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*more cringe worthy smut coming your way.. I may make this chapter a bit long since I don't wanna write another chapter like this for awhile (,: *

Soft moans kept escaping that erotic mouth of the most handsome man in this entire world.
The way his hair was riddled about as he was being pulled about.

The strong hands that had a grip on the back of his head as he panted.
Watching the other run his tongue across his shaft was quite a sight to see.

It was an enjoyable thing to bear with.

Jungkook rested one hand behind him while the other gently kept nudging Jin to take more of him inside his throat.
He knew that he could do so much more but he didn't want to pressure him.

Just seeing him bob his head and run his tongue all over was enough in his opinion.

"God.. You're so good at this Jin.." Jungkook moaned out as he bit down on his bottom lip, eyeing his precious gem.
Jin had a blush streaked all across his face as he used his hands to rub and stroke the remaining pieces that he couldn't take in yet.

"Keep going." The moans were airy but worth it.
Jungkook pushed his head down a bit more as he kept trying to extinguish the fiery pit inside of his stomach.

"Be a good boy and drink up the milk that I'm gonna give you~" Jungkook teased as he took a deep breath before deciding to go through with it.
He pushed Jin all the way to the bottom of his cock, watching him choke already at the length before releasing deep inside his throat.

A chuckle escaped as he watched how it also filled the inside of his mouth.
It was such an erotic sight to see.

He slowly pulled out and quickly placed his hand over Jin's mouth so that he wound get even dare spit it out.
"Swallow. Now." He ordered as the male whimpered but did as he was told.

Jin wanted to do so much already and he was grateful that Jungkook wasn't going too fast on him just yet.
He was terrified about all of this but he wanted it so badly.

"J-Jungkook.. C-Can we already do it.." He shyly asked as he rubbed his legs together.
He was shy no matter and just the sight of this was mesmerizing for Jungkook to see.

Jungkook swallowed a bit as he nodded, sure that he was going to do this.
He watched how Jin was shaking, and it did worry him.
He knew he was the cause of him to be so traumatized and unsure of these kind of things.

"Princess.. I'm sorry that I hurt you in the past. Ill never forgive my stupidity and how ruthless I must have acted upon you." Jungkook quietly apologized as he bowed in respect to his baby boy.

Jin just slightly smiled as he looked up at the other, calming down slightly as he listened to his sincere words.
"It's okay Jungkook.. I'll be fine now." He reminded as he gently lied down.

Jungkook slowly crawled over, gazing at him from above as he saw the vulnerable position he placed himself in.
"I love you Jin. I love you so much." Jungkook reminded as he stroked his cheek before looking down at the targeted area.

Jin's breath hitched lightly as he felt Jungkook's hands on his thighs, slowly spreading him open.
The male was flushed pink as he didn't expect all of this to ever happen again but he was happy that it was.

"Okay.. if you ever want me to stop. Then just yell for me to do it. You're too precious in this world to get hurt again." Jungkook reminded as he didn't want to pressure his loved one to do something he disliked.

"I will don't worry." Jin answered back as he felt Jungkook's fingers grazing over his hole.
A whine escaped as he hated being teased.

"Please Kookie.. Please just give it to me.." Jin begged as he looked over at the other.
His brown eyes locking onto the others as he pleaded again.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now