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Jungkook's POV:
My eyes wandered around the building room.
It took me three hours to go back to our old city.
But it had to be worth it.
I know he's here.
He has to be.

I had texted my sweet love that I'm on a manhunt for our friend which led to him panicking a little for my safety.
But nonetheless, he wished me luck and that Jimin made a cute fighting noise for me.

I can't.
If anything.
I can't lose Hoseok.
My first friend.
My best friend.
My brother from another mother.
He's the one I relied on so much as I grew up.

He's the ONLY one who came up to me when I first came to the classroom.
Tried making me laugh and smile to calm down my nerves.

Me, the Jeon Jungkook, was so afraid of everything as I entered an actual public school.
I hated this.
The fact that I couldn't save him sooner or notice it sooner.

I'm a terrible friend.
Thats what I am.

My eyes showed the tiredness I was as I started to go towards the one place I remember.

When we were younger.
Hoseok's dream was to be a dancer.
He loved to dance.
So so so much.

In highschool.. an accident happened.
He was going to audition for a school he wanted to go to but.. these stupid people hurt him.

Some guy wanted to be the only good one and I remember how hard Hoseok cried when he heard that crack.
When he felt the pain in his knee.
Me and Taehyung were too late to reach him in time.

Surgery was done for him and he's okay now but his knee can still get damaged if he doesn't remember to take care of it.
So.. I have a bet that he's in a dance room right now.
The dance room he went to every night and day when he could to practice for himself.

My eyes stopped at the door handle, before I finally opened it, seeing an exhausted Hoseok struggling to keep dancing.
I shook my head, running towards him as he was about to fall down.

"Hoseok.. why are you punishing yourself.." I whispered as he just smiled faintly at me.
His body seemed really thin.
His eye bags looking more darker and fuller than ever.

Has he been this way for such a long time? And I never noticed it?
Only Jin must've known and seen what he had gone through.

My eyes wandered to his stomach as he held it tightly.
His eyes watered as he seemed so ashamed to show it to me but I knew why.

"Hoseok.. it's okay.. it's okay. You're pregnant.. I know that..." I reminded and consoled him as he shook his head, tears running down his cheeks as I held him close.

"K-Kookie.. I'm a horrible person.. I'm such a horrible person.." he weakly admitted to me as he trembled in my arms.
He looked so fragile and weak.
My bestfriend.. who was always by my side was so pale.

It scared me so much.
But I knew why.

"I.. I did an abortion.. because it was too late either way. I wasn't even eating Kookie.. I was starving myself and looking at how badly my body was. To erase his hands on me. The way he mumbled the things he loved about my body made me want to get rid of them..." he started to ramble off as he I held him closer.

It's my fault isn't it.
That I couldn't find out sooner.
This is my fault that I couldn't find them both sooner when it happened.

"It's okay Hobi.. you did what you had to do... don't blame yourself for it okay? You're brave.. you're so brave for handling so many things on your own.." I mumbled as he he smiled a little, the same smile I missed seeing.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now