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Seokjin's POV:
Dark. It was really dark.
I can't tell if it's because of the room I'm in or the fact that I have a blindfold on.
But something smells.. familiar.

I don't know how to explain it but I smells like if I've been here before.
It has a certain scent that I kind of liked.
My hands were tied against, I'm guessing, the headboard of the bed.

I didn't want to struggle since I couldn't afford to get bruises, knowing Jimin would have a panic attack if I had any marks.
I still had clothes on so that was a good thing I think.

But my question is.
Who the hell kidnapped me?

I jolted a bit when I heard the door open and soft footsteps come into the room.
The persons shoes had footsteps that resonated like tap shoes on the tiled floor im assuming.

I took a deep breath, trying not to freak out when I felt their hand grab my chin, grazing their finger against my bottom lip.
Of course I felt fear but I didn't want to show it.

"ahh.. Jin-ah.. you're just as beautiful as I remembered. Those gorgeous plump pink lips. The way your cheekbones resonate when you smile. I adored the way your eyes crinkled when you laugh." The unknown voice began.

My breath hitched when I felt fingertips graze upon my shirt, eerily making its way downwards.
But it stopped once they reached the waistband of my sweats.

"S-Stop. Please.." I managed to stutter out as I could feel his gaze upon my now trembling face.
I didn't like to be touched at all.
Nobody had touched me that way since the horrible night between me and Jungkook.

It scared me but I knew I had to get over it sooner or later.
Something felt strange but I didn't want to ask about it so I waited till the other started to speak.

"What a sweet sweet voice you've always had. I wonder how it'll be when I turn it on." The deep voice said with a slight smirk in his tone.

My brows furrowed a bit when I heard him, moving a bit as I wanted to break free but I couldn't.
"T-Turn what on.." I asked but feared about what he may do next.
I already had an idea on what he did to me.

"Oh you'll see doll-face. I bet that you'll enjoy it very much~ a pretty sight to see." The male acknowledged before shuffling around the room to grab something.

I took a deep breath, moving my wrists a bit but felt the burn against them so I stopped.
And then it happened.

A slight vibration started to move inside of me and I jolted at the feeling.
My body hasn't been touched since that night and I'm not used to anything again.

It's like if I was a virgin all over again and I hated it.
It felt weird.

I couldn't help it. I couldn't.
A soft moan escaped my pink lips as I trembled at the feelings that I was being enveloped inside of.
It seemed that the setting was on low but it's all it took for me to feel excited again.

I remembered this is how it started.
With me and Jungkook.
That horrible night that blessed me with Jimin.

"J-Jungkook.. W-We shouldn't be doing this." Jin whimpered out as he felt hungry lips attack his pure neck.
Soft moans escaping past those thick pink lips as his cheeks were dusted a pink hue.

His hair a mess as his shirt was being torn apart, his pants messily being taken off.

Jin wasn't intoxicated as Jungkook but he didn't mind it.
Because Jin always knew he had some feelings towards the other.. but he didn't know that a drunk Jungkook was a bad Jungkook.

"I-I... I love you Jungkook-ah.."

I let out a pained cry when the speed was suddenly brought up, shaking my hips a bit to get the feeling out.
It hurt now a lot.

"Stop.. Stop please.." I started to cry out as I felt something wet and not appealing stain my pants and the sheets underneath me.
The copper smell was all it took to realize what it was.

"Please.. Please stop.." I begged again before feeling the vibration stop, and I huffed a bit.
My lips were dry now, trembling as I felt the fear start to take over.

"Aish Jin-ah. Can't you just be a good boy and listen to me for once. You disobeyed me once and here you are disobeying me again." The voice called out as it forcefully grabbed my chin.
I gulped a bit, staying still as I felt his breath on me, his lips grazing mine before enveloping them with each other.

"You're mine Seokjin. Stop running away." He whispered in my ear before pulling away.
"Repeat after me. I do not belong to Jeon Jungkook. I hate Jeon Jungkook." He demanded as I flinched at the sudden raise in tone.

I didn't hate him.
I never hated Jungkook but I made myself believe that I did.
I love him.
Yes I love Jungkook.
There I admit it.

"I-I... I belong to Jeon Jungkook. I LOVE Jeon Jungkook." I said instead before feeling a slap across my face.
The pain hurt but I withstood it as I stayed still.

"No. Jungkook isn't a good person. He's the one who raped you Jin. He's the one who gave you that damn child." The voice rose again as I clenched my jaw.

You can mess with me but the second you call my baby boy something as if he was a disgrace was when I had it.

"Jungkook didn't rape me. Yes he abused me a lot.. but I wouldn't call it rape because I did give him my consent. He was drunk and on drugs of some sort.
He gave me the blessing of a son that I call Jimin. He's my baby boy and Jungkook helped me make him." I replied back before feeling a pain in my stomach.

I cried out a bit, shaking as I coughed up a bit of blood.
"You're a damn coward. Did you know that. This isn't fair at all. You have me tied up and blindfolded while you have the ability to move around." I spat out again before feeling the horrible feeling again.

He scoffed, turning on the vibration at its highest.
"Fine tune pretty boy. Let's leave you here. And I'll leave this on. At its highest. If you want it to be turned off then you have to say this."

He removed my blindfold and I froze at who I saw.

"That you only love me. Suho. And you'll give me your consent as well."

I watched as he left the room, leaving me as a mess.

"Jungkook!! Jungkook please!!! Someone help me!!" I yelled out as hard as I can, but stopped when I felt the feeling again.
The moist sheets were too much for me.

All I saw was blood all over again.
"P-Please.. Jungkook.." I cried out again, feeling my body start giving into the pleasure side now.

When Subo returned he had a glass of water and some fruit on a tray.
"Does my princess want something to eat?" He teaser a bit as he brought the glass and a grape to my mouth.

I whimpered and tried to look away but he stopped me, forcing the water in my mouth and covered both my nose and mouth so that I was forced to swallow it.
"You'll feel so nice soon. I bet you'll be calling for me soon." Suho said with a smirk as he grabbed the items and left again.

I knew what he did and I knew I was in trouble now.
That weird sex drug.
I knew he slipped it in there because my body was heating up and I wanted someone.
I wanted someone so badly.

"Jungkook.." I moaned out a bit as my hips rutted against the air for some sort of tension.

"Please.. please someone.."

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