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Seokjin's POV:
They finally let the baby out of the case and he's capable of being held.
I'm glad that little Yoongi is doing better after a week of being observed.

Throughout this whole week, Jimin had been crying and begging me to let him see him again.
He said that his bestest friend needed a superhero and he was the superhero.

My precious heart almost broke when I saw Jimin gazing at the photos we took of him, talking some nonsense at times.

Jungkook went back to work and I decided to take a break.
Luckily, our boss is really considerate so he's really okay with it.

"Jiminie.. come here baby boy.." I called out as I started to cook breakfast, still shivering whenever I think about the incident.

I heard his small footsteps against the tiled floor, and he rubbed his tired little eyes as he hugged my leg.

"Daddy.. can we pwease see baby Yoonie today.." He asked again, and for once.. I decided to give him an answer he likes.

"Yes baby.. were going to go see baby Yoongi today. He's coming home now so we'll be able to see him." I started but couldn't finish as I heard him squealing out of happiness.

"Cmon.. help daddy put plates on the table so that we can eat and hurry to change." I exclaimed as he nodded, going to do as what he was told.
We finished breakfast and we were finally on our way to the apartment complex that Hoseok lived in.

Jimin was singing songs that I just couldn't believe he knew.
I guess Jungkook's taste in music is rubbing off on him.

"Hey daddy.. when can I have a baby brother or sister too?" Jimin suddenly asked me as he looked at some families that were passing by.

I just stayed quiet for a bit.
I really wanted to tell Jungkook but after what happened.. I don't know if he would want to.

Besides that. I have Jimin clinging to me nonstop so how exactly would I be able to.. you know.. do it.
I can ask Yugyeom to help me but I'm not sure if he can handle Jimin.

And I can ask Hoseok but they both will be busy with the baby.
I swear.. I don't know what to do.

Jimin poked my side, a visible pout as he looked up at me.
"I-I'll ask daddy Kookie about it okay." I promised and the smile he gave me was the purest one ever.

His eyes crinkled up and he couldn't help to let out a small giggle at the thought, clapping his hands excitedly.
"Yay!! Thank you daddy!!" He squealed as he clapped his hands again.

I just smiled and ruffled his hair, before going into the apartment complex.
"Cmon Minnie." I picked him up and kissed his cheek, before walking up to the elevator.

"Baby.. you have to promise me that you'll be a good boy because Yoongi isn't used to anything yet. Anything can scare him." I said softly as Jimin just nodded.
I couldn't tell if he actually knew what I was saying or just faking it..

Aish this kid.

"Daddy.. do you think that baby Yoonie will like me?" He asked all of a sudden.
I raised a brow and looked at him, pinching his cheeks.

"He'll love you baby.. I'm pretty sure he will." I said softly as I kissed his nose.
"Okay." He shyly mumbled as he smiled at me before looking down.

I'm pretty sure these two will get along as they both grow up.
Jimin isn't the type to push people away and do things that will get people mad.
He's really a sweet considerate boy.. I'm glad I raised him well with Namjoon.

Jungkook is teaching him new things and I'm okay with that.
The more he knows the better.

We walked up to the door, knocking before seeing it being open by a very tired Hoseok.

"Hey guys.. come on in.." He mumbled as Jimin shuffled in my arms to be placed down.
He hugged Hoseok before going off to find the target.

"How's the baby?" I asked as he just groaned at the question.
"Yoongi is a crybaby.. a very loud crybaby. I can't tell what he wants. For a baby who's only a week old.. he's a real fussy one." He admitted and I could hear the baby crying.

"Where's Taehyung?" I asked this time as he just pointed at the couch.
"Asleep.. it's my turn to take care of him." He yawned a bit, and before I can ask anymore questions.

We both heard the baby stop crying.
And Hoseok rushed to see why.

Jimin was there, playing peek a boo with him, giggles escaping his lips as he noticed the baby just staring at him.
"Look daddy!! Baby Yoonie likes peek a boo!" He whispered as he kept doing it.

I'm not sure if it's the game he likes or the person who's playing it.. but I just nodded.

"How the heck did Jimin do that." Hoseok blinked a bit as he stared at my baby boy.
"He's a natural.. I don't know either." I rubbed the back of my head.

We let them both interact while Hoseok and I went to the living room with Taehyung.
He was wide awake now, confused as to why the apartment was suddenly so quiet.

"Jimin is our new babysitter." Hoseok declared as I chuckled, shaking my head a bit as he smiled tiredly.

Hoseok and Taehyung were new parents so I knew it was hard for them to know what to do and what not to do.
It's how I was with Jimin.

"Do you guys think.. I can leave Jimin here for tonight and tomorrow night.." I suddenly decided to ask.
Both of them looked at me before looking at each other.

"Oh sure.. for what though?" Hoseok asked as I couldn't help to blush at the thought.
"I wanted.. to have a nice night with Jungkook. Alone. I want to have another child with him." I mumbled and Taehyung couldn't help to squeal.

Of course they both might be excited.. it's their bestfriend.
And I know it's going to be something they'd agree to.

"Sure.. Jimin can stay over. He helps the baby stop crying so that's going to be a win for us." Hoseok declared as I just smiled, thanking them.

"I'll go tell Jimin now.." I stood up, walking over to the nursery as I saw Jimin playing with Yoongi's little fingers.

"Hey baby.. do you wanna stay here for awhile to play with baby Yoongi? You've been asking to be with him for awhile.." I asked as Jimin looked up with wide eyes.

"Really!? I can stay with baby Yoonie!!" He asked loudly, which got the little one to be scared.
He started to cry which also startled Jimin.. who also started to cry.

"Aish.. come here." I rocked Jimin in my arms and sang a soft lullaby.. which also calmed down Yoongi.
I have heard that my voice sounds beautiful so this helped me realize it.

"Ill be back soon with your things. Okay? Be a good boy to Uncle Hobi and Uncle TaeTae. I love you so much." I squeezed him with a smile as he kissed my cheek.

"Be safe daddy!! I love you this much!!" He extended his arms again with a giggle.
"I promise baby.. daddy will be back soon." I stood up, waving goodbye to him as I walked out to thank the two again.

All I had to do now.. is prepare everything for tonight to be good.
And hopefully.

I can feel the love Jungkook meant to give when that night happened..
because I do love him.
I really do.

OKAY. This next chapter(s?) will be the long awaited smut (;
It may be a bit cringe cause I don't know how to describe things too well.

But it's happening!
And it may happen.. a lot.
Just for the two days that Jimin will be gone (:


This book is #18 in the JinKook category and I just am shocked by it!
I love the comments I've been getting and I'll answer all your questions soon!

Does anyone still want to get the backstory on Jin and Jungkook's night?
Cause I still need to do a couple of flashbacks (,:

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now