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Seokjin's POV:
My eyes slightly wandered every now and then towards Jungkook.
The way he looked so transfixed into his work is what appealed to me the most.

He seemed so peaceful.. it was shameful of me to actually like what I saw.

I still couldn't trust him yet.
It's not the right time.
I'm doing this to let Jimin get in his life, at least that's what I hope I'm doing.

His eyes looked at mine for a second as a small smile plastered across his face, before seeing that his phone was ringing.

My eyes looked down as I decided to go out and have lunch, silently getting up and let my baby boy sleep as he seemed exhausted in the bean bag.

Jungkook just nodded towards me as he stayed where he was, looking at Jimin before looking at me.

"Thank you." I mouth out as I hurried to go get lunch.. for all three of us.
A small rosy blush covered my cheeks as I tried to shake off the thought.

It reminded me of Namjoon.. and I couldn't help but realize that my feet were wandering to his office.

I knocked before walking in, seeing how stressed out he was.
"Hey.. wanna get lunch? I'm buying for Jungkook and Jimin too.." I asked as Namjoon just took a deep breath.

"Yeah.. let me just.. get my coat.." He mumbled absentmindedly as he stood up, rubbing the back of his head.

I didn't fail to notice it, but said nothing as I started to walk besides me to the canteen.
My eyes looking up at him at times as he was somewhat lost in thought.

"Namjoon.. just speak or something.. the way you're acting is scaring me." I whispered as I saw his reaction, shaking a bit as he didn't even glance up.

I stopped, standing in front of him with my arms outstretched as I had tears back in my eyes.

"Stop blaming yourself. You didn't hurt me. I knew how you felt these years and I knew that I was being selfish for not giving you what you wanted. I was just afraid that you were going to leave me.." My voice cracked as I saw his eyes softened, shaking his head as he hugged me all of a sudden.

"I wouldn't have left you Seokjin. God I love you so much to even consider that.. I was drunk one night and we did it. That guy and me. I didn't even realize what I was doing until we finished.. I regret it but I just was also afraid.." He hid his face in my neck as he embraced me tighter.

"I was afraid because I realized that this guy was slowly falling in love with me too Seokjin. I didn't even realize it until we met up once again but as a friend date that he wanted to be an actual date.. then we stopped seeing each other but Jungkook suddenly popped up... and I knew.." He stopped as he pulled away, looking into my eyes as a brow rose.

"Knew what Namjoon?" I whispered as he just smiled a bit.

"I knew you started falling in love with him too. You won't accept it because of what he did to you but I got so mad... and that's when I met him again. We did it as you noticed. And I didn't regret that time. Because. I started falling in love with him while you started falling in love with Jungkook." He finished as I stopped focusing on him, looking down as I blinked a bit.

I didn't answer or question anything.
I knew that he was telling the truth but I didn't want to accept it.

Was I really falling in love with Jungkook?
Did I ever stop falling in love with him?

It's stupid to remember that I had a crush on him before the incident.
When it happened.. I broke. He broke me.
Why would I still be in love with someone who broke me?

My eyes wandered back up to Namjoon as he looked better than how I first saw him earlier.

"You knew that I wasn't going to break up with you without a reason." I whispered as he nodded, feeling guilty again but he just smiled at me.

"I'm too much of a chicken to break up with you Jin. But we both knew that it was time for us to move on." He softly said as he leaned forward and gave me a soft kiss on my lips.

I didn't react.. because I realized that I didn't feel the little spark I used to have with him.
He pulled away and smiled again at me.

"That's my final goodbye to you as a lover. And my way of saying hello again to my best friend." He whispered as I felt a small smile on my face.

"You'll always have a special place in my heart Namjoon.. you always have had one. So why would it stop now." I admitted as he just chuckled, ruffling my hair as we both made our way to the canteen to get the food.

I looked at Namjoon, internally thanking him a bit as he made a sudden good point in me bubble.

'Maybe I am still in love with Jeon Jungkook.'
Just a small filler chapter because honestly.. I don't want Namjoon and Jin to be on bad terms )):

I love these two weirdos and the thought of having them hate each other isn't too good.

But there back to being friends.
And now the question is.

Who's Namjoon's new lover?
And does Jin really love Jungkook?

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now