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Seokjin's POV:
I watched as Jimin sat on the couch. Clutching his new Ryan plushie as he waited for the familiar keys to go into the door.

He waited.
And my heart hurt so much as I knew that Namjoon may never come again.

My heart ached as Jimin sat there still, rubbing his sleepy little eyes for his other so called parent to walk in like he always did.
He never failed Jimin to tuck him in bed and give him his special story and good night kiss.

My eyes watered as I held my head in my hands as I sat at the table.
I just prayed that Namjoon wouldn't leave Jimin like that at least.

And my luck came as Namjoon walked in, smiling his damn smile as Jimin sprang from his seat.

My eyes watched as Jimin clutched onto Namjoon's leg, eagerly excited to show him the Ryan plushie.

"Look Daddy Joonie look!!" He squealed as he was picked up, giggling as he was being poked at.

"That's nice Jimin. You even got the limited edition one too! I'm so jealous!" He replied as Jimin held his plushie with pride.

I just smiled a bit, before looking down.
He went to go to the routine for Jimin and a few minutes later he came back.

I didn't want to look up.
I already sensed he was there and he wasn't happy nor was he upset.

"Jin.. Jin please look at me." He asked as I shook my head.
My eyes were already on the brink of crying and I know that if I look at him. It'll all just come out.

"Just stop. Please Namjoon. I don't want to be the cause of you not having a healthy relationship." I started as my voice ached with sadness and I knew that it wasn't going to stop.

"I-I know that you have someone else. I know that I can't fulfill your needs. I-I'm sorry that I can't be that person. I'm sorry that I'm just there." I still had my head down as tears fell down my cheeks, trying to rub them away.

I finally had the nerve to look up at Namjoon, seeing his hurt expression.

"Jin.. Jin you know that I didn't mean to hurt you like this. I just.. I just had to let it out and I didn't want to use you like that because I was afraid of hurting you." He replied as I just smiled and shook my head.

"Cheating shouldn't have been your answer. I would've been okay if you needed help. I'm your boyfriend Namjoon! I'm not a little kid anymore! I got pregnant and yes I know that. I got used by Jungkook but I hate to admit that this hurts as bad as what he did to me! You sleeping around with someone is as equally bad as what he did to me!" I couldn't hold it back as I yelled at him, forgetting that Jimin was asleep.

"How can you compare what that monster did to you to what I did! He fucking raped you Jin! He got you pregnant with Jimin! I still remember the day you found out! The day you found out you were pregnant and you even told me dead in the eyes that you wanted to get rid of him!" Namjoon yelled back and it hurt me.

I know I said that. But that was the first day when I found out.
Afterwards, I went to the doctors and I was happy. I was happy that I wasn't stupid enough to abort the baby.

The baby was innocent. Why would I take away his precious life. He didn't do anything wrong.

I was about to speak when I saw Jimin, standing behind Namjoon, tears in his eyes.

My eyes widened as I pushed Namjoon out of the way, running to Jimin as I hugged him tightly.

"D-Daddy.. You didn't want me?" He asked as tears started to fall, and my heart shattered.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now