A day / chapter 45

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Jakes POV: it's been like a week since me and Erika got together, the other day Alissa came by and grabbed her things and left, for whatever reason I was a little emotional when she left. Erika was there to comfort me. One day this girl and I are gonna have a family, gonna be married, just staring into her big green eyes I could already see our future. We were built for eachother. Erika hasn't been in her room since the first day she's been here, she's always been sleeping with me. We're both cuddling right now, in my bed. It's like 8am. I know she's awake but I'm not sure if she knows I'm up. Sometimes I feel like running away with her. Just us. Away from the cold dark world.

Erikas POV: my life has been such a shitty life, Jake entering my life, has made everything better. He wipes all my tears away, he gives me the pleasure I want, he calls me beautiful even if my hairs messed up, or when I have no makeup on, this kid is the one. Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted. His soul touches my heart. I don't understand why Alissa has to leave him broken. He's been hurt, and backstabbed so many times. He doesn't deserve any of it. He's such a good person, his smile lits up the world. "He's so hot" I say in a normal voice. I was facing into his bare chest. I then hear him giggle. Shit. He's up. He heard what I said. Embarrassingggg. I look up and see him giggle and staring at me.

J: I know I'm hot
E: *playfully slaps him* good morning baby
J: morning princess

He kissed me. I love when he does that. I love being with him again.

E: got anything to do today?
J: no you?
E: no
J: do you wanna go to that spot I took like a week ago?
E: the one in the forest ?
J: yeah
E: yeah of course.
J: when?
E: doesn't matter
J: okay well maybe like around 3?
E: sounds good, but in the meantime what do you wanna do?
J: honestly I just wanna stay home with you.
E: Jake we haven't been outside for like 2 days. We can't lay in bed all day.
J: okay, sorry. I just don't wanna see anyone I don't wanna see.
E: don't be sorry, I understand but we need to at least do something.
J: well we are going somewhere later
E: yeah but now?
J: I don't know *giggles*
E: well how about we go chill at the beach? I haven't been there yet.
J: yeah I have been there either.
E: okay let's goooo

I jump outta bed, I forgot we were naked. Jake just stared at me. I playfully slapped him and he laughed. I put some clothes on and got ready. Jake did the same. I didn't put makeup on. I put my hair in two braids. Jake just watched me. I wore a casual outfit, a crop top with some jean shorts. Under it was my bikini. Jake wore a T-shirt with some ripped jeans. Under it he had his swim trunks.

J: ready ?
E: yup
J: come here
E: okay?

I walk up to Jake and he grabs my face gently and kisses me.

J: okay now let's go
E: okay *giggles*

We go down the apartment complex and go into huge garage filled with cars. We go into jakes and he starts driving away. We decided to go to Santa Cruz boardwalk. On our way there we blasted music, his hand was on my thigh and my hand was on his. Once we got there a fan had already spotted Jake. We played it off as if we were just friends. We walked around the boardwalk instead of going straight down to the beach area. We bought some things. We went on a few rides. Then we ate some brunch. Once it was like 1:30pm we went down to the beach area. We stripped to our bathing suits. There was some guy checking me out as I took of my clothes, jake just death stared him down and he walked off. We set some towels down to lay on. I laid down.

E: Babe I'm gonna sun bathe for a little bit.
J: no let's go in the water.
E: no I want to sun bathe.
J: okayyy

Jakes POV: erika wanted to sun bathe but I wanted to go into the water. After like 5 minutes of just watching her sun bathe there was a bucket just sitting there. When I saw it I already knew what I was gonna do to her, I sneakily got up, grabbed the bucket and went to the water. I filled the bucket up and ran to her. Before I poured it on her I said "get up honeyyyy" and it splashed all over her.

J: I wanna get in the water *laughs*

Erika gets up and starts chasing me. I ran to the water and pick her up.

J: wait I need to tell you something

I was holding her in bridal style

E: what
J: I love you , you know that right?
E: of course baby I love yo-

Before she could finish I dropped her in the water on purpose. She came out of the water and hit me playfully.

E: you idiot

I just laugh and she brings me down too. I fell in the water with her and we swam around for a while. After about an hour, we drive back to the apartment.

E: I'm gonna shower then we could go to the spot okay?
J: I'm joining you
E: okay but don't do anything
J: can't promise

Erika rolled her eyes at me and laughed. She went into the shower first I was getting some clothes to wear after. When she had finished washing her hair, I wrapped my arms around her small body.

E: Jake what did I say?
J: and what did I say?

Erikas POV: I turn towards Jake and give him that 'don't do anything' look. Jake laughs and kisses me. I kiss back of course, he slips his tongue in my mouth. After about 5 minutes of just making out, I started getting into it but he pulled back.

J: that's all I wanted
E: we didn't do anything yet?
J: we made out
E: come on babe
J: when we get back home

We finished the shower and got ready. It was like 4pm already, we wanted to go at 3pm but we were in the shower. We started to drive to the place. When we got there we laid on a blanket, on the big rock. We sat there just talking. We sat in silence for a little bit Jake was just staring at me as I stared into the sunset.

E: what ?
J: everyone just hurts me all the time I'm just wondering why you haven't.
E: cause I love you. You literally don't deserve any of that. You deserve the world and more baby. I love you, you dinosaur
J: *laughs* I love you too you goat. People are just so cruel.
E: I know.
J: sometimes I just feel like disappearing then come back.
E: same
J: I can't wait for our future. We're gonna be successful with life baby.
E: I hope so.
J: just me and you against the world babygirl.
E: just us.
J: Babe?
E: yeah?
J: I want to start working on my company.
E: what company?
J: Team 10.
E: really?
J: yeah I want it to be launched by next year.
E: I'm always down to help.
J: okay good, I wanna start workin on it by next month.
E: of course.
J: thank you Erika, for never leaving my side, for always loving me. I really appreciate you.
E: your welcome baby. I wanna say the same. So thank you too.
J: of course.

Jakes POV: i turned myself towards her more and leaned in in the dark. It was dark outside already. She also leaned in and our lips connected. I grabbed her jawline and we started making out. She crawled on top of me I held her waist and we kept kissing. things started getting heated so I pulled back.

J: wanna head back to the apartment?
E: we can't do it here?
J: you don't know who's out here
E: okay then.

We walked into the car and I started driving out.

Erikas POV: I wanted him. Like now. He put his hand on my thigh, all I was doing was biting my lip. Once we got out of the forest, we came back into the city. We were at a stop light so I grabbed his had and placed it on my part through my shorts. He looked at me and I looked back at him biting my lip really hard. He started rubbing me through my shorts. I put my hand on his dick. I started rubbing him as he started driving again. I just wanted him in me already. Once we got back to the apartment we walked inside and closed the door right away we started making out. I jumped on his waist and he walked us to the room. Jake was ontop of me. We laid on the bed and he stripped me naked. I took his shirt off and his pants he pulled out his dick and started going inside of me. I moaned full of pleasure, arching my back. We went on almost all night.

A/N: I might start another story soon. But if I do I'll still update here. But anyways I'll update whenever

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