flashback 0.5

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Seokjin was very nervous.
Tonight was the party and he didn't know exactly how to dress or how to be since he never was invited to these things.

But it's a new chance for him to gain good friends so he decided to take the risk.
Namjoon came over to help him pick an outfit, and Namjoon being the fashion god he is.. chose something.. nice?

Jin looked at himself in the mirror as he saw the outfit he was now wearing.
It was kinda cute in his opinion.
He was wearing black ripped jeans with a white shirt on and over it was his favorite pink hoodie.

Namjoon suggested he didn't wear his glasses and made him place on some contacts.
Plus he got his sister to help put on a bit of makeup on Jin to make him look so much cuter than he already is.

The eye shadow being a nude color help pop his eyes out a bit, and his lips were tinted with a delicious pink color.
He natural blush showed his little plump cheeks and his brows were done nicely.

God.. he looked so hot. (Teehee)

(Cause I find him to be the cutest lil bean)

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(Cause I find him to be the cutest lil bean)

The male was putting on his shoes when he heard the doorbell ring, hurrying to answer it.
His eyes looked up at the taller male, blushing a bit since he saw him so up close.

"H-Hi Suho.." He shyly whispered as he looked over his shoulder, seeing Namjoon come down as the other smiled.
"Hey there Jinnie. Let's go. I want to show you off to my friends. You're the cutest thing ever to exist." Suho admitted as he grabbed Jin's hand and started to bring him to the car.

Namjoon frowned when he heard him call Jin a thing.
He's not a toy to use and toss aside.

Jin sat next to Suho as he looked at Namjoon who reluctantly got into the backseat.
A small frown still visible on his face as he didnt like this.
It seemed a bit weird to suddenly get invited but it made Jin happy so he decided to along with it.

Suho made small talk with Jin, occasionally laughing at his jokes as they tried to get to know each other a bit.
He held Jin's hand in his own as he got to his house, smiling when he saw his friends at the doorway.

They both didn't wait on Namjoon as they made their way over, saying hello to a couple of people as the party began.
It seemed small but later it was about to get packed.

Hoseok and Taehyung were on the couch, holding each other's hand tightly to not get lost or pulled apart while they watched Jungkook looking around for one person.

Of course it was Jin but he wouldn't admit that.
He can't be soft to the other in public. But he still cared to look for him to make sure no harm came upon the other.

He didn't understand why Suho suddenly got an interest in his Jinnie.
Why him.
Out of all the boys in the school he had to choose the one Jungkook loved.

When the blonde male came into view, Jungkook finally sat down to see him at a comfortable position.
But he didn't fail to notice several things.

The way Suho had his arm around Jin's waist, as his fingers were gently caressing the side of his hip so softly.
His lips occasionally going onto his cheeks as he visibly flirted with the male.

It really pissed Jungkook off, knowing that's how he wanted to be with Seokjin but he never would admit his crush for the elder.
Both his best friends noticed and stood up, trying to calm him down a bit but failed as Jungkook went to go get some drinks.

Hoseok looked at Taehyung with a small sad frown as he knew that it wasn't going to end up well.
Things never did when Jungkook drank.

Namjoon saw the pair and walked over, looking around again.
"Where's your boss." He asked as he referred him as Jungkook.

"Getting some drinks. He's upset again. About someone." Taehyung said softly with a small sigh as he held onto Hoseoks hand tightly.

"Yeah.. I know. I saw the way he kept staring at Jin. I don't like it either. The way that Suho is being so damn touchy with him." Namjoon admitted as he looked over his shoulder to gaze at the two once again.
The VHope couple nodded as well, knowing it was a bit weird to see that happen.

Suho, Jungkook, and Sehun were classified as popular so it's rare to see a popular kid suddenly want to talk to a nobody.
But Hoseok and Taehyung weren't a nobody to Jungkook, since he made it clear that they are his best friends.

The pair just stayed quiet when they watched Jungkook come back, chugging another cup as he hiccuped a bit.
"Fuck.. this shit is actually really good. Did I mention how hot you are Tae? God.. I bet Hobi is lucky to tap that ass whenever he wants." Jungkook suddenly confessed.

Hoseok rose a brow but placed Taehyung behind him, knowing that his boyfriend was his first priority.
And that Jungkook was highly intoxicated so he wouldn't say all of these things.

I bet he wouldn't even remember anything and would have a massive hangover once he got out of it.
Damn teenagers with their bad alcohol drugs and stuff.

Hoseok reached over to grab Jungkook's hand but didn't achieve it since Jungkook had finally noticed Seokjin again.
Panic rose in Hoseok as he shook his head, grabbing his friends hand.

"Kookie no.. you don't know what your doing right now. You're drink as hell. Cmon. Let's stop this and go home." He asked as he saw the smirk on Jungkook's face.

"Fuck off Hoseok. I want to finally tell Seokjin how I feel. And me being drunk has nothing to do to with this." He slurred out a bit as he stumbled his way over.

Namjoon looked at Hoseok and then over at Jungkook, already praying that nothing bad happened to his friend.

Happy Birthday to this lil bean who I love so much ❤️ Congrats WONWOO ❤️❤️❤️ and I'll make sure to love you even more as you grow

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Happy Birthday to this lil bean who I love so much ❤️
Congrats WONWOO ❤️❤️❤️ and I'll make sure to love you even more as you grow.

LOL, I'm so happy that I'm finally as old as my friends cause I'm the youngest of the group, even though I'm taller than like half of them 😂

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