That girl / chapter 15

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Erikas POV: it's been about a month since school started. That girl, Abby, I have a bad feeling about her, like worse than Alissa. She's been hanging out with the squad. And I hate it. She flirts with Jake, she's stealing tessa from me and Mackenzie. It's always a bad vibe around her.

E: um hey Jake can you come here for a sec ?
J: yeah what's up

They walk off from everyone

E: that girl Abby,
J: Babe before you say anything she's just a friends, she's really cool you need to start hanging with her more.

Jake walked off

Erikas POV: did he really just do that. Walked away from me. I didn't even finish what I was saying. And not even hugs or kisses, or even I love yous.

During lunch they all ate together, the squad.

E: blondie wanna hang out after school?
C: you guys are hanging out right now

Jake and Erika laugh. The squad didn't know what that meant .

J: um I can't I'm taking Abby to the mall.

Erikas POV: did he really turn me down for that girl. Right when he said that I looked away from him with an ill face. I stood up and right as I was about to walk off Jake grabbed my hand.

J: I'm just messing around babe, of course.
E: oh okay

You could see that Erika was relieved when he said he was joking.

J: we haven't kissed all day come here

Jake kissed her. Everyone awed until Abby came.

Ab: coming throughhhh

Abby just walked through them as they kissed. She seemed mad. She wasn't hanging with the squad, instead she walked over to a different group of people and hung with them.

Abby's POV: ever since I've been at East side high. I've been hanging out with Jake Paul's and his friends. But I noticed how his girlfriend Erika didn't like me, like at all. Every time I talk to Jake, she makes the most hateful face. I just know she hates me. I'm just trying to make friends, but she probably thinks I'm trying to steal him from her which is not true at all, I only see Jake as a friend. But I mean I don't even see him anymore. I don't know, but this girl don't like me, so I started hanging out with a new group, they're not as popular, but it's loyal friends.

After school*

E: Babe come to my house, I wanna hang out.
J: okay meet me there i have my car.
E: okay baby

They kiss. Jake and Erika drive over to Erikas house. Once they get they're the hold hands as they walk in the house.
Right when they close the front door, jake picks her up and starts making out With her. Jake takes her to her room and the close the door. Jake throws Erika on the bed and jumps on top of her. He starts giving her hickeys as he sticks his hand down her pants. He starts playing with her as she moans. He ends up fingering her. Once he felt a warm sticky liquid on his fingers he pulled out. And he took off her shirt and she did the same. Jake helped her take off her pants and underwear. Erika pulled down jakes shorts and boxers. They switch around and now Erika is on top of Jake.
J: condom?
E: on the pill, I love feeling your cum inside me

Jake smirks. He grabs his dick and starts entering erika. She moans in pleasure as she starts jumping on it. After a while, before she was done riding it, a click sound went off.

E: what was that ?
J: what ?

Jake was still inside Erika.

E: it sounded like... a picture.

Jakes POV: I saw worry form in Erikas face when she said that. I heard it too. But I was confused.

J:uhhh I don't know babe.
E: Jake I'm serious.
J: me too, but your still sitting on me.

Erika gets up and puts clothes on.

E: I'm not comfortable, put some clothes on. What if someone is stalking us.
J: I didnt finish.
E: let's go into the bathroom. There no window in there, just to finish.

Erika and Jake walks back into the bathroom and Erika gave Jake a blowjob until he came. Once they were done Jake put on clothes.

E: Babe I'm scared what if someone is stalking us ?
J: baby girl don't worry. No one is stalking us.
E: I'm not gonna sleep alone cuz what if some one is.
J: then I'll be here with you, don't worry I'll keep you safe.
E: I just don't feel comfortable here
J: Babe listen I understand your scared, it was probably just a clicking noise from our phones, your dramatized. It's okay im here

Jake hugs her.

E: okay your right probably is. I'm just worried I guess.
J: come on let's just watch a movie.

Jake and Erika laid down as Erika turned on the TV and pt Netflix on. They chose a movie.

Erikas POV: I know what I heard. This is freaking me out, but calm is calming me down. Ugh I love this protective blondie. But I'm sure that was a camera noise. I don't care what people think of us, just if it's actually a picture, people could see my body, I'm a female, females get raped more. This is what I'm worried of, we were having sex when I heard it. That's why I'm so freaked out, but I know Jake will protect me. Butttt someone could expose us. I don't know I'm just freaking out I need to chill.

Erika falls asleep in jakes arms. Jake kisses her head then falls asleep as well.

A/N: I'll update again stay tuned, do you think that was an actual camera, or just a noise from their phones? Find out next chapter.

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