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Jungkook's POV:
It's been a really bad restless night.
I knew that I shouldn't have gone to the dinner party at my old home.

I had a bad feeling ever since I left Jin alone.
But no.
Of course I wanted to make things right again with my Appa that I left the fucking love of my life alone.

When he called me, I knew something was wrong.
The way his voice sounded shy and in like a whispery tone proved to me that he wasn't okay.

He kept saying he imagined things but I know that Jin wouldn't imagine those type of things.
He's too cute and too sweet to think about the dark side of people.

When he said that he saw someone at the window, I bolted out of my seat.
I startled both my parents and my brother but it was an emergency.

My Jinnie was in danger.
I promised myself that I wasn't going to hurt him or let him get hurt again.
But here I am.
Seeing that he was alone and afraid at the apartment.

Jimin wasn't near the phone so I know that nobody else could've made those noises around him.
He didn't seem like the type to be all sneaky around Jin either way.

Our little angel wouldn't scare his daddy like that.
And Jimin is afraid of a lot of things. So he wouldn't do the thing I heard.

I don't think Jin heard since he was talking to me but I heard the lock fall.
I knew he wasn't safe so I sped my way to the apartment complex he lived in.

I can't.
I don't want to think about the negative things that can happen.
I don't believe that he can get hurt.

He can't.
I wasn't going to ever let it happen.

When he started to cry, I felt his pain.
I knew that he was terrified but I can't believe he was this scared.
Scared to the point where he was crying.

Whoever the fuck is hurting my precious Jinnie was going to get it.
I just found him again.
And they're taking my happiness away.

When I heard the scream, it made me lose it.
That's when I knew something terrible happened.

When Jimin answered the phone, I was still in panic mode but I acted calm so that our precious little prince wouldn't get scared.
He doesn't seem like he knew what happened so I didn't want to alarm him.

I calmly asked him to go try to find Jin.
I prayed that it was a joke.
That he was playing hide and seek with our baby.

I didn't want to believe it happened.
I heard it all happen but I still didn't believe it did.

Just hearing Jimin start to cry was all it room for me to lose control.
I almost swerved into a mailbox because I got blinded by my own tears.

My boyfriend was missing now.
And our son was alone.
I fucked up big time.

I broke my promise to him.
The one promise that I had with him.
To protect and make sure no harm came to him.

I'm glad that Namjoon was there now.
At least one person can calm Jimin down while I recomposed myself.

When I parked in the lot, I screamed out in anger.
I shouldn't have gone.
I should've stayed home.

But being the pathetic dreamer I am.
I wanted my family to be good again.
And karma got me back by destroying my own growing family.

"Cmon Jungkook. Deep breaths." I mumbled to myself as I calmed myself down before slowly going upstairs.
My body was shaking.
I'm afraid too.

Because these people could be doing terrible things to him.
To my angel.

I love Kim Seokjin since high school.
I messed up badly back then and I wanted to fix things up a bit now.
But my chances can be lost if I don't find him.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now