flashback 0.6

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((Gonna be a cute fluffy chapter on how VHope found out about their baby boy))

Hoseok watched how his precious boyfriend leaned over the toilet, puking up the breakfast he just had.
He was rubbing his back and saying small things to help him out.

"I-I think I should go to the doctors today.. I've been like this for almost a week Hobi..." Taehyung mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, flushing the toilet before going to brush his teeth.

"I'll tell Jungkook that your calling in sick today.. just call me when you come back from the doctors Okay?" Hoseok worriedly said as he plastered thousands of kisses on his face.

A smile emitted from Taehyung as he loved being showered in love from Hoseok.
It was like a craving at times and since he was luckily with this ball of sunshine, he often got his daily dose of the sun.

Taehyung walked over to their closet and pulled out one of Hoseoks sweaters and a pair of sweatpants to just go comfy.
It was late August and he didn't assume it was wrong to wear what he was wearing.

Cause after all.. he is really handsome if you asked anyone else rather than Hoseok.

"Be back soon! Love you!" Taehyung yelled out as he smiled, his cute boxy smile.
"Love you too baby boy! Stay safe!" Hoseok yelled back before hurrying to get changed to work.

After what seemed FOREVER, Taehyung was called to the doctors room.
His heart was beating fast and he suddenly craved for some pickles and also chocolate.

"Ah. Kim Taehyung?" His name got called out and he nodded, standing up as he saw it was an old classmate.
"Oh wow.. I didn't expect to see you here Youngjae.." Taehyung said with a bit of shock in his tone.

"Well I am a nurse here.. I need you to pee in this cup and I'll come back to draw some blood.. it's going to be alright I promise." Youngjae reassured as Taehyung hesitated to take the cup.

He bowed and thanked the other before going to the bathroom.
He did what he had to do and walked back to the room, seeing Youngjae was there waiting with the needle.

Oh how Taehyung wished Hoseok was there to help him.
He hated needles so much.

"This won't hurt I swear. It's going to be like a small pinch." Youngjae coaxed to the other as he started to extract the amount he needed.
But it didn't help that after he finished, Taehyung started to cry from the fear he had.

"Taehyung it's okay.. look I'm done! See! I didn't do much sweetheart.. Cmon.. your fine now. It's okay.." he said soft sweet things to calm down Taehyung and luckily it succeeded.

"Jaebum will be your doctor today. He'll be here in a few minutes." Youngjae said with a blush as he hurried out to do what was needed.

He waited for a couple of minutes before the door opened and in came both Youngjae and Jaebum.

"Hello Taehyung.. I'm going to be your doctor for today. Now answer these questions really quick.
Have you been feeling sick for very long?
Have you eaten a proper meal without puking?
Have you had any sexual activities in these past two months?
And finally, have you taken any medication to withstand the pain?"

Taehyung blinked a bit before starting to answer each one.
"It's only been for this week.. and I have eaten well before until this week came along. A-And yes I have with my boyfriend.. and no. I haven't.." He said softly before seeing both of them smile.

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