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Jungkooks's POV:
As soon as I walked into my office, I grabbed my phone and dialed Hoseok.
He just answered saying to Skype him and that's what I did.

I can tell when Hoseok was lying to me when we were face to face so it helped that I can be more reassured.

His face was across the screen and he could tell that I was a bit.. upset.

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook! I'm trying to deal with a whiny Taehyung and a hyper little pup!" He whined as well as I just rolled my eyes.

But then it hit me.

"Wait. Hold the fuck up. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT TATAE IS BEING A WHINY BOY. He's never been like that.. unless.." I watched how red Hoseok's face got and I couldn't help to gasp.

My best friend knocked up my other best friend who was also his boyfriend.
Meaning that...

"Taehyung is PREGNANT?!" I basically couldn't contain it in and he nodded, smiling like an idiot that he may be at times.

"Yeah.. we were supposed to keep it a secret from you for now because your supposed to be the baby's uncle despite the no blood relation." He admitted and I couldn't help to beam my bunny smile at him.

It excites me so much but then it got me back to what I wanted to know.

"Oi. Kim Seokjin. You know him right. Or actually know who he is because of my insane crush on him." I asked and I saw how tense Hobi got.

"-Yeah.. what about him?"

"I bumped into him. Or actually. I caught him because he literally almost died in the staircase. He fucking pushed me away and told me a few things."

"-Oh really? W-What kind of things did he tell you?"

"That I was the reason he transferred. That he hates being touched because of me. His parents also hate him because of me. He hates how he looks. He went to therapy. You know.. JUST NOT THE NORMAL THINGS I WOULD EXPECT TO HEAR."

"-Well. Do you remember anything about Seokjin? From what you did in high school?"

I just watched Hoseok's eyes. He showed me that he knew something. He just wanted me to be reassured that I can handle it.

"No. Besides the occasional tease and small shove here and there. I don't remember doing much to Seokjin. I really do love him. Why would I hurt him?"

"-Because you did Jungkook. I don't think you meant to but you really did hurt him. Can I ask why you wouldn't remember. Think to the middle of the year. What happened then?"

"There was that Spring Break party over at Suho-hyung's house. I remember we got invited and I just remember waking up naked in Sehun's bed. I got laid in a weird way because I didn't remember much- Oh fuck no. Don't fucking tell me."

"-You raped him Jungkook. You probably were drunk off your ass if you can't even remember what you did. But me and Taehyung do. We both remember what happened. Do you want me to explain?"

"Please do. I just want to see how bad I screwed up. And don't forget that I can easily tell Taehyung what you did to Yeontan if you lie to me."

"-Okay okay. You beat him. Badly. We walked in to where he was just crying, you had already finished doing him and you made his ass bleed. There was blood everywhere and I just remember Taehyung running to help Seokjin while I pulled you back. I knew you didn't mean to.
Cause well. You adored and loved Seokjin so I don't know why you would hurt him. But I just remember your eyes weren't clear, like clouded over. You were drunk but I can't tell if you were drugged. I just let you lay down while Tae got Jin out of there and well. Basically that's all."

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now