flashback 0.7

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Loud screams echoed in the room, while doctors worked with what was happening.

It all hurt Jin.
The pain in his stomach as the contractions were kicking in as he was going into labor.
God he hated them so badly.

But thankfully, Namjoon was there, letting Jin squeeze his hand painfully hard as he stayed by his side through the whole process.
He wasn't going to let his best friend to go through this alone.

Nobody deserved to go through this alone.
And he hated that Jin was afraid so badly.

Jin, mistakenly, overheard the doctors saying how painful labor was and he felt bad for this patient.
And he knew it was about him (although it wasn't.)

"Cmon Seokjin.. push! You're almost there! We can see his head!" The doctors and nurses encouraged the male as Namjoon whispered sweet things to coax him.

Jin was crying and screaming so much. He tried to give it his all as he did one big push and crying was heard.

"Congratulations on your newborn baby boy! He's so healthy and he looks fine!" The nurses exclaimed while Jin smiled weakly.

The small cries coming from the baby made him cry, making Namjoon smile and stare at awe at the baby on the table.

He was getting all cleaned up and he loved how the baby was just staring at him.
Even though he couldn't see yet.. he was glad that he calmed down.

"May the father please cut the umbilical cord.." the nurse asked Namjoon as he shook his head, before feeling Jin like his side.

"Go on.. you're like his father." He whispered which made Namjoon smile wholeheartedly.

He did as he was told and couldn't help to smile at the baby.


Namjoon was waiting with Jin in the hospital room, the sound of the machines beeping every second.
Jin was just tired. His whole body wanted to sleep but he also wanted to wait.

He wanted to wait for the door to open.
He wanted to wait for the new member to come in.

The small sound of cries escaped as the door opened, and it brought tears to both Namjoons and Seokjins eyes.

There wrapped up in a blue blanket was Jin's little one.
His small cries reassuring Jin that he was a healthy baby.

His healthy baby.

"N-Namjoon!" Jin cried when Namjoon was given the little bundle, slowly making his way to the mother of the child.

"Excuse me sir. But what would you want your sons name to be?" The nurse asked as Jin looked up at Namjoon.
A light blush dusted his cheeks as Namjoon smiled down at him.

"Jimin. Kim Jimin." Namjoon said softly as Jin smiled at his best friend.
The nurse just nodded, scribbling away the details into the clipboard before leaving the three alone.

The small baby would toss and turn as he struggled to escape the blanket.
Jin couldn't help to smile and cry at the sight.

His little bundle of joy.
His son.
He couldn't help to admire the way Jimin was in his arms.

It was hard during labor to push Jimin out but he was glad he withheld all the pain to gain the life in his arms.

"Jimin. My sweet sweet baby. I love you so much.. I'm sorry if I was a bad daddy.. I'm sorry if daddy made you sick at times inside my tummy.." Jin whispered as Namjoon smiled, holding Jin's hand as he looked at the little one.

It was rough being with Jin when he was pregnant.
All the mood swings and sudden outbursts made him frustrated at times but he knew it was tougher for him.

"It was worth the wait. Right Namjoon?" He asked the other as he nodded.

Even when Jin was sweating, worn out and just tired.
He still looked gorgeous.
Well that's what Namjoon thought.

He admired how cute his face looked when he watched how he adoringly gazed at Jimin.

He did feel bad.
He did feel bad whenever he pressured Jin when they first found out about the baby to get an abortion.

Jin wanted to at first but when they went to the sonogram.
Both of them changed their mind as soon as they heard the heartbeat and saw the baby.

The little bean that was barely forming in his stomach was all it took to change Jin's mind.
And he was glad that he did.

Jimin was here now and just seeing him cry and then stare up at them was the purest thing ever!
Like how can a baby be so dang cute!

"Namjoon-ah.. I'm kind of scared. How am I going to take care of this baby? On my own?" He asked as he pouted a bit, holding him closer as he nuzzled his nose against his.

"I'll be there for you both. I hope you know that. I'll start my job and I'll help you take college classes online. Then when you graduate. We both can apply for the same company and be together." Namjoon proudly exclaimed as Jin just smiled at him.

His best friend was really always there for him.
His lovable and amazing best friend.
He's so glad to have met Namjoon and never have once regretted.

"Thank you Joonie.." Jin said softly as Namjoon nodded, ruffling his hair as he took pictures of the two.

"Hey Joonie.."
"Yeah Jin?"
"I can show Jimin the naked Polaroid pictures I took before and after I got pregnant! I only promised to show my son !" Jin happily exclaimed while Namjoon just blushed.

The poor kid was about to see someone naked and he wouldn't even understand why.

"Aigoo~ Dont even try Jinnie! Minnie doesn't nor would want to see that yet. He's too little.." Namjoon replied with a small smile as Jin stroked Jimin's chubby cheek.

"I should tell him. I should tell Jungkook that he has a son.." Jin suddenly said as he looked at him.
Namjoon didn't like Jungkook.. not after what he did to Jin.

Jin is a sweet and (was an) innocent person that doesn't deserve to be mistreated and the fact that Jungkook hurt him pissed him off.

Hoseok and Taehyung begged for Namjoon to let them talk to Jin but he always said no because that bastard didn't deserve to be forgiven.

Jin just nodded and decided not to argue any more as he cooed at the baby, giving him light feather kisses.

"My sweet sweet boy. Oh how I love you so much Jimin. My baby boy.." Jin whispered as he kissed his nose.

The baby was fast asleep in his arms and Namjoon watched how Jin was also falling asleep.

"My two sweet boys. How I hope to love you both forever." He whispered as he helped tuck them in.

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