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5 years later
Seokjin's POV:
It's been a nice couple of years now.
Jonghyun is 4 years old now. And he's been obsessed with his little playmate called Minho and Key at daycare.

Jimin is now 9 years old and he's been having the time of his life at school.
He easily made friends because of how caring he is.
My sweet sweet boy.

Hoseok has been cleared to dance a bit again and he's trying to gain back the years he lost from the injury.
Taehyung has been trying to conceive a second child with Hoseok so that Yoongi wouldn't grow up alone.

Yoongi is now 6 years old but he's really advanced for his age.
Little rascal knows long division better than I do yet he sleeps half the time.
Jimin and him have been really close since birth and I have a feeling we're gonna deal with problems between them later.

How have I been?
Hmm... Really good actually!
I started to take cooking courses online and I've been certified to start my own cafe already, so I'll see how I'll do things.

Jungkook has been working his best to be the best dad and worker he can be so that he could be a ceo to company soon.

Taehyung was his assistant on most days since the VHope couple needed to pay their own things.

Actually, we have been looking at neighborhoods to move to a bigger house soon since we know that our boys need a big backyard to play around in and have great memories.

It's kind of lonely being in an apartment on my own for the day since the boys had school and my hubby had to go work.. I don't go to an actual college campus since I do it all online.. but I guess that I'll go shopping later.

Jonghyun said he made new friends fast and he's apart of a group called SHINee and I couldn't help but to coo over my baby boy. All because Key and Minho wanted to be called that. Their trying to recruit this boy named Onew to join but their having trouble getting that shy boy to talk to them.

While Jimin.. has friends but I feel like he's never gonna get used to anyone but just to Yoongi.
That's how I was with Namjoon so I don't really doubt that.

Namjoon and I are still as close as ever and I love him to pieces as well.
Jackson and him got married happily and their son Taemin knows Jimin so I hope they at least try to be close friends too.

I sighed as I sat down on the couch, looking around at the tiny apartment that caused a lot of pain yet wonderful memories for him.

I got to raise Jimin here.
I loved my relationship with Namjoon.. who would be here for me.
Yet we also fought here and broke up.
Jungkook would visit often and heck.. we did it here too.
I got kidnapped here, and it caused a lot of pain in our small family.
But I'm okay now.

I'm so happy to stay here yet I can't wait to leave.

My eyes watered a bit as a big smile was on my face, looking around again as I couldn't help but laugh at everything that has happened.

"Daddy!" Was all it took for me to step back into reality as Jonghyun bursted through the front door, screaming his head off as he ran towards me with the cutest smirk yet.

Jimin walked in while talking to Yoongi who was just as tall as him for a boy his age.
And Jungkook as well came in, smiling when he saw his husband with their youngest on his lap now.

"Hey babies.. Had fun at school?" I asked as Jimin nodded before taking Yoongis hand and walked to his room.
Jonghyun was telling me all about his day with Minho and Key, and now they successfully have Onew as their new best friend.

I couldn't help but smile when Jonghyun kept recollecting everything, before kissing my cheek and ran off to his room.

"He had a lot of fun didn't he.." Jungkook teased as he sat down, kissing my lips once as he pulled me onto his lap, caressing my thigh a bit.

"Yeah he did, how bout you baby?" I asked as he shrugged, smiling again as he kissed my lips again, slowly trapping them into a more deeper one, before I felt some papers in my hand.

I pulled away, looking at him before looking back down, as I slowly began to read it.

"I bought the house you wanted.. Happy Anniversary baby.." His voice whispered as my eyes watered up, seeing the words that said and confirmed that it was official.

"Taehyung and Hoseok are also moving next door since they think that it's best not separate the two lovebirds.." Jungkook teased before he wiped the tears that managed to fall down.

"I love you so so much Jeon Jungkook!" I hugged him tightly as he chuckled, kissing my forehead more, holding my hands.

"I love you too Jeon Seokjin.. And I can't wait to continue living my life with you angel.." He smiled that stupid adorable bunny smile as he gazed at me.

And that.. concludes my story with the person that I bet you nor I were expecting me to end up with..


Short and sweet epilogue to end this story once and for all.

I really am greatly proud to see that this book still keeps getting loved and I am trying my best to reply to every single person as much as I can.

All the new followers I gained, I am so grateful for all of you and I can't wait to continue my journey with all of you. It's so good that I can still write different style and you guys are okay with it.

Any questions? You can ask me now lol.

I'm always down to make new friends so you can message me here or on my instagram account at -> vvhoseok

Hope you guys check out the new books I write in the future, and I currently can't wait to see how much more I can do.

You all are really the best, and I hope to make new friends as these next months continue.

Thank you all again.

I love you guys.

See you soon.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now