and I'm dropping out of school tomorrow.
E: So your really doing this jake?
J: yes Erika you have to come with.
E: I'm not jake. Go do your own things I'm not going anywhere.
J: Erika.
E: I'm sorry Jake I'm just not down for it.
J: okay then. Well I move out next week.
E: I just can't believe your leaving me like this.

Erika starts running upstairs and Jake chases her.

J: Babe

Erika turns around before she goes into the door.

E: don't call me babe anymore.
J: w-what?
E: you heard me. Your leaving well then. We can't be together.
J: Erika we could do distance things
E: no Jake. How am I gonna know if your doing something I wouldn't want you too? Or same with me?
J: I-I would do that you know
E: I'm sorry Jake we can't be together anymore.
J: So your just breaking up with me? After everything we been through. Your breaking up with me?
E: yeah.
J: just like that?
E: I'm sorry

Erika slams the door on jakes face.

Jakes POV: we broke up. Just because I wanna live my California dream. We could've made this work out. It literally broke me.

Jake ran downstairs grabbed his keys and left. He drove for about an hour and made it to Logan's and his moms house. He knocks on the door.

L: Jakeyyy your here. Are you okay?
J: yeah I'm fine.
L: come in moms at work right now.
J: does she know we're moving?
L: yeah told her all about it.
J: oh okay
L: did you get Erika to come?
J: N-no. Um she broke up with me.
L: because your moving?
J: y-yeah but it's fine.
L: I'm sorry. But anyway you dropping out of school or gonna finish it over there in California?
J: dropping out.
L: okay well let's get to work.

Erikas POV: when I slammed the door on jake I fell to the floor crying hoping he would come in and hold me. But he didn't. I heard his feet run off. Then I heard the front door slam. He left. I have no idea where he went, but he left. I opened my door with tears all in my eyes. He wasn't anywhere in the house. I instantly called Tessa.

On the phone with Tessa
Tessa: what's up
Erika: *crying* I broke up with him
Tessa: what? With Jake? I'm coming over.
Erika: hurry please
Tessa hung up.

Moments later I heard knocks on the door, I opened the door and saw Tessa. She ran in and hugged me, we fell to the floor. After a minute of hugging her she got up and helped me up. My eyes wouldn't stop releasing tears.

T: calm down Erika
E: *crying* I can't believe it
T: tell me everything that happened
E: okay, when we got home, he told me logan called saying he's moving to LA. Jake is moving with him to set off their careers, with vine and YouTube and just business things. He wanted me to go with him but I can't. He's dropping out of school and leaving next week. I told him we had to break up because I can't do long distance relationships. How would I know if he's cheating or not. So we broke up. It was the hardest thing to do i love him so much and he's leaving. He's not even gonna finish school.
T: its okay Erika it's okay, he's doing the best he can. Moving to LA is a dream for him. I think it was right what you did, and you guys are in love, like deep love. One day he'll come back.
E: really?
T: of course. I mean it sucks that he's leaving but it's for the best. Stay friends with him okay?
E: o-okay
T: okay now come on, let's go get some frozen yogurt.
E: *giggles* thanks T.

Jakes POV: as much as I just wanted to break down right there I couldn't. I have to stay strong, I helped Logan pack. Then after we talked with some vine friends, we figured everything out, and the apartment was already settled for us. Logan took me out to eat, after I decided to go back home to Erika. Hoping we could at least still be friends. When I got back home she wasn't there. I was really disappointed. I decided to let everything out that was stuck inside of me. I cried and cried and eventually fell asleep.

Erikas POV: after being with Tessa made me feel better. I got back home really late. I went upstairs to mines and Jakes room. He was asleep. I missed him so much. Even though it wasn't that long. I took and shower and slept on the other side of the bed.

The next morning.

Jakes POV: I woke up and saw Erika asleep on the other side of the bed. I got up. I Grabbed my phone and took a shower. When I got out Erika was awake.

J: h-Hey
E: hi
E: where were you yesterday? Not that I should worry anymore just wondering
J: um I went to Logan's, I helped him pack. You?
E: I went with Tessa
J: Erika I know you probably hate me for leaving, but at least can we stay friends? Bestfriends?
E: of course Jake. And I don't hate you, I'm just upset at the fact that your leaving, I shouldn't have been mad, I understand you just want to follow your dreams. I hope you get far with them.
J: thank you for understanding, you sure you don't wanna go?
E: I can't jake.
J: oh okay
E: maybe one day.
J: yeah. Shouldn't you get to school?
E: yeah I'm about to leave.
J: okay bye.
E: b-bye

A/N: this was sad to make them do but just wait on what the future has for themmmm lol bye I'll update later.

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