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Jungkook's POV:
I saw how Jin was shuffling, as my phone rang, knowing who else it could've been.

I nodded towards him when I noticed he kept glancing at Jimin, knowing that he was a bit uneasy on leaving the precious little angel with me.

The way his body swayed as he walked got me remembering how he was when we were in high school, a small chuckle escaping as I answered the phone.

My phone screen got filled with two idiots who I loved a lot and was happy to still have in my life.

"Hey VHope.. I can see that you both seem so eager to see me." I teased as I saw how Taehyung's face flushed a dark red color.

Hoseok just fanned his boyfriend as he smiled at me, a hand going over his partners stomach.

"You seem to be better than the last time we talked? Wanna explain why?" Hoseok asked as he stared at my face to try to gain answers nonverbally.

I paused, my teeth nibbling on my bottom lip as I couldn't help to have a smile go across my face.

"Seokjin. He's here. And he's my new desk mate in the company. A lot of things happened in a day... that even I can't help to feel so overwhelmed with.
Hoseok. You can't believe what I'm about to say but I'm a father to this cute little angel."

I took the time to aim the camera towards my sleeping mochi as the precious boy was curled up on the beanbag.

His blonde curls sprawled across his face as he gently sucked on his thumb, the blanket wrapped around his small body.

"His name is Jimin. Kim Jimin. That's the boy Jin had while he was away and he confirmed it with me that he's my little boy. I know it's bad to say that I'm glad to have done whatever I did. But Jin doesn't seem like he regrets having him.." I found myself saying as Hoseok's eyes widened.

Even Taehyung was shocked to say anything.
And I didn't know what else to do.

"So.. what your saying is that you have a little boy? And Jin somehow accepted you to be in his life?" Taehyung asked as I nodded a bit, knowing that he was suspicious as well.

"Yeah.. that's about it. But his ex boyfriend used to be in Jimin's life as a father figure. They actually just broke up.. which I suppose could be a reason to why he's suddenly accepting of me." I suggested as they both nodded a bit, looking at Jimin occasionally.

"He's cute. Doesn't look like he got your facial features. He seemed to get more from Seokjin in my opinion." Hoseok teased as I scoffed, but couldn't help to smile.

"Okay enough about me.. how's your pregnancy going Taehyung?" I asked as Tae blushed a bit, looking at his stomach.

"He's growing well. According to the doctor he is. If all goes well he should be born in April." He said softly as he patted his stomach softly.

My eyes softened as I couldn't help to be internally happy for my best friends.
They deserved the happiness that they were receiving and I couldn't help to gawk and wish for a relationship like theirs.

"That's good.. any names?" I asked as Hoseok smiled even more.

"Jung Yoongi. That's what I want to name him. But Taehyung wants to name him some American name because of this actor he saw in a movie.." He said with a pout but smiled more when Taehyung blushed again.

"Maybe your having twins and you don't even know it!" I continued to tease before feeling a pair of hands wrap themselves around my leg.

"Daddy who are you talking to.." Slurred a small blonde boy who was rubbing his eyes with a pout.

I chuckled as I gently picked up Jimin and placed him on my lap, seeing how he curled up, grasping my shirt as he looked at the screen.

"Jiminie.. these two guys in front of you are my best friends.. the red head that looks weird is Hoseok and the other is his boyfriend Taehyung.." I introduced the small boy to the two who waved.

"H-Hi.. Hobi and Taetae.. M-My name is Jimin.. Oh!! Taetae!! You have a big tummy!!" My little boy pointed at the younger one as he noticed how round his stomach seemed to be.

"Did you eat a watermelon seed? Because daddy said that if you did, a giant watermelon was going to grow in your tummy!!" Jimin proclaimed as his innocent was being shown once again to me.

Both Hoseok and I bursted out laughing as Taehyung blushed more. Jimin being confused on what he could've said to cause the reaction.

"No baby.. TaeTae is having a baby.. a baby boy if I'm correct. That means they are starting a family. Like the way Daddy Jinnie is with us. We're a small family." I reassured as Jimin nodded a bit, yet he still displayed a confused face as he looked at me.

"Does that mean Daddy can have a baby too?" He asked as I flushed at the comment, nodding a bit.

"Yes.. that means daddy can have a baby too.." I mumbled as he clapped his hands.
A giggle escaped his pretty little pink lips as his eyes crinkled to two little crescent moons.

"Uncle Hobi!! Uncle Taetae!! I wanna meet baby when he gets brought in by the big birdie that drops off babies!! Then I'll ask daddy if we can have a baby too! I want to play with someone.." He pouted cutely as both of them promises the little boy.

After a few more minutes, we all said our goodbyes as Jimin waved and we hung up.

I saw how Jimin and I were a bit similar. He was lonely at times too.

"Jimin.. do you play with anyone?" I asked as he thought about it and shook his head.

"I used to play with Joonie.. but now that Joonie doesn't seem to like Jiminie.. I have nobody.. daddy has work to do so we can't play anymore." He mumbled out as he played with the little strings on his shirt.

"Ah.. I see. Do you want a baby brother or sister?" I asked as he nodded excitedly, seeing how his little brown eyes lit up made me smile.

"Well.. I have a little brother. You can play with him when I pick him up today. I'm sure he'll want to play. And I'll tell daddy what you told me." I reassured him again as Jimin nodded, before I heard his tummy rumble.

And it's like if it was on cue, Jin came in with bags of food, smiling at the two of us as he walked in.

I couldn't help to smile back as Jimin bounced in my lap, clapping his hands with small squeals as he saw the food being brought.

'Like father like son. They both like food so much.' I chuckled silently as they started to eat, Jimin telling him about what just happened.

I was drinking some water when Jimin suddenly blurted out..

"Daddy!! I want you and Daddy Kookie to make a baby brother!! If you look online I bet you can find one.."
And both me and Jin choked as Jimin just sat their giggling.

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