Last day as a junior/ chapter 5

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Jakes POV: wow last day of school, last day seeing Erikas face everyday, last day seeing Alissa everyday, last day hanging out with my boys everyday. Oh well we're gonna be the rulers of the school next year
Erikas POV: last day finally, no more dealing with Alissa's bullshit, but sadly I won't be seeing Jake everyday anymore. Tessa made a sleep over for just us two. No Mackenzie no Megan and no Alissa just us two. I'm really looking forward for it.
Once everyone gets to school.
J: yo I'm gonna miss y'all
Ch: same here brother
C: yeah but we gotta make plans during the summer
An: I'll make a group chat for us
Anthony added Blondie😍, rik🐐, chance🙄 , kade , tessa💘, Mackenzie ❤️, alissa🖕🏻, Megan 🤞🏻 , and Chad
Blondie names this group chat Team 10
Rik: Team 10 ?
Tessa: yeah what's that ?
Blondie: just something I came up with, there's 10 people in our squad so I just came up with it
Chance: seems legit
Chad: nice
Alissa:love it
Anthony: talk in person were right next to each other
Off texts*
Everyone laughs at Anthony's text
J: come on guys let's not go to class today, let's go chill on the Bleachers
Ch: all day ?
J: I don't know
T: okay come on
Everyone walked to the Bleachers and chilled there everyone talked and laughed messing around.
A: So after school what's the plans Jakey ?
J: don't know I'm probably gonna go home and chill
A: can I come with
J: of course
C: gross
A: shut up
Everyone laughs
E: guys I think I'm gonna get out of school early
J: why
A: who cares
J: Babe stop
A: what literally no one cares
J: stop , I care , so why Erika
E: I just don't wanna be here, kinda don't feel comfortable any more
J: why you Okay is it someone
E: I'll talk about it later
T: it's okay E
Jakes POV: as me and Erika began knowing each other more I keep thinking about her. My inside gets all warm when she smiles. But again I'm with Alissa so I try ignoring that feeling.
Erikas POV: I still can not get him off my mind it's weird like as much as I try to get him off my mind I just can't.
End of the day
T: glad you didn't go home early E
E: yeah *giggles*
J: bye guys see you soon
Ch: bye Jakey
C: bye bro
An: bye my dude
A: bye baby
J: your coming to my house right now why you saying bye
A: I don't know everyone's saying bye so why not *laughs*
E: bye blondie keep in touch
T: bye
Ma&m: bye bro
J: bye guys
Jake leaves with Alissa, sooner or later everyone is out of school.
Rik: T what time ?
Tessa: uh sorry Rik I have to cancel it, family emergency I'll text you later
Rik: oh okay
Off texts*
Erikas pov: So tessa cancelled plans as I was actually ready. I really wanted to vent out on her. Ugh Jake is probably getting laid right now so not gonna call him. I only like talking to Jake and Tessa if I'm being honest.
At jakes place
A: Babe let's do it
J: I don't want to
A: why
J: because every time you come over or im at your house you just want some dick
A: Babe cause I love it
J: but what if you end up pregnant?
A: I take birth control now come on
J: I'm just not in the mood we do it too much
A: Babe come on we're alone
J: Logan is downstairs
A: like if he cares
J: still Babe I just don't want to
Alissa touches him down there
A: come on
Jake moves her hand away from him
J: Alissa.
A: come on why all of a sudden you don't wanna be doing it with me
J: because we do it too much. I'm just trying to chill
Alissa gets off his bed
A: im going downstairs
J: I'll be here if you need anything
Alissa walks downstairs and sits next to Logan on the couch
To be continued...

A/N: what will happen next, is she gonna cheat on jake? Is she just gonna sit there? Is Erika gonna go over ? Stay tuned

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