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((This whole smut chapter(s?) will be in Seokjins POV and in times in 3rd POV cause like...Why not?))

Seokjin's POV:
I started to make my way home to the apartment, wondering on what the hell to do.

I never have had.. you know since that night.
I was scared to be fairly honest.

It was like if I was a virgin all over again.
I hated the thought.
But I knew it was true.

My mind was racing as I looked around the city to see what I can find.
I don't know much about having "the" perfect night.

How do people do that?
Should I look it up on google?
It should have the answer for everything..


Just the thought made my whole face red, even my ears were catching it on.

I didn't know why but my feet brought me to this.. unique store.
I heard Namjoon talking about it once when he wanted to do it.. but I never thought of it.
Until now.

It wasn't like it was disclosed and far from peoples sights but it wasn't kid friendly either.
So I just decided to take a deep breath before I walked in.

A lot of guys were inside, which didn't help me control my sudden anxiety.
I hated the fact that I can't be as comfortable as I used to be because of Suho.

Any little touch triggers me if it's not from Jungkook, Jimin or the VHope couple.
It scares me.
I feel vulnerable and weak at times.

I jolted when I felt someone tap my shoulder, tears springing to my eyes as a male was now in front of me.

"O-Oh Sorry for scaring you.. my name is Ken and I'll be helping you today? Is this your first time?" The male asked as I shyly began to nod, looking down a bit embarrassed.

He just smiled at me, ruffling my hair a bit before walking off.
I just stood there, feeling like it was as if all these guys eyes were on me.

Just by them hearing it was my 'first' time got them to look at me.
I know it's cause it's rare to find a virgin nowadays but I mean.. it's not like I asked to feel this way.

The guy came back with a bag and some things.
"Here.. on the house. I know it's going to be a bit scary but I bet you'll be just fine. Whoever your boyfriend is just be lucky to have a cute little innocent one." He chuckled as he hurried me out.

I blushed at the comment and looked down as I walked outside now.
The bag was black, as to disguise itself and it's contents inside I suppose.

"What did he even put in here." I mumbled as I walked up to the apartment complex, blushing a bit.
"Ah.. I have to get Jimin some things before I can start planning tonight." I sighed as I placed the bag down and started to go pack my baby boy a sleep over bag.

He really does seem like he loves that baby so much already.
Yoongi is adorable.. I won't deny that.

"Aish.. I wish I can help Jimin by letting him have what he wants but it's going to take awhile for that to happen." I mumbled as I looked down at my perfectly toned stomach.

I can't imagine having to lose my hard work on working out and have a belly start forming.
It's not that I don't like the sound of it.

I really do actually!
I want to have this baby!
I want to shower this new one with lots of love and have Jimin smother him with affection as well.

Babies are just cute little angels that grow up to be our perfectly cute young ones.

I smiled at the thought, holding the bag before deciding to look at the bag that the Ken guy gave me.
It was killing me with curiosity to find out what was inside it.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now