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Jungkook's POV:
It's been two weeks.
Two weeks since we last had sex.
And I'm so happy.

Because I have a good feeling about this.
I also know that Jin is keeping a secret from me.

But besides this.
I'm worried for Hoseok.
Jimin told me about his weekend over at their apartment.

He told me how sick uncle Hobi looked and he cried when TaeTae hugged him.
But he didn't say anything else because he said he was too busy with his Yoonie.

"Hey baby~" Jin snuggles up behind me, smiling as he knew I liked pet names.
Although he was my baby to be precise.

"Hm?" I looked over my shoulder and watched how beautiful he looked as he looked up to me.
A small pout on his face as he always wanted to be spoiled with attention now.

Clingy? Yeah.. he started acting this way as soon as we finished doing.. it.
Jimin even gets jealous when I give Jin more attention than him.

"I'm worried.." Jin admitted as he held onto my hand, starting to play with my fingers as I raised a brow.
"About?" I asked as Jin pursed his cute plump lips together.

"Hoseok. I really am worried about him." A small pout formed this time as tears sprung up to his eyes.
To say I was shocked is about right.

I pulled him close and hugged him tightly, whispering soft things as I tried to calm him down.
"Why baby.. what's wrong?" I asked as Jin shook his head. But he also started to tremble a bit.

"Hoseok would get mad if I told you.." Jin whispered as he looked down, tears going down his cheeks this time.
I hated seeing my boyfriend like this.

He looked so fragile and I'm always afraid that I'm going to do something that'll break him.
"It's okay.. you don't have to tell me." I reassured as I smiled at him.

My bunny smile always comforted him for some reason so I'm glad he likes it.
A small snuggle escaped again as he held onto my shirt with enclosed fists.

His breath was shaky but he calmed down after awhile.
"Jungkook.. I'm pregnant." Jin whispered but I heard him.


My eyes automatically welled up with tears and he was smiling but it slowly was fading away.
"But so is Hoseok."

I put some angst again because why not (,:

Updates will take awhile since im starting my last year in highschool and colleges are already on my ass ;^;

Plus I'm a band leader so I have duties (teehee) to do.
Thank you all for 7k views so far! I really appreciate it!

Would any of you like to know about me?
I'll answer any questions you guys have and I'm going to post a selfie or two (:
(lmao I'll delete it in like a week tho)

But until then.
I left it at a cliffhanger (,:

(ps. fight me but I disliked IDOL only because of all of the EDM they used on the boys voices. But I loved all of the TRIVIA and I'm Fine is my jam (,:
Pps.. I'm sad that I can't see them live now)

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now