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Nobody's POV:
The couple of weeks that passed by were both a joy and yet awkward for the pair as they spent more time with each other.

The blonde male didn't want to admit that he was feeling something again for the ravenette.
It was something that he wanted to avoid as much as he could.

Jungkook, during the weeks, was slowly remembering what happened back then.

The way he treated the blonde only caused him more pain since he didn't like the fact that it was him who did it.

Yugyeom grew very fond of Jimin, and both his boyfriend and him often took the small boy out with them.

Jin was still scared to let Jimin out of his sight, but his heart warmed up a bit more when he saw how happy Jimin was whenever his uncle visited him.

"Gyeomie!!" The small squeals would escaped his lips as he was being chased around, giggling out as they played cops and robbers.

Now there was Seokjin. Alone with Jungkook in the kitchen while the boys played around with each other.

Seokjin's POV:
My eyes shifted over to Jungkook as he was immersed in the laptop that was in front of him.

I couldn't help but admire the features that he displayed in front of me.
The way his cheekbones were so defined and his jawline was toned nicely.

The soft brown eyes that often held me hostage as they stared at mine.
His hair was a common color but I grew fond of them since it just.. suited him so well.

'No.. stop it Jin. You can not fall in love with him. You just wanted him to be apart of Jimin's life..' I thought as I gently smacked myself out of my gaydream.

He seemed to notice since he looked back at me, tilting his head as he blinked in confusion.
"You Okay Jin? You seem a bit nervous." He asked as I quickly nodded, a small blush tinting my cheeks.

"Oohh~ The pwetty pwince seems to have a secret admirer~" I turned my head as I saw Jungkook's younger brother snickering at the both of us.

Jimin in his arms as he looked at the two of us and held onto Yugyeom.
"What's a secwet admirer?" He asked as Yugyeom looked at the little blonde boy.

"It's like... how you feel towards your favorite toy but you'll never say it's your favorite toy because you'll hurt your other stuffed animals feelings." He tried to translate it to a little boy's way of thoughts.

"Ohh!! So daddy likes daddy?" He simply said as Yugyeom nodded, smirking as Jungkook blushed deeply.

I just sat there, a red streak across my face as my son started to tease me, and Yugyeom just played along with him.

The doorbell rang and I watched how Jimin squirmed in Yugyeom's arms as he wanted to be placed down.

I smiled as he ran to the door, trying to open it, as he jumped but since he was short, it was a cute sight to see.

"Daddy!! There's a scary lady here!!" Jimin cried out as he ran towards me, hugging my legs as I saw Jungkook and Yugyeom tense up.

Jungkook stood up, telling Yugyeom to go to his room as he walked to open the door.
I didn't understand what was going on but I saw how Yugyeom ran to his room.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now