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//because I felt like posting this part already and I'll see when to post the others ((: I really love this story so far. SHOULD I ALREADY POST WHAT I HAVE? Lol I don't know//

Seokjin's POV:
I woke up to the soft sound of my alarm waking me up.
And I groaned because I knew that meant I had to get up and go to a place full of people.

My eyes met the brown ones that looked up at me.
The cute little blonde mochi that I love to call my son was waiting for me to get up.

"Daddy!!!" He whispered with a smile as he saw that I was finally awake, giggling as he looked at me.
To think that my high school bully was what gave me this blessing.

I was alone but that didn't last until Jimin was 1 and I started to date Namjoon.

He helped me get a job and he helped me take care of Jimin since he knew how badly stressed I could get.

My parents stopped caring for me ever since I got pregnant but i don't blame them.
Who would want a son that got drugged and used? I mean I would but that's just me.

It was a horrible experience for me. I disliked this black haired boy ever since and I transferred away when it happened.

I haven't seen his face and I'm glad that I haven't or else I would've been freaking out because of what he did to me.

My eyes lingered down at the tiny new person who was in front of me, smiling as I saw my precious baby boy.

"Kim Jimin. How can you be so cute~" I cooed at my son as I picked him up, spinning him around a bit before resting him on my hip.

"Jimin. Daddy has to bring you with me to work? Can you be a good boy and stay with in daddy's office? I promise that I'll buy you anything you want as soon as we're done." I asked and knew that I bribed him because of how big his eyes got.

"Anything!? Like even the whole stuffed Ryan collection that daddy Joonie has?" He asked with excitement as I chuckled.

"Yes maybe even as big as that collection that daddy Joonie has." I smiled as I poked his cute chubby cheeks before setting him down.
"Go pack up a small backpack full of things to do while daddy works!"

And with that. I watched the my prince skip happily to his room, just seeing him happy makes my world.

I love Jimin. No matter what. I know he's a reminder of what happened to me but I never regretted having him.
'Jeon Jungkook. The only good thing you gave me was this bundle of joy that I call MY son. He has nothing really that resembles you so I'm glad. And Namjoon has really taken your role as the other parent.' I thought as I got my bag and prepared a small breakfast to eat.

I watched as Jimin skipped back in, a small pout on his face as he made grabby hands for me.
I chuckled and picked him up, settling him on my hip as I cooked the pancakes he adored.

My dream was to become a famous chef but I didn't have any money to help support my college funds.
And I had Jimin to take care of so I was always never able to do what I wanted. Jimin was my first priority and I wanted to make sure he was always happy.

I smiled as I pecked his cheek before carrying him along to go to our car. A small smile stayed on my face when he began to say his 'ABC's' to show me how smart he was.

Jimin was a sucker to be praised yet I was the one who always gave him the compliments that he desired so I take blame for that.

"Daddy daddy!! Can we see Joonie at work too?" He asked and I chuckled at his question.

Namjoon was a big part in Jimin's life. He practically has been there for every single year that I've had him.
Namjoon at first was just my best friend and when I got pregnant. He stayed by my side and helped me.
When I went through labor. He held my hand and suffered my grasp since I squeezed it so tightly.

When Jimin got his first ever bad fever. He was there to comfort me as I cried , praying that my baby boy would be alright.
Just seeing Jimin on the hospital bed was too much for me because of how pale he got. My poor baby.. I really was worried sick.

Then Namjoon asked me out when Jimin turned 1 and we've been together ever since. He's just the sweetest guy ever and I really adore him.
But he's always cautious around me because of my incident. He's afraid of hurting me despite knowing very well that I'm not that weak teenager from before anymore.

But I wouldn't ask for anything else in this world. Namjoon and Jimin are my precious babies and I love them so much.

I was lost in thought that I didn't realize I was already at my workplace.. Until Jimin poked my cheek and started to whine that he had to go potty.

I quickly got us both out and hurried out, holding his hand as we went inside.

"Minnie wants to go by himself! I'm a big boy!" Jimin declared and a wave of nerves washed over me as he let go of my hand and walked into the restroom alone.

I turned around for one second and I felt someone's stare on me. I couldn't pinpoint where though. It felt.. very uncomfortable.

I checked my watch and noticed Jimin was taking a long time so I walked in, looking around for his baby blue sneakers.

"Minnie? Where are you? Daddy has to go to his office but I want to know where you are?" I called out but got no response and I noticed that his shoes weren't to be seen in the room.

Panic overcame me, as I looked around again and I didn't care that my co workers gave me weird looks.


I walked out and looked around again for the familiar yellow backpack that I bought for him.
"Jimin?! Jimin baby. Where are you?!" I called out as I walked down he hallway, knowing that he couldn't have gone far.

"Prince.. please this isn't the time to play hide and seek! Daddy wants to know where you are!!" I kept calling out as I felt tears about to fall down.

'Jimin. Jimin is my whole world. If I lose him than I won't live. I can't. He's my-"
My mind stops when I see the familiar backpack, and I ran over.

"Minnie!! There you are!! You scared me!!" I hugged my baby boy so tightly that I didn't know he was poking me until I realized he wasn't alone.

"Daddy!! Mr.Bunny said he was going to help me find you but tada! You came and found me!" Jimin giggled and I looked up to see who he meant.

And that's when my whole world froze. My eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing.
And I prayed and wished that this was just a sick dream that I was in and I was about to wake up.

But it wasn't. It isn't and I know it.

"Oi. Don't I know you from somewhere?" The same ravenette boy asked me.
The way his eyes looked at me were the exact same way he looked at me before.

"I wish you didn't." I replied as he looked confused as to why.
I held onto my sons hand and hurried away to forget what I just encountered.

I had to leave. I didn't want to face him again. I couldn't. Not him. Anyone but him.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now