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*smut warning (: although it can be a bit cringey and it's eh.. I have never really written smut so.. excuse me (:*

Nobody's POV:
Jin started to let out small whimpers when Jungkook's hands roamed down across his body.

His large hands caressing each and every single patch of skin that was visible to the human eye.
"Princess.. you look so beautiful.." His deep voice resonated into Jin's ears.

The sweet angelic moans coming from the blonde only made Jungkook want to punish him even more.

The way his cheeks were dusted with a pink hue as lust started to envelop in his eyes were just mesmerizing.. well to Jungkook it was.

He subconsciously licked his lips as he gazed upon his new meal that he desired to devour as much as he can.

"J-Jungkook.. I need to turn off the stove.." Jin pouted as he squirmed a bit, trying to settle down the beast as he started to turn off the kitchen ware.

Yes.. he loves Jungkook but he loves his kitchen much more than the said male.

Small pants huffed out if his plump lips as he started to calm down his body a bit from the desire.
His body was trembling under the touch of the ravenette.

"You look so ravishing Jin." Jungkook exclaimed as his hands came back onto his waist.
His lips traveled down his jawline, sucking at times to make the love marks he wanted.

Kim Seokjin was and will be his only.
Nobody can take away his precious Jin.
The one he admired and loved since highschool was finally in his own arms.

All his gay dreams were coming true.
And he swore that if somebody ruined it.
He wouldn't be nice about it.

Jin's head tilted back a bit to let the male gain more access on his sensitive pale neck.
Small whines frequently made his way out.

Jungkook grasped onto his boyfriends thick (thicc (,; ) thighs as he picked him up, squeezing them as Jin let out a squeak.

Both males stared at each other's eyes for a second.
Jungkook seeing the love and desire for more coming from Jin's gorgeous brown eyes.
Jin sewing the affection and adoration that Jungkook carried only for him.

'I really am in love you.' They both unknowingly thought as they locked eyes.
Jin shyly smiled as he hid his face, holding onto him as he was being carried to their bedroom.

Jungkook having a sly smirk as he nuzzled his head with his cheek, chuckling lightly at the cute gestures he was doing.
"You really are the one for me. You hear me Seokjin?" Jungkook announced as the said male nodded.

Jungkook gently placed him down onto the bed, gazing down at the flustered mess.
A smile lingered onto his face as he gently removed Jin's hands from covering up his handsome face.

Slowly, he leaned down, locking their lips together.
It always felt like they belonged to each other.
The way they fit so perfectly.
It was filled with affection and passion.

Jungkook moving slowly and gently against Jin's soft plump ones.
He would tease him occasionally by biting down his bottom lip, earning him small squeaks from the blonde.

Jin felt special. So special.
Never has he ever felt loved or desired by someone.
It was something so pure that he didn't ever want to lose.

Jungkook started to have his hands roam down his body, squeezing his sides teasingly again as he liked the reactions he received.
Jin, reluctantly, opened his mouth to give access to the other.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now